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Everything posted by psychowolf

  1. http://filesmelt.com/dl/blood_on_the_concrete.jpg my contribution to this, can't wait for some remixes of this solid track.
  2. i'm expecting a total tongue in cheek song much like the "My Greatest Rival" from the pokemon album, can't beleive you guys missed out the hardest boss i ever fought( hehe hard, concrete i made a funny) concrete man was the first megaman boss i had ever fought so i can't wait for a remix for him, good luck guys
  3. Never played galaxy so i havent experienced a mario game since the n64 days, this mix was rather smexy if i do say so myself and yes the moans are rather... orgasmic. quite supprising their ingame sound effects really...there isn't a hidden hot chocolate scene is there? O.o protodome man your remix's always fill me with a happiness for food i really enjoy a saxaphone remix when i hear one and you included a bass guitar too it >.< this one i'm proberly gonna play even when im in an inappropriate place >_<
  4. a personal favourite from dwelling of duels, love the jazz feel in there, all in all a great remix
  5. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01711/ just read the write up on that remix it explains why sam's account might have been banned (perhaps his account was compromised?) but i will say again that his work on the piano is supreme and the violinest was brilliant
  6. I've always loved Shnabubula's piano playing skills and that remix was a worthy tribute to 25 years of the female space bounty hunter. the violinist was also amazing so the 2 combined was amazing, well done to both of you guys
  7. Happy birthday dude, have a good one :3
  8. I'm glad someones finally showing this game series some love with a remix,and man you picked the intro song for a remix? good choice I, much like Altaire, also lack musical talent or skill but i will say you did a damn good job so far I will say i agree with Lord Shrubb3ry aswell that a true bass guitar would really add to your remix (i love the sound of the bass :3) Either way dude you got something good going on here keep refining this bad boy and it will be amazing. good luck
  9. happy birthday djpretzel have a good one bro :3
  10. I will say this, On my birthday (which was monday mind you) I had this song non-stop in my head for at least 2 days already, The weird thing is the positive attitude the song gives out made my day awesome even tho i was at work most of the day. Protodome due to this song your going to get a ton of fangirls. Hell it might not be just fangirls either.. Your voice actually fits in with your arrangement like a major piece of a puzzle. I'm gonna add you to the short list of vocalists i love to hear on ocremix. Truely loved this remix, thanks for making my birthday a happy one
  11. Due to a friends boasting being false which i had to correct, today I just beat megaman zero with a keyboard.. now excuse me while i weep in the corner about the final boss battle being so painful.
  12. Im staying away from this thread and most of anything Sonic generations related. Just so i can just experience the game as spoiler free as possible. What i will say is apparently if you attended Summer of Sonic this year and shouted happy birthday to the hedgehog then apparently you'l be appearing in the game. Glad i went this year after all then. :3
  13. Landing the plane in top gun nes game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iknxfb29GVI Because i was bored. :U Oh and getting to sweet's house in gta san andreas the hidden interior thing without a cheat device only built in cheats to get access to a building that is only seen in cutscenes. much like above because i was bored http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4584/16/104/1086453678/n1086453678_30204794_3200813.jpg link from my facebook, picture was done with a ps3 eyetoy from my tv screen so bad quality all round. oh... and francis international airport also in san andreas http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4584/16/104/1086453678/n1086453678_30204787_6052412.jpg same as above... alot of effort for pointlessness but hey why not eh?
  14. Just finished listening to the album Much like the game this album is purely Magical My personal fave is of course sixto's remix Beyond the Dream (Gate of Your Dream) due to my love for joe satraini and the likeness between the remix and satch's work is amazing The entire album is a masterpiece to me, It shall have a permanent spot on my mp3 player definitely To all of you who put your effort into this album i commend you There was no downside to this at all Well done all and congratulations to the happy couple Danielle and Ryan i wish you guys the best of luck in your life of matrimony. Which in itself lends more magic to this album which it has in spades.
