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Everything posted by Nonamer

  1. PM is okay, or anything else really. I'm gonna be glued to my computer for the next few days.
  2. Where was this shot? If this was anywhere near DC I'd be willing to help. I've got Final Cut Pro.
  3. Magma Rock from Golden Sun II would definitely make a kickass rock anthem. I plan on making some Golden Sun Tracks once I have good equipment.
  4. Overall its a good song, and I like the way you arranged it. I don't know if the percussion was meant to overpower the rest of the instruments, but it certainly is distracting from the rest of the song. The rest of the instruments are rather soft, so boosting them wouldn't hurt too much. Also, try finding new drum sounds, but if you can't it's not going to kill the mix.
  5. Personally, I'll wait until I have more money to buy the 3DS. That or wait until prices drop. Overflow, I'm assuming there will probably be a thread for 3DS Friend Codes, or this topic will change.
  6. God damn backspace serving as the back button and deleting my text! Anyways, this is an "ok" mix. A bit short (try for maybe at least 2 minutes), and doesn't sound like it breaks from the source enough. Of course, I have no source to compare it to, so I could be completely wrong. Either way, don't be afraid to add some of your own tracks into the song, as long as its relevant. The remix as a whole sounds soft. Try pumping up the volume. Don't destroy my ears, but it should only get louder. I can't wait to hear your revision. This mix is far from ready to be judge-worthy, but the song sounds like it has potential.
  7. With that logic, and seeing how bankrupt California is, I seriously doubt that police are going to enforce this law on a regular basis. I think that the law is nothing but a publicity stunt by the dumbass politicians. Nothing will change. Period!
  8. What the hell is wrong with the ESRB? Nothing. If a game is rated M, you don't give it to a 10 year old. Period! The government stepping in is an intrusion of free speech, and California is making a grave mistake with this lawsuit.
  9. When I get my gear all set, this series will be one of my first remixes. I seriously think there should be a MMBN album on OCR. I don't know if the project freeze is still in effect.
  10. The real question is who gave the voice lessons to her in the first place?
  11. Which charity would this go toward? Just curious.
  12. This is worse. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWD0vMrCc6Y
  13. I completely forgot about that website. Thanks for reminding me. I have a Mac too, and I use bitTorrent personally. uTorrent works well, too.
  14. It's great to hear that supporters like you want to donate. Asking to give money to a good cause is never a stupid question. Anyways, I could see someone remixing the second link. The track sounds like it would make an epic rock ballad. I don't have the instruments, but someone else can do this I'm certain.
  15. What about NPR? Wasn't that the point of public radio? Also, I'm posting that link Gecko posted to Facebook.
  16. If the Red Cross isn't your cup of tea (and why the hell wouldn't it be) you can always donate to Medecins Sans Frontieres (AKA Doctors Without Borders). They are a group of doctors that travel around the world to offer world-class treatment to disaster areas and third world nations. They also have relatively low administrative costs, meaning you get more bang for your buck.
  17. Can you provide a link? Also, nice name.
  18. Nice. Not amazing, not bad, nice. Hopefully, I'll comment more later, but the song needs a better intro and ending. Both the start and end were sudden, leaving me in the dark (the After Dark ). Recommended title: Belmont at the Disco!
  19. I listened to this track while in the shower this morning. It reminds me of how Pokemon Blue was the first game I ever owned as a child.
  20. I took that sentence the completely wrong way the first time I read it.
  21. Welcome to the internet, where the best and worst of humanity collide. Anyways, at least the explosion at the power plant was not nuclear: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/03/12/134482611/explosion-at-japanese-nuclear-plant-not-nuclear-no-meltdown
  22. What's going on at PAX East? I couldn't go, but want to know what's up for next year.
  23. Yes... I'm happy to see that EA actually pays some attention to the VG media. We need more companies to do that in this industry *cough* Activision *cough*.
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