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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. what are you talking about. they already have female Marth in the game.
  2. hahaha no that's just the same word used twice, unless we're referring to "car" and "guitar"
  3. Ok. /10char EDIT: http://www.gamnesia.com/news/iwata-confirms-new-hardware-in-development-wont-turn-to-competing-platforms#.UuxdHhBdXD4
  4. Nearly ever series has its crap game. What's a great series without that one mistake. Or 25+ if we bring Sonic into the discussion.
  5. Yeah Nintendo is clearly done with F-Zero. But honestly I'd be really surprised if they entirely cut Captain Falcon from the roster. That would cause some serious disappointment for some, I would think.
  6. I can give you his email if you need it. I just emailed him last night.
  7. I love the use of camera focus, aperture, and bokeh that they are using in the game.
  8. The law is that if you are under 17, you cannot legally purchase an M rated game without a parent or guardian, despite the fact that I know plenty of 10 year olds playing all those games. It's really a matter of if it's just violence and possibly profanity, or if it's sexual. If it's sexual, the likelihood of 10 year olds playing it is lower, at least where I live. If it's just a whole bunch of shooting people or aliens, yeah sure whatever, 10 year olds everywhere playing the game. It's only AO that's entirely off limits for anyone under 18, especially the younger ones. Does that rating even exist anymore? Does any game actually have it anymore?
  9. honestly I think what Crowbar said is the truth. Wii U hardly has any games. granted the PS4 and the Xbone don't have many games either, and not many really great ones at that (though they're coming and there will eventually be a lot and everyone knows it). beyond that, every single console this time around just feels more like an upgrade rather than a whole entire new console, and the Wii U is a serious testament to that. the two others aren't any exceptions, though. all three of them just seem like more powerful systems than their predecessors. so now most people just don't wanna get a Wii U and a large amount of games that are for PS4 are also for the Xbone, and then beyond that most of those games are for the PC now. so there's a heavy amount of PC gamers now. I have to play with a controller, so I will never be a PC gamer. but much of the gaming market is now on PC's, from what I'm seeing.
  10. one of those DLC's looks fake because I feel like I saw the original version of it. what does "that's actually from a different DLC" mean, cuz I'm just an idiot who knows nothing about anything anyone is saying right now and I'm so confused
  11. I don't know terms very well, but does earphone mean the same as headphone or is earphone another word for earbuds? Anyhow, the headphones I use are audio-technica ATH-M35's, which are probably some of the best quality headphones that aren't killer expensive (about 75-ish bucks). As for earbuds, Apple surprisingly has fairly new (in meaning of like a year and a half since release) earbuds out that are like 30 bucks which have the quality of $100 earbuds.
  12. I like to try and stay happy and forget our government is down the toilet and in the sewer, thanks. I'll stick with my Mario games.
  14. Bass should obviously have a general support for the chords. Melody depends, from the way I see it. Above all else, though, bass works with the drums. But we all knew that, so I'll just shut up and act like I never said anything.
  15. Yeah well I think listening to mainstream pop as your core influence in music is also some serious crap, and if anyone thinks otherwise... that's a little embarrassing, honestly... Honestly I stand by what I said. We aren't over-hyping anything, jazz is what it is and I think it's some of the best influence out there. I DON'T think, however, that we should get all specific as to what chords to use in which areas. That's up to the songwriter. Music is freedom. He/she should have all the freedom he/she wants when writing a song. But the more chord knowledge you have, the more freedom you have. Also, "Gsus"... I see what you did there...
  16. Jazz has handled chords in a different way than classical music though, and like I said, it's honestly the foundation of so many of our popular genres of music today. Classical is extremely useful to know as well; some of the best artists out there were classically trained. But above everything, I personally believe jazz is da one.
  17. Personally, I believe there are people who just won't hit it like others will and some just have it and others don't, but that while that can often be just because that person naturally has or doesn't have it, lots of people may not have it at first but can learn it and be really great eventually if they work hard enough and really strive to understand it and nail it. Honestly, this is my ultimate suggestion. And it's always my suggestion. For like every single musical question. Listen to jazz and take it in. And even if you don't totally enjoy it, have an appreciation for it because most of our music nowadays goes all the way back to jazz. Jazz was the pop of the early and mid 20th century.
  18. I think Metroid: Other M scared them out of doing another one. I honestly hope not, though. But I have no issue with Mario. The only time I've truly been sick and tired of Mario is New Super Mario Bros. The Wii version and the original DS version were great. But now they're overdoing it.
  19. eh... sorta... I think it's more of "you don't need to be able to know how to read music and literally write down music to write". McCartney didn't know how to read or write music on paper.
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