  15. I use Mame version 1.33 every version after refuses to play all of the roms in my library I would suggest a place to go for rom's but due to the rules i shall stay quiet about that. My version 1.33 can play most of the capcom fighters (marvelvs,xmenvs, etc) and can almost play tekkan 3 perfectly (the sound echos and some graphics glitches aside) My suggestion is if you want to use mame get emuloader for a menu so you dont have to deal with mames not that easy to navigate menu. And i you want to use version 1.33 just shop around for roms till you find a site which work, and normally most will work from that site. Good luck with getting a mame program to work all roms. I'm still looking for a working rom of jurrasic park the lost world, if you find one that works let me know.
  16. Actually no i was gonna keep it so other people will spot that part read that part of your sentence and realise how stupid it sounds. As i said its a figure of speech.
  17. Who said I'm raging? Just stating my view seeing as you were wanting a response and pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease point out the threat, i would love to see where the threat came from. oh the string self up statement? its a figure of speech i suggest you look into that it basically means that what you say may later trip you up during a conversation.
  18. " it's all about context. Do I think it's ok we had slavery? Sure, within the historical context. Slavery, however, is logically unsound, as we used it and in terms of modern goals: we (early humans) enslaved groups of people based on nothing more than color / geographical location, and then proceeded to invalidate anything those people did outside of ordered labor." There you go, Still sounds f£$king stupid if you ask me the reason of slavery was 1 rascism and 2 laziness which gave them a reason to be racist so they would not have to work and instead have "them people" do all the work. Racism has been ripe throughout human history i shall agree that its logically a bad idea but slavery was not ok, regardless of the fact of "oooh we were a young species back then" we'd been around for around atleast 300 years before slavery was properly recorded, you would of thought after 300 years we would of thought "slavery? why?" but no we blundered on and on either way no i dont feel slavery was a good thing for the human race to use. and it shall never be a good thing.
  19. "Do I think it's ok we had slavery? Sure," Er...yeah.... i'll just keep this as a quote for later so you can use it to string yourself up with jack. Besides which all of that crap you spouted is ergo an opinion And worse still it was your opinion. Which to be honest does not mean jack shit to people that give a damn. I'm just having fun pissing jack off have fun tearing his arguement apart guys. See ya in the funny papers.
  20. I saw the trailer at summer of sonic you might of saw me digi i was the one wearing a ash ketchem hat all day. That convention was awesome and i believe i was by the sonic the comic table during the trailer in line for the yuji naka and takashi iizuka signing (barely got my stuff signed) annnyway the trailer for the album was damn awesome seeing it on the big screen can't wait to check it out.
  21. ....yeaahhhh i dont know shit about the law but i know that isn't right due to the fact machines aren't 100 percent correct every time. And the matter of personal tampering seeing as the machine is of your own and therefore can be tampered with. Either way you lost me there dude i stopped paying attention to you.
  22. I smell trolling Your calling the creator of this site a commie? ...yeah... i'm staying out of this shit Its a shame what happened and all but this argument is getting nowhere Arguing on the internet will get you far in life let me tell you. :U
  23. I came across this album on overlooked remix strangely enough and thought "hey this is actually a neat concept" I enjoyed it so much i advertised the album on my youtube: Well done dude
  24. Look for anything from sonic games, I was really down this morning put on this on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHkX6LCWmJ8 And all of my cares were gone in mear seconds Try brentalfloss's first album on band camp: http://brentalfloss.bandcamp.com/album/what-if-this-cd-had-lyrics His version of paperboy with the konami kode is amazingly good and funny too. Anddd... thats all i got so far hope my suggestions help you out :3
  25. ...I find daredevil a guilty pleasure... but i dislike Ben Afleck and most of the actors in there bar Michael Clarke Duncan I think the worst superhero movie ive seen lately was wolverine origins and before that spiderman 3 due to all the stuff being crammed in and like 10 minutes of venom screen time, that and them screwing up the whole origin of the death of uncle ben, that pissed me off more then anything daredevil could do. ...oh and i want to kill the director of dragonball evolution... As for green lanturn i will see it eventually
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