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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  2. the music ain't no devil worship. the game itself is. yeah, probably will have to skip out. I've got way too many other things that I'm tryna get outta the way. education, actual work, Project M (sorta bragging about that one heh heh heh), Project Beat Demon and stuff. if you do this next year, maybe I won't be so busy that month. I'd love to do this.
  3. voted. I'm interested in doing this myself. do they accept any music? or just more remixy stuff?
  4. oh s**t I forgot about this my WIP is going to be like VERY WIP when I hand you something in February
  5. "Pirate Sink" reminds me of Windmill Hut/Song of Storms
  6. that's honestly surprising, because Mario games lately have been far too easy. I probably need to go get this game.
  7. I don't normally do these, but: - Get of my bony butt and finish my projects - Actually meet deadlines - Actually maybe plan ahead this year I had that under control in 2012; sorta lost it a bit in 2013.
  8. darn, was hoping this would be a forum about real drum kits.
  9. it was affecting Miiverse a bit earlier but it's been jumping back and forth with that now. I think it's just mainly eShop that's having serious problems.
  10. I tried, was able to get into eShop, and then it failed once I got in the download code for Wind Waker. Hope that's, uh, recoverable. I'm quite aware of Nintendo's failure of online service. Wii was much worse. I could hardly do anything because it could never connect. Mario Kart Wii was about the only online game that worked, and Wii Shop worked half the time. Yeah, I'm not going to even touch the eShop again until full availability.
  11. yeah I can't use eShop at all. won't let me touch it. most everyone is affected by it. CA must be ok, hahahaha every shop is affected. Wii Shop is even affected. Wii Shop. who gives a rip about the Wii Shop anymore. like I didn't even know it still existed. they need to pull it together. PSN and Xbox Live are totally fine now. Nintendo has been spending 48+ hours on all of this. ridiculous. no excuses or defense for Nintendo this time. love your games Nintendo and you're always my favorite, but you seriously need to pull your act together.
  12. exactly exactly exactly exactly exactly exactly still angry at them for that choice. stupid, stupid move. and they are a larger company than Sony from what I've read and making the Wii U doesn't cost as much to make I don't think, so it really seems like a no-brainer to just bundle physical copies.
  13. looked into it. Nintendo's been apologizing for inconvenience. trying to fix it as best they can right now. Pokemon Bank in Japan actually has a large contribution to the problem, so they actually shut it down right now in order to catch up. and it's not just Nintendo Network. PSN and Xbox Live were down for a while too. not sure if they're up now or what. but yeah eShop's still down. a few people got to the downloading process of Wind Waker but then the server went out and they lost the data and the server thought they already had entirely downloaded the game and wouldn't accept the code a second time. glad I read that.
  14. it's still entirely down. this is ridiculous. I tried once today. others must be hammering the server, thinking they'll get in at some point.
  15. I'm interested. So you're saying that I get one zone and I keep that zone... does that mean I'm competing with just one mix or what?
  16. it doesn't affect everyone. but it's been affecting me. I may try again soon.
  17. when you've grown up basically buying a game console, opening it, and playing it right then and there, this is very frustrating. it's been nearly 36 hours and it's still out.
  18. it's been more than a day and eShop is STILL out
  19. for some reason I was a bit afraid she wouldn't be in it for some odd reason thank God.
  20. yeah every other issue has been resolved EXCEPT all Nintendo shops. Wii Shop is down. eShop is down. DS Shop is down. it's all down. they should've expected it because heck, just a few people might have POSSIBLY gotten a Nintendo console today. lol "HOLY CRAP OUR CONSOLE IS ACTUALLY SUCCESSFUL NOW, CRUD" also, all those shops have been down since the break of dawn, so they're taking a super long time on this. here's seriously hoping it's working within the next 12 hours. hahaha
  21. got myself this baby for Christmas, thanks to Santa. (WE ALL BELIEVE IN HIM, RIGHT) problem is, couldn't play it at all because I got the Zelda edition and it requires I have eShop to download the free game, and guess what, eShop has been down all day according to Nintendo's Network status. nice move, Nintendo. instead of just bundling a physical copy (which I am ALWAYS more in favor of), you decide I've gotta do a digital download, and look at that, your servers are down, so I couldn't even play what I wanted to on my Wii U today. I'm sure once the problem is resolved I'll have a blast, but for now, seriously: what idiots. I've never been in favor of mixing online shopping and digital distribution and gaming. I'm a hardcore classic gamer and that stuff never has gone down well with me. My experience with it is always crap and it's so painful. Remember the days when you bought a console and basically turned it on and put in a game and that was it? Yeah that'd be nice.
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