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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. lol IT GETS TOO CONFUSING, YA KNOW? just gonna leave this here as a Christmas gift cuz ya know it's like 50% cheaper right now: http://cdbaby.com/cd/garrettwilliamson2 DON'T KILL ME I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO COMPLETELY SELF-ADVERTISE MYSELF IT'S A CHRISTMAS GIIIIIFT
  2. Merry CHRISTmas all you beautiful people.
  3. haha yeah I wasn't expecting to see my mix on that panel for another good 6 months or so
  4. ^This, sorta. Subbed mine probably about 2 to 3 weeks ago ("Timekeeper"), and I'm not expecting it to show up for a while but thought I'd bump it.
  5. haha dude chill I will add you but I won't be able to talk until about a week after Christmas, so New Years-ish
  6. lol this is going to be by far the trickiest thing of getting this together I really just wanna screw it all and go for a ginormous project but that's gonna require a lot of work to do 32+ tracks. it's possible, but I mean that's around 32 tracks. the problem is there are far too many iconic tracks to hold it at a track list amount between 16 and 25. we can easily pull off 32, but cutting it to somewhere between 16 and 25 is HARD when we're going for the whole shabang.
  7. what I like about it is that we could do part 1, and continue to part 2 if part 1 works out. because let's be honest, some of the most loved tracks would be from the part 1: SMK, MK64, MKSS, and MKDD. and it'll get too tiring trying to cut SO many good tracks because we're trying to fit in all 8 games. I think a part 1 and a part 2 would be a bit more convenient and gives us the chance to get more in there. 78 tracks, on the other hand, is ridiculous. we could do two discs and have 8 on each, 4 from each game, and then add in a Rainbow Road medley and the main theme, and some menu screen songs. OR, since it would only be the first half of the series, we could do like Rainbow Road from SMK. I feel like I don't hear enough of that remix as I do of the MK64 version, which I'm personally sick of hahahaha
  8. still on Logic 9 lol sorta am jealous watching this video hahaha I don't have 200 bucks to spend
  9. hold up, one disc having 80 minutes worth of tracks? that seems like a LOT of tracks for just one disc. somewhere around 60 would make more sense. that's actually a really good idea, though, jnWake. any other input?
  10. Rosalina in MK8 is no surprise, but KIRBY? that's a shocker.
  11. yeah no story mode. I don't really care. I wasn't a fan of the story mode.
  12. so Rosalina and Luma are in the game now http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/56403/rosalina-and-luma-added-to-smash-bros-wii-u-and-3ds-roster/
  13. yup yup. co-directing sounds cool. I just gotta get a bunch of projects outta the way. it may be a bit of time before I can fully come in and put a lot of time and effort into this.

  14. Thanks, Anorax. I think the less important ones are more of the handheld console games, from the way I see it. It seems to be a big deal to be in favor of MK64, but there truly are a lot of people who actually believe that game to be one of the worst in the series. But because of how iconic it is, it needs to gain just as much love as any other game in the series. Honestly, I think that if we were to emphasize on ANY game or just do one game from the series, Super Mario Kart would be the one.
  15. hey man, sorry. this week is super stressful. if we're to talk at all, it probably won't be until after Christmas hahaha

    are you wanting to assist in directing this project? I can't do it entirely by myself and it looks like you're someone who could keep me sane and on the right track. :-P

  16. I'm glad I'm actually seeing an updated informational post about this now. Thanks.
  17. yeah let's just talk about it tomorrow

  18. yeah no Skype right now. maybe tomorrow afternoon, if I'm not too busy. sorry, just don't wanna spam that thread with our quick responses to each other. I'm for real busy trying to get some tracks done by deadline so I'm working on those right now, as well as switching back and forth on that thread.

  19. 3 most iconic pieces from each game. I guess we could do 2 for three games (I'd say for the handheld console games) and fit a Rainbow Road medley in and a menu medley and main title theme. The main title theme is basically always a remix of the original one from Super Mario Kart, so I say we just do a remix of the main title for SMK. EDIT: sorry, unavailable for Skype at the moment. maybe some time tomorrow afternoon.
  20. I'm not underestimating anything. I've been part of a huge project before. I go for big goals because then it gets me more into it. Smaller goals go slower for me. I'd say we go for 24 then. if we do 24, we can do 3 per game.
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