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Tuberz McGee

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    Tuberz McGee reacted to Sagnewshreds in Final Fantasy III: Resurrection - Wrapping Up (Sign Consent Form!)   
    Hey everyone!

    @Brandon Strader is off the forums for 2 weeks and told me to throw an update your way. Both the FF3 and FF8 albums are still going strong, and everyone should still be working on those remixes  If you need to get ahold of him and don't have any other way to contact him outside of the OCR forums, just shoot me a message and I'll see what I can do.
    This album is going to be amazing.
    In the meantime I plan on finishing my Battle theme remix in the next week so there's that.
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    Tuberz McGee reacted to Troyificus in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    Oooooh another bound-to-be-classic Jorito/Tuberz collab! Looking forward to hearing the finished product!
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    Tuberz McGee reacted to Jorito in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    Hm, I missed Crysta when I was auditing tracks. Indeed a lovely melody that would be interesting to tackle. But like Odai says, first finish the track you're working on
    I do have some good news though, this morning my pal and frequent collaborator @Tuberz McGee sent me the missing guitar recordings for my track (pleasant surprise because I didn't expect it yet, it sounds awesome!). So the final version of my track should be coming along quite soon!
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    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Garpocalypse in rRPC 2016 - The ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016   
    Potentially may take part. It all depends on my work load. Will let y'all know sooner rather than later. 
  5. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Chernabogue in rRPC 2016 - The ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016   
    Potentially may take part. It all depends on my work load. Will let y'all know sooner rather than later. 
  6. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from FenixDown in rRPC 2016 - The ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016   
    Potentially may take part. It all depends on my work load. Will let y'all know sooner rather than later. 
  7. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to djpretzel in Looking for original music for my NSFW/hentai game   
    Topic has been locked and links removed; @SnappleMan wrote the rationale/reasoning perfectly, so I don't have to.
    The seriousness of the content in question and the acts that it depicts trump decorum and tact, in my mind, but I actually think many responses were quite calm & reasonable, including the one I quoted above.
    I appreciate your appeal to principle, art, and policy. On the third point, I disagree with you that our standing policy surrounding pornography does not apply.
    On principle & art... I'm a passionate defender of free speech and I'm opposed to censorship, but my choosing for OCR to be a place devoid of content that in any way exploits sexual abuse & rape is a form of speech too. This is me speaking: I'm not okay with this site and this community providing a resource that aids in the creation of content of this nature.
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    Tuberz McGee reacted to SnappleMan in Looking for original music for my NSFW/hentai game   
    There's nothing wrong with hentai games. There is something wrong with a game that sexualizes explicit and very violent rape. A person who gets sexual gratification from watching soldiers beat a woman and have sex with her at gunpoint is not someone I want to associate with, and I assume that goes for most of the users on OCR. It doesn't matter that you're depicting it via silly looking sprites, it's still a very grotesque thing for you to consider pornographic. I'm sure there's a place for that kind of material somewhere on the internet, but I don't think that fits in here.
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    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    A fire is lit within me, and I have decided to extend this series beyond five albums. Here are the names of the additional entries to the series:
    Volume VI: You said it was going to be five Volume VII: This isn't even Final Fantasy, these are Guardian Legend ReMixes Volume VIII: Okay this one is just a picture of a potato salad? Volume IX: Wind Again, but with new artwork, and an audio forward from Darkesword Volume XI: Wait what happened to X? Volume XII: Volume X Volume XIII: More Final Fantasy V ReMixes because we actually do like that game Volume XIII-2 Lightning Returns: Volume XIII Now accepting sign ups for Lightning Returns: Volume XIII.
  11. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Chernabogue in Apex 2016: I Got Next - History   
    Our track is coming along nicely. I got most of the guitars from @Tuberz McGee and @Furilas should send the bass soon.
    EDIT: Got da bass. It's almost done.
  12. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Mirby in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    Water will be dope, 
    It will be hella cash man,
    Can't wait to listen. 

    It's been like five years, 
    But five years worth of dank beatz,
    Give my life meaning.
  13. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to jnWake in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    Hope you guys enjoy the mix when the album releases. To my surprise there aren't many Chemical Plant Zone remixes that aren't "technomanga" so I went for a funkier/rock approach.
  14. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Hashel05 in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    Hello I'm Hashel05
    I play guitar and bass (originality level: 0/10) and with my friend Deiselc1 we claimed "Shuffle or Boogie" and i hope it will fits the average quality of this album
    The song is already done and posted on YT few months ago but i did sent stems to Brandon so he can re-mix it
    I'm also the organizer of the "FF8 - Seas of Time" album mentioned by Mr. Jackson Parodi a bit earlier!

