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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. I honestly think they don't want to do F-Zero anymore. I think they're done. I'd be surprised if another released.
  2. Twilight Princess is probably the closest thing to Ocarina of Time there has been in the Zelda series. I don't mean in quality, though Twilight Princess is personally my favorite. Like it's technically the closest thing to Ocarina of Time than any other game.
  3. Yeah I think a very convenient thing to do is get pretty familiar with percussion. Once you've got a lot of percussion understanding down, it makes syncopation so much easier. I'm not a great keyboardist; I'm only good enough to write music. But I'm also a drummer and it changes the way I hear things dramatically.
  4. Freaking happiness. I am so happy right now. I love being happy.
  5. Oh effing crap I've entirely forgotten about this .....I'LL DO SOMETHING I PROMISE
  6. yeah, so much this. I remember hearing that being a third-part developer for NES was a serious pain. SNES seems to be the only time they really got a bit more competitive with that stuff, considering the fact the Genesis came in as a challenger and threat to Nintendo. Hey I never said that. GameCube didn't win and it has some of my favorite games of all time. The GCN and the N64 are my two personal favorite game consoles of all time. Saturn just didn't seem to do it for me. Granted, I didn't play it all that often. But I hated the Sonic games for it. And I got SEGA consoles for Sonic mainly. That's why I never owned a Dreamcast either, despite the fact that I really liked it. I only ever owned a GameCube from that generation.
  7. Well yes but did you see the SEGA CD end up being the most killer successful things ever? SEGA CD was an add-on, and most of its games were crap, other than Sonic CD. PS1 had some great games and the whole entire console revolved around the idea that it was powered by a disc drive. The PS1 was like the first really official disc drive game system and it made it look good. Saturn came out like the same time the PS1 did, did it not? Like mid-late '94? The PS1 made it big. The Saturn wasn't super successful and it also had Sonic's worst games (up until 2005) hahahaha so that poor system was bound to be the worst of the three. Sonic ended up being what kept SEGA alive. It still is hahahahaha
  8. you just got around to playing Twilight Princess? trust me, it ends. I beat it. took me like 2 months but I did it. I felt very accomplished. I don't own Fire Emblem but my best friend does and she beat it. I, on the other hand, just got around to playing the FULL play through of Wind Waker (I never truly owned it despite the fact it was the game that got me interested in Zelda in the first place -- I only had friends that had it and I'd play it then or I'd watch) and I didn't realize how much shorter it seems than Twilight Princess. Maybe it's just me.
  9. Honestly I'm guessing Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros., and Zelda U are going to be the tests as to whether or not the Wii U may gain momentum or not.
  10. ...I threw together one in like minutes on GarageBand a few years ago.... ...just sayin'....
  11. Syncopation? What instrument do you play? Honestly, after a while, it starts becoming natural. Just listen to a lot of music with syncopation. Funk and RnB and Jazz especially. I honestly always suggest listening to jazz. Chaka Khan had a buttload of syncopation in her tracks, melodies and chords and bass lines and everything. Just feel it out. You'll get it.
  12. Ok, gotcha. I knew the N64 had a serious setback but I always naturally thought it was mainly the system's fault, not the cartridges. The SNES dominated the Genesis in technical terms in most regards, but that's part of what made Genesis games so great was the fact that since you had a more strict limitation, you had to work with it. And it normally came out just as great as the SNES games. GCN being fairly powerful for its generation is no surprise. Wii being an overclocked GCN with more RAM is no surprise. That's pretty much exactly what it was. PS1 and PS2 were both sorta dumb luck. Same with the Wii. But why? I don't actually know, but my guess with the PS1 is because it was the first system using a disc rather than a cartridge, and the PS2 because the PS1 was so good. So then I wonder if the PS2 was slightly disappointing to some and maybe that's why the PS3 didn't do as well? I have absolutely no earthly idea. The Wii being so successful was probably mainly because it was so killer family friendly and it also was the first system with motion controls, despite the fact that the two others ended up having way better motion control systems later on. I think it's all about the fact that those consoles just brought something entirely new to the table that hadn't been seen before. And while we see that with the Wii U, it's a cool idea, but not one that I think is going to urge every single person to get one like the Wii did or the N64 or the SNES or something.
