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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. if any of you use Logic Pro, its built in ES1 synth plugin. end of story. all chiptune sounds heard in "Timekeeper", my remix of Quartz Quadrant JP for Temporal Duality, were all sounds created using ES1. easy stuff.
  2. Yes, if you've been working with GarageBand and know it really well, my best recommendation for an upgrade would by far, hands-down be Logic Pro. It's basically a ginormous professional upgrade from GarageBand, since they're both made by the same people. So Logic is easier to figure out and learn if you've been working with GarageBand. Upgrading to something like Pro Tools or anything else may be really hard because they are SO different than GarageBand and Logic's layout.
  3. wow, Game Boy was '89? ....I totally knew that, yeah..... I get it, there's not like any rule, but there seems to be a general lifespan of most consoles, ranging from like 4 to 7 or 8 years.
  4. I had read that it was planned to be released 2016 or something, real or not. Think about that, though. That's an entirely valid year to release a new HANDHELD. I never thought they'd be going into development of a brand new home console, but think about it, 2016 is 5 years after 2011, the initial release of the 3DS. Up until the 7th generation, every generation had about 5 years. Nintendo handhelds came out even quicker with like the GameBoy Advance and then its SP version and then the DS. I forget when the Color came out, but it wasn't like a killer long time before Advance, was it? I'm not a handheld guy; I don't know those things as well.
  5. Ooohhh, are you using GarageBand? GarageBand can support a few things, but that may be your issue. It's a great place to start, but it ends up being pretty dang limited. If you want to be creative and work around it, that's always cool, though. Do you have Logic Pro? That's whatchya need to be using, or my other recommendation would be Pro Tools, though that's more expensive and Pro Tools is meant more for engineering and session recordings and mixing/mastering than more programmed, one-man-band stuff, like Logic Pro. My father is a professional producer and mixer and he uses a Mac Pro with 8 GB of RAM. In fact, it's one of the oldest Intel-based Mac Pro's, being either a 2005 or 2006 model.
  6. I'm using a 2009 iMac model with 12 GB of 1067 MHz RAM and having no issues with Logic Pro 9... so this East West Hollywood thing is like "nope" even on 16 GB of RAM? Seems a bit ridiculous, honestly... 7200 RPM is not killer slow... that's decent...
  7. hahaha it's totally like a pattern. PS2 dominated, GameCube didn't do so well. Wii dominated, PS3 didn't do as well. it's looking like PS4 is going to be the most successful (though I don't actually know the numbers) and the Wii U is going to be another sorta poopy time for Nintendo again. Xbox sorta has always stayed in the middle, I've noticed. While everyone considers the real war now being between the Xbox and the PlayStation, honestly Nintendo and PlayStation have been probably had more dramatic wins or losses against each other. Xbox just sorta always sits in the middle. That's just how I see it.
  8. Xbox One was a pretty awful name to give the third console in the series. Can't lie though, Wii U is a crap name.
  9. Honestly, this. This is one of the major issues with the marketing of the console.
  10. Yeah I thought that for a while too. All my friends had one so it was surprising to hear that it didn't sell as well. It didn't fail, but it didn't do as well as I expected. Of course now everyone loves it hahahaha I wonder if the same thing will happen with the Wii U
  11. Super Mario game with online gameplay? I honestly just have no clue how that would work.
  12. I know N64 struggled but it had its killer successful moments, like with SM64.
  13. this basically sums it up, unfortunately. I really like the console, but most of this is true. I can't argue with it. the only one I'm sorta "eh" on is including a gimmick just for the sake of being different. I don't know about you, but the GamePad was nevertheless fairly innovative and I personally enjoy it. There's some downfalls to it, but I actually am surprised by how much I actually enjoy the thing compared to what I expected.
  14. if that doesn't happen... ...I don't even know...
  15. http://www.ign.com/articles/2009/03/20/genesis-vs-snes-by-the-numbers I have NOTHING against the Genesis. Both of those consoles were absolutely stellar. I've still got mine.
  16. I'm not trying to tell them Logic is the best, I'm simply trying to prove that bashing it around is also unnecessary
  17. since SNES? I'm no statistical genius, but that doesn't sound right... SNES ended up beating Genesis, though the numbers were really close, last time I looked (which, of course, was a long time ago). and while I know N64 struggled, to say "they better turn it around or they're screwed" sounds off... that console was nevertheless a successful machine. I understand that with the GameCube, though.
  18. I've stated this before and I'll probably just bring it up again: The Wii U will never win this war, but I think the sales might increase at least a bit when Smash Bros. releases. And probably when MK8 releases. That's my personal assumption.
  19. I would love an adventure mode more like Melee again, PLEASE
  20. not true for Wind Waker. wasn't automatic. eShop was down and I couldn't play my Wii U for 3 days. pissed me off.
  21. Oh, I entirely agree. The eShop digital download bundle thing pissed me off. But that's exactly it. Why on earth would they not encourage online gameplay and then have a really crappy online? You either go full throttle or go home. You can't just sorta do a mediocre job with online, ESPECIALLY when you've now made so much of the console REVOLVE around it. And to say you don't encourage it? That just seems ridiculous, Nintendo.
  22. Wii U sales may increase close to the release of Smash 4 and Mario Kart 8. That's just a guess, but considering the fact they're always some of the best-selling and most successful franchises, I feel like the sales may increase a bit, at least. That said, I don't think you can get rid of the GamePad. Honestly, I really like that GamePad. I have the advantage of still playing my game when someone else wants the tv. Not having the GamePad basically destroys the idea of the system in the first place. Without the GamePad it's basically just an upgrade from the Wii, for real. Honestly, they've--in the past--had more money than Sony in general, they honestly just need to entirely up the console's technical stuff. That's my personal opinion. And Dear God, fix their stupid Nintendo Network. They're like 10 years behind in online gameplay.
  23. like I said, this isn't the most important thing ever, so while I spent time just to prove them wrong, I was also a lazy butt, so trolololol
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