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  1. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Aleix Ramon in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    YES! Then we can all do WWE-style promo's before each round to psych-out our opponents!
  2. Like
    Troyificus reacted to DarkeSword in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    I think you should rename this competition to "CASTLEMANIA!!"
  3. Like
    Troyificus reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in David Bowie dead at 69   
    I'll admit that I wasn't really a fan, but I respect the influence he had on so many musicians across a wide range of genres all the same. RIP, Ziggy Stardust.
  4. Like
    Troyificus reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in Looking for futuristic animated movies/shows.   
    No one's mentioned Blade Runner because Esperado is asking for animated movies.
  5. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Rapidkirby3k in Looking for futuristic animated movies/shows.   
    Incorrect, wrong, false. Batman: The Animated Series that came before Batman Beyond is the best Batman thing ever. Though Beyond is super awesome amazing as well.
  6. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in PRC313 - The First Stage of A New Season (Ikaruga)   
    Same here. I was super slack when it came to PRC's last year and and want to get much more involved in this season!
  7. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in Looking for futuristic animated movies/shows.   
    Incorrect, wrong, false. Batman: The Animated Series that came before Batman Beyond is the best Batman thing ever. Though Beyond is super awesome amazing as well.
  8. Like
    Troyificus reacted to HoboKa in Round 48: House of the Dead 2 - Emperor Type Alpha   
    Figured that since the Youtube link had the intro picture-title on it, I'd use that for the round's picture.  It's the simple things in life
  9. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    *EDIT* Just seen that I should have PM'd Odai instead. My bad!
  10. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Esperado in PRC313 - The First Stage of A New Season (Ikaruga)   
    Dont even know the source, but ill try to slap something together. Part of me wants to give it a serious go at competing in every PRC round, afterall, practice is how you improve. 
  11. Like
    Troyificus reacted to wildfire in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    I was also super relieved to see the 2 week period. 2 weeks allows me to take a day here and there for some recovery from work stress without feeling guilty over not remixing.
  12. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Chernabogue in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Get your sigs here people: LINK -- And re-up the sigs elsewhere
  13. Like
    Troyificus reacted to MindWanderer in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Sources and brackets are finished and in the first post.  Please review to make sure your selection is correct and that the timing works for you.
    Also please note the area title assigned to your source.  You'll be using that when you name your remix submission files.
    Edit: Missed this earlier, somehow:
    Yeah, that was before I started frequenting these forums, but I did notice that from reading the archives.  That's why I'm doing a point-based losers' bracket, so that if someone is too fatigued to continue, their dropping out won't be a free pass for their opponent--and if they want to jump back in later on, they can.  That's also why I'm calling the winner of the winners' bracket a tournament victor even if they lose the final round (thus effectively making that round optional for them), but the winner of the losers' bracket has a shot at earning co-winner.
    Also, since I'd like to make an OCR-I out of this for Castlevania's 30th anniversary, I want to give people who drop out more chances to create something they like well enough to include.
  14. Like
    Troyificus reacted to MindWanderer in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    18 will actually work out great!  We'll have three brackets with a couple of special rounds.  I'll finalize the selections and start putting the brackets together in about half an hour.
  15. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Esperado in PRC312 - The 12th Anniversary (Free Round)   
    For people who were curious about that intro synth, here are some screenies for you. Its all in the effects on this one really. 

    a square wave

    run through a saw wave

    and then run through this. The Flanger exaggerates the stereo a little and makes things sound more interesting , but the Auto filter and erosion are what give it the almost voicelike quality. After that its just some saturation to warm it up, and then a sidechain compressor and beat repeat to add a little flair. 
    heres what it sounds like without any fx, then with flanger, and then with the full stack of fx.
  16. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Abadoss in OCR02774 - Wild Arms "There in My Dreams"   
    Right from the start the instrumentation in this is amazing. The female 'aaaah' sounds a little stilted at times, though nothing too major. The vocal work overall is excellent and fits the music perfectly, however at times it does seem to dip a little and gets drowned out the slightest bit. As I said before though the instrumentation is amazing; everything fits together perfectly and nothing overrides anything else. Overall a fantastic remix.