    Really nice to meet you guys =)
  15. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    That's a FF NES trilogy thang
    Hi. I am editing in a little something here I wanted to say. 
    Shortly after announcing this project, a facebook friend informed me that there was another FF8 album coming out soon from a different group of people. I guess I was told as a warning, perhaps because there'd be some conflict between that album and this one. I told him I didn't see it that way and I don't. I don't mean any offense to the other project, I'm sure it will have some great stuff on it, however... looking at the claims list here, I know these people. I've heard of them, I've heard their work and I know that a high level of quality will be attained with this album. So looking past the obvious thing of OCR album releases being really top notch with websites, artwork, trailers, etc... we'll still have that edge of the increased quality control, but through the project process and through the evaluation / submissions panel. 
    I'm not "denouncing" anything. I'm going to check out that "other" album, even though I think it's going to cost money.  I'm not going to buy it. But I'll preview some of it. If you were involved with that album and chose to contribute here too, that is awesome. I appreciate every artist who has signed on here for the love of the soundtrack and love of working on music in general. If I could pay you guys I would (looking at the list of claims, I'd have to be damn rich to give each person what they deserve). I am glad that your passion surpasses the idea of a measly percentage of a percentage of sales. 
    So that's it. I didn't know about it, now I do, but it doesn't change anything, and I hope none of you are discouraged either. We'll show the world what a real FF8 album sounds like, and OCR's release package will be a thing of beauty. 
  16. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Subz1987 in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
  17. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy III: Resurrection - Wrapping Up (Sign Consent Form!)   
    Double-posting because deal with it  
    We're getting good stuff in. WAV of "Let Me Know The Truth" from RiverSound, and "Prelude" from Rexy, two of the key songs we needed for the album.
    I am trying to get in touch with some other people to see if they're still doing stuff. The list of unclaimed songs got removed, recruitment is over. 
    I think I'll end up doing "Deep Under the Water" since it's one of my favorites and it ended up on the cutting floor. Hopefully I don't have to do Elia too, I am still trying to find out what's up with kate and see if she's going to do it.  
    As previously mentioned Sir Jordanius is also missing...  
    If we figure out where everybody is and get things moving again, we could potentially be pretty close to finishing this off. 
    Cutting has taken place. If you don't see your claim listed anymore but still want to finish your song, please let me know. 
    S E R I O U S            B U S I N E S S
  18. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy III: Resurrection - Wrapping Up (Sign Consent Form!)   
    Thank you friends.  To help bring this to life really is special. It's the last big piece of the tri-FF experience (in hindsight that would have been a cool title for a triple-album). To work on these sibling albums for FF NES Trilogy has been a great experience and I appreciate everyone who helped create this whole thing. After losing ff9, it took working with so many brilliant artists to even give me the confidence to try doing a large album again. (FF1 and FF2 are around 20 songs each, not all that large).
    So in other words... gosh, thanks guys. You are an inspiration, and each WIP brings me much joy, like seeing a duck walking next to a pond.
    OK, so we have an album the size of FF1 or FF2 already finished here. That's awesome. But we still have roughly the size of another album left to finish. (half done...)
    But we can do it, I've seen it with 2 albums already.
  19. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Chernabogue in Final Fantasy III: Resurrection - Wrapping Up (Sign Consent Form!)   
    My "Veggies" track still needs to be recorded. I'll PM some people soon-ish. Clean guitar / bass will be needed.
  20. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy III: Resurrection - Wrapping Up (Sign Consent Form!)   
    I'm so keen for this album to drop. Definitely feel like my solo track is one of the best I've done, and definitely love the other stuff I've been involved with too. 
    It's gonna be so mad. <3 
  21. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Sagnewshreds in Final Fantasy III: Resurrection - Wrapping Up (Sign Consent Form!)   
    I have my remix arranged and everything. I honestly wanted to get mine done like 2 months ago, but I've been sooooo busy with work. Time flies man! Throwing drums together this week to be able to lay down a solid WIP
  22. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Eino Keskitalo in Final Fantasy III: Resurrection - Wrapping Up (Sign Consent Form!)   
    Tuberz delivered like a badass on the Crystal Cave Room track. More than I asked for actually, like is usual for him. I just need to find the time to set it all in place soon so I can share it on the project forum.. !
  23. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Eino Keskitalo in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    Very eager to hear Sixto's take on Lenna's theme.
  24. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    Hey folks. Sorry for the false alarm earlier today with the April Fool's joke. Some people seem to be assuming that because we did a joke today about the album, this entire month of my saying that the album is done was just a lead up to the joke. If you know me and my opinions about April Fool's Day, you know that I have very strong opinions about doing any part of an A1 joke outside of April 1st. Rest assured, Water is done in terms of both music and album art.
    Speaking of album art, take a look at what we've got cooked up!

    And here's the tracklist!

    I've been working with @rnn who's our wonderfully talented album artist for For Everlasting Peace, Super Cartogrpahy Bros., and Apex 2015: This is the Moment, to completely revamp the visual look for The Fabled Warriors. Volume 2 is going to be a stepping off point for this series in terms of art. After Water is released, we're going to go back and redo the album art for Wind to match this new style; it'll feature Bartz on the cover against a "windy" backdrop and a wind-inspired circular pattern. The next three albums (Fire, Earth, and Dawn) will feature Faris, Galuf, and Krile.
    I want to thank @Otakatt and @Monobrow for their help with the original album art for Wind all those years ago. I had a specific idea for the series back then and we executed on it really well. But given some distance, I've decided I want to change up the look of the series and make things consistent throughout. I'm pretty excited.
    Anyway look for the real release of Water in the coming weeks. It's all coming together. All that's really left is some preparation stuff on OCR staff's side; trailer, comments, etc. Thanks for being patient.
  25. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Black_Doom in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    We've got one more finished track! It's our first track from Sonic Colors, remix of Asteroid Coaster Map by rebrained  For his creation he's chosen the darkest colors, and it rocks pretty much
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