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Everything posted by psychowolf

  1. Radio has always had terrible music due to mostly sticking to the charts, I haven't listened to the radio in years and when i do i stick to the local london "love song" station known as "heart" that station sticks to stuff from the 80's to early 90's and mainstream stuff we actually remember. Find your own music, stop worrying about whats coming out atm, if its enjoyable you'l hear it years from now, and if it sucks youl never hear it again.
  2. Happy Birthday
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHkucr1jJpQ I'm surprised no one linked neil peart at all. D: Faiiiling that theres also mike portnoy who originated in the band dream theater.
  4. From what you've already stated, unless you know how to change the inner battery somehow its probably best to let it go. Sorry mate.
  5. I have this: The sansa clip 8GBs On amazon you can find the 2GB version for 20 pounds (maybe abit more dollers wise) This thing has been dropped multiple times over the 3 or so years ive had it and it seems to be built to last. besides as Ramaniscence said your old one is dead. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002NX0ME6/ref=noref?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&psc=1 if your interested about it >.><.<
  6. Any games from the Magnavox Odyssey.
  7. Hmm what can i say, Sixto took my favorite song from this game and added guitar and flair to it. I frigging love this remix.
  8. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01771/ Simple and effective, The original was a masterpiece already so sixto had something awesome before even picking up the guitar for it, Hands down personal favourite ocremix. Trailing behind this one is this one from willrock http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02215/ ...i got a feeling this topic is against the rules due to it being a sort of "favourites list" thread.
  9. I haven't submitted due to not having the skills of a musician, or at least not yet(maybe some day) but OCRemix has such a great reputation among the gaming community in my view. Many people on here are artist's in their chosen musical instrument and with artists they are never satisfied with their skills and are looking to advance, and with OCRemix you have judges who will listen to what they have created and critic it. And lets face it, many past re-mixers have went on to be game composers so there is a certain goal with submitting here: exposure of their talents. In all honesty, why wouldn't you submit to OCRemix
  10. so can i vote for okami twice please? no? worth a shot i guess...
  11. From the selection given on the first page one stuck out the most, O-(freaking hell i love this game)-kami Then there was sonic unleashed aka world adventure. metal gear solid franchise Sonic colours is pretty cool from what ive heard, Portal 1 and 2 for the ending themes and some of the levels but the music wasnt memorable apart from the endings :/ most of the others listed i either havent played or they arent memorable for me (maybe left for dead 2 with all we wanna do is eat your brains) As for the indie games both binding of issac and super meat boy Now excuse me i need to get reacquainted with the okami soundtrack. now imagine you've just reached a beautiful cliffside over a clear blue ocean, the sun slowly setting, cherry blossum pettles falling from the nearby tree, and your a white wolf. just wow...
  12. i just came back from a party where i made my own drink which consists of half Smirnoff ice and half mountain dew, and i must say it tastes amazing, didn't even taste like it had alcohol in it. My own drink is the only alcoholic drink i will touch with a ten foot pole and enjoy, was gonna try mountain dew with vodka but there wasn't any at the time.
  13. i'm loving this remix, especially how it goes from the best is yet to come to suddenly encounter. that part as softsteel mentioned made me feel like i was back in shadow moses and had just been spotted. the way it turned into MGS2-3 theme was a great way to end it. The ending did lack power that i was expecting but it made up double for the emotional power in there, which for this game series? had plenty of emotion in there already. Great job guys. keep up the good work
  14. cool then this policy has 2 thumbs up from me. can not wait to hear either a banjo kazooie or final fantasy 6 album.. annnyway thanks stevo for the info.
  15. erm i think if the album is private it would be a good idea to not even announce who is running the project perhaps, so people cant bug that person. either way tho this idea makes perfect sense in my eyes. hopefully it won't matter to many people.
  16. Reading d-lux'x story its great to see that non gamers can enjoy MAGfest just as much as normal gamers would :3
  17. sums up my view perfectly.
  18. if i can emulate them on my phone i have no doubt in my mind its possible on a ps3.
  19. your better off with afterburner 2 for the megadrive mate, much more exciting.
  20. i lol'd good sir :3
  21. I wouldn't know about that mate, i am guessing sarcasm. I was referring to the lack of showing they care for their most beloved franchise atm. All those megaman fans are already rather disappointed with the lack of him in mvc3 and the cancellation of mml3. and with finding out that the company supports a censored internet i'm thinking alot of fans will be mad. but when a new phoenix wright comes out they wont hesitate to buy it so what does it matter.
  22. Is it me or is capcom going out of its way to alienate itself from its own fanbase?
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