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    Troyificus reacted to wildfire in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    6/8 and 12/8 are pretty much the same thing, it's just whether you think of the "bars" as having 2 or 4 beats. It's more natural for me to think in 4 beats.
    I've done 2 songs in 12/8 and have one more that's on-hold. Everything in that meter feels super bouncy and fun, even if it's in minor key!
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    Troyificus reacted to Geoffrey Taucer in OCR01465 - Sonic & Knuckles "Lover Reef"   
    More or less.

    Dronebone, I totally get what you're saying in that it could be improved. The production could have been better. The four live performances could have been better. If the five of us were to get together and make a remix now, we could probably do something that sounds much cleaner, much more professional.

    But here's how I see it: listening to music doesn't always mean listening to pristine studio recordings; sometimes it means listening to your buddy's band rock out in his garage. Do they sound as pristine as what you hear on the radio? No. But does that at all detract from the fun? Not at all.

    This wasn't "let's sit down and make the best damn remix ever" sort of thing; it was more like "hey, we got five remixers here in Andy's basement, so let's throw a track together." It was a jam session between five buddies.
    It is entirely possible that my perception of this remix is biased by the fact that I consider that jam session to be one of my most treasured memories, but when I listen to this track, I wouldn't change a single thing. Not one waver of Jill's voice, not one aspect of Andy's production, not Mike's cheesy lyrics, not Steve's 3AM rapping, not my off-rhythm guitar playing, not one single thing would I change.
  3. Like
    Troyificus reacted to timaeus222 in OCR01465 - Sonic & Knuckles "Lover Reef"   
    If I were in Taucer's shoes, I wouldn't want to change much either; there are five collaborators, so y'know, it might be best to just go for as good as you can manage without pulling some of them in for more and more fixes.
    That aside, I actually haven't heard this since I heard zircon's Phasma Elementum, which was like, 3+ years ago (when I heard it, not when it was released ), so let's see.
    Yep, Jill is still killin' it with her tone, and she only got better in the later years. Shonen Samurai makes it sound somewhat parody-like, in a good way. Almost talk-like, but not like he wasn't motivated, and not so flat that it felt unenthusiastic. A bit more like he maybe didn't understand the message of the song but wanted to sing it as well as he could anyway. Sure, I can see sometimes the lyrics are trying to fit into a large number of notes (yet a short time span), but it's not "phoned-in at best" or even "cringe-inducing". At worst I'd say it's occasionally awkward, but clearly not so bad that they might as well not be there...
    As it stands, it's right on the edge of the typical production standards in 2006 IMO. Maybe it wouldn't pass today, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it should have been further revised before final submission in 2006. Still holds up well today, and well worth listening to.
  4. Like
    Troyificus reacted to djpretzel in OCR01465 - Sonic & Knuckles "Lover Reef"   
    Music isn't always about refining things to sonic perfection.... see The Velvet Underground.... or the entire genre of punk, for that matter
    Sometimes it's more "of the moment"... as was the case here, imo.
    I think certain types of arrangements just tend not to even HAPPEN at all when everyone involved is thinking about pristine perfection or whether adding/removing a given element will make a song more appealing to a wider audience... it's not about saying you couldn't have made improvements at the time if you knew then what you know now, if I'm getting @Geoffrey Taucer right... it's more about some of those types of tweaks & that type of finesse ruining the vibe that birthed the arrangement in the first place.
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    Troyificus reacted to Geoffrey Taucer in OCR01465 - Sonic & Knuckles "Lover Reef"   
    This assessment could not possibly be further from the truth.