  17. Like
    Troyificus reacted to djpretzel in Break Tweeker   
    @mattmatrice I've got it, haven't used it for anything yet... it makes micro-edits & FX extremely easy, but my main complaint is that the library is loop-heavy - you DO get a kit version of the individual sounds used in the loop variations, but you can't trigger the micro-edits & FX dynamically - you have to edit the overall pattern. I personally would prefer a solution that lets me build a pattern within my DAW, as opposed to within the tool, so I wish that the micro-edits & FX could be queued up dynamically.
    If you're interested in glitching/drums, I'd personally recommend a combination of something like Battery 4 - which has a huge library of usable kits - with a dedicated glitch plugin like dBlue or iZotope's own StutterEdit. StutterEdit + Battery 4 to me is a more compelling toolset than Breaktweaker, because there's more variety, you can do things YOUR way, but the (often tedious) process of manipulation/tweaking is made easier & more accessible by StutterEdit.
    Hope that makes sense.
  18. Like
    Troyificus reacted to WillRock in How to emulate whammy bar (tremolo bar) techniques in a DAW?   
    I pride myself on being able to sequence guitar like synth solos, and doing "fake whammys" is something I like doing. Whammy Bars basically just lower the pitch of your guitar. You can go up in pitch as well but going down in pitch is generally what its used for since you can go so much further down than up - About 12 semi-tones down is about right. In my experience, I prefer using the Pitch Bend Wheel - You CAN use legato (thats what I use for "hand bends) but Pitch bending allows for so much more control over what you're doing. Plus, if you're careful, you can use LFO on the pitch while you're using the Pitch Bend to create  descending vibrato, which is quite cool if done properly. If its not fast enough vibrato tho, you just end up fucking up your nice downward pitch bend so you gotta be careful. But yeah, the thing is, a LOT of people use harmonics when doing whammy dive bombs (going down about 7 semitones or more) cause it sounds cool... I have a synth with a formant shifting dial (In the Malstrom Graintable Synthesis Synthesizer in Reason) which emulates those harmonics. Sometimes I'll change the oscillator volume balances to help create a more interesting sound (with distortion, you can get weird effects from any sort of timbre changes).
    Honestly? My biggest piece of advice to you is practice practice practice. I don't know of any VSTs that produce that magic sound you're looking for but I know you can do it if you just work at it. 
    I'd also suggest you try transcribing some guitar parts that use a lot of whammy stuff - slow it down, get those little details so you can figure out how to sequence it realistically. 
    I did this some time ago - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoGiyzPYbvs - Its an 8-bit version of Eruption - I think its fairly accurate altho I did mess up the tapping section a tad with the amount of triplets compared to the original, but there are LOADS of whammy tricks in here I was able to recreate using the methods I mentioned earlier in the post. Hit me up if you want some more detailed info on it, maybe I could show you what i'm talking about since words only take you so far  
  19. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from swansdown in December is Reviews Month   
    How have I only just seen this! I wonder if I can get 50 reviews out before midnight tonight
    EDIT 1: So 6 hours later and I'm at 34 (I think, everything has gone blurry...)
    They may be the most detailed or concise (or cohesive or in English or...) but I've tried to make each one at least 3 or 4 sentences long with some positives and some negatives. I'm going to try for the remaining 16 before midnight (children, family and New Years Eve parties permitting). Wish me luck!
    EDIT 2: OK so the allure of free food and alcohol got the better of me so I didn't manage to get to 50. Still; doing review has been quite enjoyable so I'm going to carry on regardless. Happy 2016 everybody!
  20. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Supercoolmike in PRC312 - The 12th Anniversary (Free Round)   
    I know its hella late but I just wanted to say thanks to Bundeslang and everyone else That has voted and liked my songs enough to grant me Remixer of the year! I am both over joyed and kinda frustrated to see that I have received such a reward.
    I'm happy because I was able to complete a goal that I have set and told myself to win since last years PRC free round (PRC 286), and The only other Goal I wish to set for myself in PRC is to become Higher in the hall of fame and to be amongst the top 10 of all round remixers; Of course that's not going to be happening anytime soon but its a goal none the less.