  13. And the Dreamcast was way ahead of its time. That console released in like '98 and '99, while the PS1 and the N64 were the current consoles of that time. Graphically it was way ahead of everyone else for quite a while. That baby deserved to win, honestly. I would've gone for GCN and Dreamcast, honestly. Not PS2 and Xbox. Though I really loved the PS2. Never really cared for the Xbox.
  14. Well I can let you know this much. If it's spiking like there's no tomorrow, it's Mountain Lion. I sort of forgot to bring up this very important information. Mountain Lion was known for taking up a lot of CPU. At least that's what I heard. But, what I do know is that MAVERICKS was made to reduce the amount of CPU usage, so Mavericks is actually going to take up less CPU than Mountain Lion, from what I know. And I went straight from Snow Leopard to Mavericks. And Mavericks is free, so honestly, you should try that.
  15. huh... that makes it a bit more interesting of a situation... so it may be the computer's problem, not Logic's. either that, or Logic made the same mistake twice with two different versions
  16. Alright, thanks for the specs. I may look into this and see if anyone else is having this problem in the world. Surely there's at least one other... Also, in the OP you updated to say Logic 10. Logic 10 is having this same problem? I use Logic 9, so I wouldn't know.
  17. I was having this same issue when I went from Snow Leopard to Mavericks. Honestly, I just went and boosted the RAM 3 times what it was and it's been fairly good to me since. I still have issues with it a bit more frequently than when I was running on Snow Leopard, but much less than when it was at its original RAM amount. I was at 4 GB and boosted it to 12 GB. With my model (late 2009 iMac), I've heard people say if you pack it with all 16 GB, the computer might act a bit squirrelly, so I decided to stick with 12 GB of RAM tops. I honestly don't know a better solution, but there probably is one.
  18. I literally come up with melodies using my voice. I'll sing over my chord progression and see where I go with it. Most of my best melodies come out of absolutely nowhere. But just about every song I've ever written, vocal or not, has just come very randomly to my head and I've begun singing it out loud. Then I sing it into my phone and save it and hold on to it until I'm at my computer and throw together an idea and get it working. I hate thinking too hard about things. Like "hmmm... I'm sitting at my piano and today I shall write a song... I'm going to wait for inspiration now... I will now play a brilliant song I just came up with by sitting here". Nope. Tried it once and it's bs. I come up with my greatest ideas when I'm literally sleeping and dreaming, or I'm like in an elevator or I just start beat boxing or I hear an ambient noise and start making up music to it. Or I'll sit at my keyboard and literally just start playing random crap and see it where it goes.
  19. I don't get that. I feel like a pretty effing cool guy that loves Nintendo. screw mainstream.
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_video_game_consoles_(sixth_generation) Just look at them and compare them. In some areas it seems GCN is better whereas in a couple other areas PS2 is better. It doesn't give all the technical specifications; you'd have to research further. But from this, it seems they were close competition, despite the fact the war seems to be between Xbox and PS2. But I can definitely see GCN had some advantages for sure. Also, yeah, I felt like graphically the GCN did better than the PS2. Am I the only one who looks at MKDD and seems to think it looked better than MKWii? EDIT: just found this on that page: "Consequently, many of the PS2's games have reduced textures compared with versions for other consoles. It also does not have a transform and lighting unit like the ones found in the Xbox and GameCube GPUs."
  21. since N64, Nintendo has always been the worst in technical terms. of course, the one thing going for the N64 was that it was 64-bit rather than 32-bit, which is what the Saturn and the PS1 were: 32-bit.
  22. everyone thought she was black just like how I thought Jamiroquai was black
  23. I just heard that Nintendo is back where they were right before the 18% drop happened.
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