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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. That's probably the worst title in history but basically... I have seriously been a few arguments where people say things like "Logic's orchestral and often more real instruments aren't that great anymore; there are plenty of other plugins which are way better than the built in Logic ones". While this could be true, I think people take it to an extreme and say it sucks altogether, which I tried to tell them most definitely isn't true. Now, this isn't to say it's absolutely amazing, either. It's just decent. It'll do the job for some situations. Not all. The problem is I think most people simply want to find the easy way out rather than really working with it. I think this is the deal: if you know what you're doing, you can pull it off. That's always really the case, but seriously, it's fairly doable if you really know what you're doing. I'm extremely competitive and I wanted to prove those humans wrong, so basically I just made a simple demonstration of Logic's ability with it all and because I was too lazy, I threw it all on Instagram in 5 parts due to the limited time you're given with each Instagram video (because listen, in some regards I'm pretty freaking stupid). Shoot me. So yeah... Part 1 http://instagram.com/p/jSgyeZh17t/ Part 2 http://instagram.com/p/jShCaYh18G/ Part 3 http://instagram.com/p/jShNOYB18T/ Part 4 http://instagram.com/p/jSiCpqh19t/ Part 5 http://instagram.com/p/jSiLbdB199/
  2. lol oh geez, Jem Faulking? that guy is quite the entertainment with Ben Briggs on their twitches. happeh birfdeh to ehl, and to ehl a gehd neht.
  3. happy birthday, you sexy saxophonist, you
  4. Glad there are still people interested, though. Yo pokemoneinstein, not sure if you got my visitor message... I added you on Skype finally, so we should probably get on chat and discuss how this project will be laid out and then you can go full throttle and I'll come in and help as much as I can when I can
  5. This. I'm not selling the whole thing for .99, it'll be like 10 bucks hahahaha, but selling it worldwide just technically means it will be everywhere on the internet for any person who seeks it. If I suddenly get huge off of this project, then I'll probably be able to pay everyone that helped me out on it, but I literally can't because I do not have the money to do so right now. :/
  6. that actually sounds fairly nice. is he capable of much harder and louder vibes, though? this track you've shown me is very soft rock-ish. The track I'm doing is like a mix of electronic and pop and rock and jazz (yeah it's just a freaking hybrid isn't it), but it's way harder and almost asks for more of a "screaming" sax, if ya know what I'm sayin'. The track is fast, but the sax solo is at a halftime breakdown but nevertheless is still hittin' it pretty hard. Dude, trumpet's sexy. In fact, now I'm almost having some trouble here. Since it's a fairly long breakdown, maybe I can get both some sax and some trumpet. I'm not sure this will matter, but I'd like to just note that when you're credited (unless you would prefer not to be... which I wouldn't understand ), it will be your real name. I'm not going to want usernames or weird mixing names in the credits, not because I hate them, but because it probably just won't work and it'll look awkward hahaha
  7. Thought I'd try this. Basically, this is sort of unfair because I'm asking for someone to play on something without pay even though I will be selling this album worldwide probably by Spring this year. The only thing I can do is give the person a free copy of the entire album and credit him/her. I've got this track I'm doing and I thought it'd be fun to get some saxophone in there. Since it's fairly electronic, I'd probably add quite a bit of effects and stuff to it to make it really interesting, but I would obviously nevertheless need some real saxophone. There's never a time fake saxophone would make the cut. Now, my deal is crappy, so if no one did this, I'd totally understand. I probably wouldn't myself B-) But, my only rule is that you feel extremely confident in your saxophone playing and your ability to do a solo. If you can, I'd love to hear some of your work. Just thought I'd shoot this out there and see if anyone was willing to do so. Thanks.
  8. hey man. I accepted your Skype request, finally. may not be able to tonight, but I'd love to talk about the project in the near future.

  9. I would like to keep this thing going, though, so that it doesn't die out like the previous project did. Just because I'm busy doesn't mean I don't care about this happening anymore.
  10. oh wow! now, I know you say non-vgm, but does that refer to video game-related/sounding music or entirely original music?
  11. I was thinking about directing this, but it's just gonna be too hard for me I think. I think I want to put this in the hands of someone I can trust to be a good director, and I could be more of a supervising person or a producer.
  12. people will complain about absolutely anything. there's absolutely no problem with it. people just want to not like something. my issue was that I couldn't play my Wind Waker bundle for 3 DAYS. it's great now, though. really enjoying it.
  13. Yes, I'm just far too busy right now and I am unsure when I'll be able to put time and commitment into doing a project like this quite yet.
  14. I stated Mario Kart 8. I heard they're going to try and fit in some elements from Double Dash. that's enough a reason to be overly excited about the game right there.
  15. ooooo man no one's brought that up. I'm probably more in support of that being the next big one than anything else.
  16. ??? weird topic to try and bring up here. Currently a Knuckles Chaotix and Sonic R album are being brought into light. I believe the Sonic R project is a bit further into development than Knuckles Chaotix, though. I would sincerely love to see a Sonic Adventure ReMix album come alive, though. But that may need to wait a bit.
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