    The parts where I'm frustrated at this reward is simply because I don't feel like I deserve such a reward when I myself still have lots to learn. my ability to be able to stand on my own 2 feet against the giants of OCR is still very marginal but I can do nothing but keep trying and progress through the months/years that will pass by that will hopefully make my efforts fruitful to become a better creative musician and artist as a whole.
    Loved last year's outcome and I can't wait to see you all again for the new year/season of PRC! 
  21. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Yami in PRC312 - The 12th Anniversary (Free Round)   
    Don't be frustrated, be happy about what you have accomplished and remember, even those OCR giants started small.
  22. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Smooth4lyfe1987 in Nintendo Wii Shop (Hip Hop Remix)   
    Thanks for the feedback!
    Yeah as for the lead, I tried to keep it to the original wii shop sound in the original version which also sounded kinda MIDI-ish, didnt want to change it that much
    And yeah the flute, it was in the beginning, middle, and end, but I removed it from the beginning and middle and left it at the end. I was thinking of removing it altogether but I left it at the end because it was a light sound for the ending of the song if that makes sense. I probably should have just removed it, but ah well
  23. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in Round 47: FF9 - Zhorn & Thorn   
    I'll get something in, worry not!
  24. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Liontamer in CALLOUT: Double Dragon arrangements! (Feb. 15th deadline for instant OCR mixposts!)   
    There are only 8 Double Dragon series mixes on the site despite the NES trilogy in particular having awesome music. And only 3 from the original Double Dragon.
    You see that? WillRock is right. THIS IS BULLSHIT. :'-(
    Any VGM from the core Double Dragon series is pretty strong, and virt killed it with Double Dragon Neon. Let's see if anyone can find some inspiration.
    I'm proposing this:
    1. If anyone in the next 6 weeks submits a passable Double Dragon arrangement (old or brand new), we'll post it!
    2. If we get 6+ solid total tracks by the community by mid-February, we'll aim to release a quick EP soon after, since (surprisingly enough) there are also not many fan arrangement albums for anything in the series.
    If this idea works to get a few good arrangements, I'll continue this on a regular basis with a new series, and we'll also involve fan voting on what underrepresented comes next.
    Check out the core series music, and use this thread to announce what you're working on and share works-in-progress.
    Double Dragon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M77093Txe-c&list=PL918478793D2E4C44&index=1
    Double Dragon II - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaxnQmBt2Cw&index=1&list=PL07AF4A56EE67B990
    Double Dragon III - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83KMTt0625o&list=PLD897946A6015F608&index=1
    Double Dragon Neon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQUYUesBHOI&list=PLfUvsxulQQd9B6Yxt5b-WrCMlzTmIr_OS&index=1
    The other games in the series have some good music, so dig through those as well. Happy hunting!
    Double Dragon (Game Gear) - (playthrough video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY9TAd1ihi4
    Battletoads & Double Dragon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bl1d3l3SJQ&index=1&list=PLBB632369D9187A99
    Super Double Dragon (IV) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9meRqSGB7I&list=PL7C88525809BF9265&index=1
    Double Dragon V - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVaMa7g2vGg&index=1&list=PL7A5EB6D0F79A7A32
    Double Dragon (Neo Geo) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBQpvj8fZSA&index=1&list=PLONR6CCwpAASArTTveTGxTLyxi8TDGl4W
    How can you do this, Larry?
    I'm Larry.
  25. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Garpocalypse in Recording Revolution: One Song in One Month Challenge   
    Hey everyone, Fan here of the recordingrevolution.com. 
    Graham just released a video of his One Song in One Month challenge and it looks like he's giving away a few grand worth of studio gear this month.  Alongside random drawings for people on his mailing list he is also doing a compo of sorts.  You just have to write and produce one song and submit it to his site to have a chance at winning a Presonus 192 Interface and Presonus E5 Studio monitors.   The winner of the compo will be handpicked by him at the end of the month so plenty of time to get some writing in.  
    It would be awesome to get some OCR folk in on this thing as we've had tons of compos over the years that required completed music in less than half the time!
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