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Everything posted by psychowolf

  1. I have yet to play it but i got a feeling its mainly disappointment is down to the fact we've all heard about this game for so long. Hype for a game that was never gonna come out and when it finally does its not up to the standard that people wanted. Its hard for any company to face something like that and deliver something perfect after all. Until i get to play it personally that shall be my view on the subject. My mates a BIG duke nukem fan so I'm sure he'll get around to getting it eventually and I'll get to play it when that happens so i guess i'll be back when i get to try it myself.
  2. "What actually inspired this was that I really enjoyed and fell in love with the clean tones that my 7-string made." You and me both dude. Halc's chiptune stuff works off the guitar rather well like it clashes, but in a good way. To be honest this reminded me of silent hill 2 more then chrono trigger just for the way the sound the guitar made, it might just be me but listen to the theme for silent hill 2 and tell me if im crazy. Glad you two guys made a colab love both your work so keep it up Incidentally i hope its not "The last schala mix" seeing as "schala mix's" actually made me want to play chrono trigger and i loved every minute of it.
  3. i stated this before, These hackers are going after every game company they can get into to get personal information such as credit card details. Any and all game companies should be wary and all customers who have accounts with them should watch they're back. There is no question they are after peoples credit card details, why else hack a company other then to steal information. If they hack valve and steam then some shit will go down. Until that storm comes, good luck to all.
  4. I actually loved the album but i was literally scrolling through as i was typing my comment. I will admit that DoD brings the ...interesting remixes like princeofdarkness's toejam and earl 2 remix or "preventing judgement day" which started off as a chrono trigger remix and somehow turned into the terminator or PokeMETALLY I just search for a game i enjoyed or a artist i know and like ussually.
  5. I know of a few: we all know this guy. http://zirconstudios.bandcamp.com/album/antigravity PrinceofDarkness's album http://tonydickinson.bandcamp.com/album/puds-duds And I'm surprised this band had not been mentioned http://themegas.bandcamp.com/ And to mix it up a little seeing as i know he is a ocremixer of a sort seeing as he posted on here to advertise one of his albums http://random.bandcamp.com/
  6. I'm glad DoD has its own site now seeing as i first got into remixes from searching for Snappleman and Ashane remixes on DoD then slowly going through other artists till i got here and into all different styles of genres. I am however sad i can't no longer search through vgmix even tho i hadn't done i would of wandered in and had a general look around at the most populer ones perhaps. A missed opportunity >.< Might want to check out DoD's sony month btw they have 2 Okami remixes Just so you know i love Okami with a passion. ...oh hey a brandon strader and rexy colab, thats a must listen.. Anyway i got catching up to do with DoD
  7. http://goo.gl/doodle/z5tMr This is why i let the professionals do remixes and i sit back and just enjoy them instead and that was the lost woods from ocarina or me trying to figure it out atleast. EDIT:http://goo.gl/doodle/5Zcsl Zelda's lullaby and This time i put effort into it ... till i lose track at the end. >.<
  8. The main reason i go to that album is this song. Its so amazing i don't have words to describe it other then amazing. I have this song on my phone its that awesome, and i only have a select few on there that i find are a cut up above the rest, Keep up the good work will
  9. Yay more streets of rage remixes This is my personal favourite of the entire soundtrack and you my friend have done the source some justice. Love the funky guitar when it comes it really add's to the feel. Really liking this and its been a long time since your last remix Which was just as awesome. Keep doing what you do dude because to me its pure gold.
  10. My excuse for not caring about that is due to not living in the united states and having an account with this bank. However if i had a account with this bank yes i would be extremely angry if my bank had failed to inform me of what had happened there. The reason that game companies being hacked is getting more coverage then stuff like the bank situation is due to the fact that everyone on this site is a gamer and its much closer to our hearts, but yeah i do agree that the fact the bank getting hacked should get more coverage. I am not angry at the hacking situation, if anything i'm tired of the fact that these hackers have not been traced yet. ip tracking shouldn't be that tough after all. Either way people keep a lookout on what is happening and thank you for highlighting the fact that codemasters has been hacked now, keep vigilent and watchful of more then just game companies getting hacked and hopefully we can all come out of this ok.
  11. All i can see is all the game companies that keep credit card details are being hacked atm, nintendo will be next perhaps or valve, or any other companies that do that, so keep your details safe and keep a look out is all i can say guys.
  12. Happy birthday Halc
  13. shit i did forget them my bad yeah although i never heard much of RUSH apart from spirit of the radio which is pretty cool anyway.
  14. I suppose we could start linking good songs but all you'd get out of me would be joe satriani, deadmau5,daft punk or dream theater unfortunately
  15. To be honest i'm not gonna even watch the video just gonna do what should of been done with rebecca black and that stupid other one singing about jeans. What is this thing im gonna do you may ask? Simple, Ignore it. Edit: could not resist watching due to my curiosity and my god i couldn't last even a minute into it. now excuse me i'm about to drown my ears in bleach.
  16. I'm not sure what to use in public but i know what NOT to use. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01923/ Nuff said.
  17. Shall be getting this when i get paid... I have all of the songs from DoD anyway but the songs sound really cool upgraded. Will "Groovy Taco Bell Bacon Club Chalupa Town" and "Hot For Rock Shuffles" any other new songs be in the potential next album? perhaps?
  18. My suggestions are find some dream theater songs, hell try six degrees of inner turrbulance live version("score" is the album title) youl trash it with 42 odd minutes of awesomeness but generally anything by dream theater is generally over 12-15 min mark failing that the pokemon medley from happi (download via youtube the full version) or crystal flash by virt from dwelling of duels http://www.biglionmusic.com/music/arrangements/game-arrangements/super-metroid-crystal-flash/
  19. you win the internet, which incidentally just got hacked into just before we could give it to you, you'l just have to wait till we regain control of it.
  20. I heard that when i went out the door to work and thought "of course by now sony is in the biggest shit from the recent issues" I dont know how their gonna recover from this at all. In the mean time im gonna be playing my ps1 and ps2 all day long, The ps3 made me lose interest too quickly with the unskippable installing and updates almost every game needed, and with small amount of space on the harddrive there was alot of fart arsing around that i just didnt care for.
  21. Dwelling of duels did a guitar version of this: I've always been fond of the guitar and i think sonic cd us was a perfect example of getting it calm yet cool There's also F-zero x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZpQ4i9c82A If i think of anymore i'll let you know.
  22. just so you know dyne
  23. I remember hearing his remixes, loving them and only after awhile i found what had happened to him.. i do wish i had known him alittle more but.. Reuben was taken from us all way too early ;-; His remixes will continue to prove what a great artist he was. May he rest in peace
  24. ...i am in awe o.o
  25. i try not to. i think i'd blow a few blood vessels in my temples
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