    As for the rest of the post, I'm sorry you didn't like the song. It is, looking back on it after ten years, probably not up to the standards that any of the five of us would shoot for if we were to make it today, but if I were to go back and redo the song all over, I wouldn't have wanted to do anything different.
  6. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from KaS in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Round 2; FIGHT!
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    Troyificus got a reaction from YoshiBlade in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Round 2; FIGHT!
  8. Like
    Troyificus reacted to ShadowRaz in Orchestral (&) Melodic Dubstep/Drumstep production   
    I have gotten really interested on producing both orchestral and rather melodic dubstep/drumstep styles lately and have tried to fit them them all into single tracks, and i was wondering are there people here interested on same category? I would be interested on hearing of such productions and discussing about them in general
    What about just producing only orchestral and or only melodic dubstep or drumstep? I was suggested to come visit here from DSF ninja community in hopes of advice for building full on orchestral music, well i have in fact already tried to compose some full orchestral pieces already on my own, but my compositions have been rather short so far so i have mostly only made them as intros on my tracks with virtual instruments mostly from Native Instruments and then just started making beats and sound designs after that with an faster tempo, here is my latest example:
    So any opinions or advice on that? I got already one useful advice on which i totally agreed: the part on around 1:50 in the track, on which i stop the orchestral intro and started making the verse and chorus, i first lower the tempo even lower down from 110bpm for few seconds and then lift it up to around 160bpm so i can make faster almost drumstep style track, but that precise part does sound kind of.. off, because the super saw sound design sounds weird while speeding up.. so should i make the part on which i change the tempo totally quiet and/or at least faster or with different sounds.. or should i just try to make full orchestral tracks as in keeping the 'intro' of my tracks out and making dubstep and drumstep and orchestral separate, trying to fit too much into single tracks can be kind of.. weird.. what do you think?
    Well then again on my own opinion, i like to try to fit lot's of stuff into my productions because for example the orchestral intro does bring rather exciting feeling into the track but then when it changes into dubstep/drumstep, it does have some sort of other feeling which makes me enjoy making the production.
    What about mixing and mastering? I have sucked at it especially earlier on and have tried to practice it more alongside with sound design and build practice and am not super familiar with chords either in general how they actually work, so far i've mostly just tried playing them on my midi keyboard or adjusting them otherwise in piano roll which would sound about right. 
    My choice of DAW is Fl Studio 12 which seems to be my kind of workstation in all other parts except it being really hard on my CPU (annoying lag sometimes when there is lot's of stuff happening at the same time and CPU peaks at 100% usage) so don't know if any other would be better on that part but not in the set of mind on changing daw as FLS has best workflow for me at least and am familiar with it so i am trying to only get my productions sound better to people in general and i think that changing daw ain't the solution for that
  9. Like
    Troyificus reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in Lightning's Modeling Career   
    What are you on about, Strader? There is no "salt" in this thread so far except, ironically, this post of yours complaining about it.
    No one's stopping anyone from "liking" anything. Opinions are also not required to be positive and most people thus far would appear to agree that this is a weird marketing tactic selling over-priced goods and cringe-worthy poses. Like, I seriously can't imagine why anyone would have a problem with this thread unless they have a personal involvement with this campaign or an infatuation with Lightning that they feel is being attacked.  
  10. Like
    Troyificus reacted to HoboKa in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    Usually I'm the one who decides on the source tune when I collaborate with people.  I kinda want to mix it up and let the other person do the deciding lol.  Uhh...so long as the source has a MIDI, I cannot transpose by ear =p
  11. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    A good point! Did you have any source in particular in mind?
  12. Like
    Troyificus reacted to HoboKa in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    Could be a good excuse to collaborate finally =p
  13. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    *EDIT* Just seen that I should have PM'd Odai instead. My bad!
  14. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Esperado in PRC314 - The Coloured Mathematical Pi Round (Mega Man 10 + Streets of Rage 2)   
    That streets of rage source though!  
  15. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Flexstyle in OCR03290 - Donkey Kong Country "Aquatic Shrediance"   
    Amazing guitar work right from the start, the shift from straight-up metal to acoustic was unexpected but extremely well done. You don't often hear electric solo's over acoustic backing but this works very, very well. When the metal does come back it doesn't kick the door in and destroy your house; instead it gradually insinuates itself into your living-room, drinking tea and commenting on the weather before melting your face off with some superbly executed shreddage. I may have lost my thread a little here... Anyway, this is balls to the wall awesome and will be finding a home on my MP3 player. [6/5]
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    Troyificus reacted to Sir_NutS in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Streaming now at http://www.twitch.tv/sir_nuts/
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    Troyificus reacted to Sir_NutS in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    That's fine.  Good luck to all the participants this round, I'm looking forward to listening to the songs!

    On a second note I will be doing the stream today anyways.  I know we have some veterans in this compo but maybe some of the newer guys would be interested in watching.  I'll be working on a new track but I will be answering production questions mostly.  Well that is, the little I know about production.  But what little I know I would like to share it, so tune in if you want!.  If that's ok with you I will post an update when the stream goes up in an hour or two.
  19. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Esperado in Round 48: House of the Dead 2 - Emperor Type Alpha   
    thats actually a kindof good idea for every round. having the video link right there in the post make it much more convenient to get an idea of what this round is all about.
  20. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Irnon in David Bowie dead at 69   
    This popped up in my Facebook feed

  21. Like
    Troyificus reacted to MindWanderer in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Sorry, Sir_NutS, looks like you're out of luck.  Too bad, I would have been interested in watching a stream, too (though probably just the archive).  The Alucard pairings are:
    Alucard Bracket
    Gario: Warakiya Village, 1476 vs. PlanarianHugger: Plant Castle, 1591 HoboKa: Burning Town, 1792 vs. Yami: Underground Caverns, 1797 theshaggyfreak: Munitions Factory, 1917 vs. Aleix Ramon: Master's Keep, 1944 It's actually completely a coincidence that they turned out to be in the same chronological order I originally listed them in.  That probably won't happen for the other brackets.
    Remember, the deadline is exactly two weeks from now, January 27 at noon PST.  I know that may seem like an odd time, but it's what works with my own schedule.  Please don't procrastinate!  I won't download the remixes until the deadline, so if you send me a link and then want to improve your mix, just update it in place (and make sure downloading is enabled!  I see that mistake a lot on SoundCloud).
    Please keep the voting guidelines in mind when working on your mix.  Work on integrating the two themes smoothly first, then worry about production and other elements.
  22. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Aleix Ramon in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    YES! Then we can all do WWE-style promo's before each round to psych-out our opponents!
  23. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Shadowe in David Bowie dead at 69   
    Ziggy's not dead, he just went home.
  24. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from djpretzel in OCR03287 - Sonic Rush "Darker Than Black"   
    Oh I dig this so hard! As with some of the other guys here I went back and listened to the original; it's an awesome track but it seriously isn't a patch on this remix. Your definitely-not-dubstep wubwub is sublime (dublime!) and the beat is as smooth as lubed-up silk. Your usage of the vocal samples works a lot better in your track than the original and I love the constantly evolving arrangement. Excellent work! [5/5]
  25. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Mirby in David Bowie dead at 69   
    That quote is a tweet that originated on Twitter. Here's the original tweet (also we have Twitter embedding? since when?)
    This hit me quite hard, so I'd like to share a picture by Yoshitaka Amano (longtime Final Fantasy character artist and logo artist) that is the most David Bowie picture to ever David Bowie.

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