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Status Updates posted by Rukunetsu

  1. Thanks a ton for support m'friend! Keep up the great work on this end as well....had no idea you were here : )

  2. 'ello MW - just messaging to say that there was some Rockman World II love shown (musically) about a year about by me.

    ; It's a tad old, but thought I'd share it with you.
  3. Happy B-day : o

  4. I just recently noticed your reply on the Tenchu request thread - Thank you very much m'friend.

  5. Happy B-day : )

  6. That's where rushing to post gets me lol - good lookin' out. It's been adjusted.

  7. DS - how've you been man?

  8. Glad to hear bro! Thanks for still considering it man.

  9. Hey TL - unfortunately I don't have the midi original, as I played by ear when making that remix :

  10. Thanks a ton Modus!

  11. Thanks a ton man - still lookin' forward to our collab when time allows haha

  12. DJ! - I was just saying that I haven't heard from you in AGES bro. Hope things've been ok with you though and glad you're still enjoying the mixes. Trying to take all the critique you and others have given me and sharpening my sound somewhat.

  13. Thanks a ton for the feedback C - much appreciated.

  14. Glad you enjoyed the mixes Melody - and keep up the great work.

  15. I can give you the beat - but YOU must come up with the concept though : ).

  16. Preciate the kind words/criticism m'friend (great points made btw); And yes, I do draw the Bg's for my images. For the ones I don't draw, I do some minor photoshop work to 'em. Also, I'm glad you like my style in general. I know it's not the norm here at OCR - but I'm very grateful.

  17. Hey - that was a pretty sweet mix there bro! (slight distortion aside lol) Here's hoping someone'll take the chance and actually rap on it > : D

  18. Great idea DS - I've posted the beat on collab section (gave you credit as well).

  19. I do appreciate the comments regardless - at least you took the time to listen, despite being unfamiliar with the genre. that said though, : ) no need to apologize. I know you were honestly just commenting - just as I was honestly voicing thoughts at the time.

    No hard feelings or anything eh?

  20. I'm glad you enjoyed the tune/took it for what it was Maia. Means a ton.

  21. DJ - once again, I'm glad you understand the nature of my music man. Everyone here is so hellbent on intricate melodies and what not...they can't appreciate a simple sample/simple beat. It's like..if 1million things aren't going on in your song, there's NOTHING going on.

  22. You mentioned my fav OST of all time - Racing Lagoon. You must be befriended.

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