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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. All I can say is wait a few weeks for Dominion to hit. That'll spice the game up again! But seriously, I hear ya. I rarely do solo-queue myself so even if I do lose I'm not too disappointed because me and my friends can still have a good time on voice chat, but I have had some terrible losing streaks in the last 2 weeks or so, and it sucks. I'm kind of banking on Dominion bringing some much needed excitement. I did have a good Lux game today though (went 14/0/15 or something silly like that) which felt good, but games like that are a precious commodity.
  2. Great stuff, I'm leveling up my hacking mainly for my first playthrough so far, but I've already seen a bunch of other routes in levels I could be taking as well. Really cool.
  3. Flat armor and flat MR are quite useful. In early game having that little bit extra really helps make you less killable in lane. You get more by endgame with the per-level runes, but you will probably have some decent items built by then so I feel like the early game advantage is more important.
  4. This is a pretty cool deal. If you buy from Sonic Couture you get a choice of 3 smaller products for free that are pretty decent (if you haven't gotten them in the past, of course). You have Tube Drum, Devilfish, or Bowed Gamelan to choose from.
  5. Seriously in love with this song right now. Was listening to most of the soundtrack earlier today but I missed this one <3
  6. I played the demo, and based off what I saw there that is actually one of the few IGN reviews I agreed with. I'm sure there's some merit to the game, but I honestly just couldn't get into the combat, and the story seemed strangely executed at first. Maybe once you get into it it picks up. The visual style was kind of neat I guess. Main character design wasn't the best but the environments had a simplistic but interesting charm to them.
  7. I've seriously considered doing the import / softmod thing, but I dunno if I will. NoA did say they'd keep their eye on the European sales, but I wont get my hopes up. Of course the game does look amazing. Soundtrack is phenomenal, its been getting awesome reviews in Europe, and based on what I've read in those reviews, this game has a LOT going for it and is actually a very worthwhile RPG.
  8. Oh I've had you guys liked on Facebook for a little while now, but I hadn't heard the demo. Cool stuff, has a very polka vibe for a lot of it (which is not a bad thing, hah). Keep it up, you guys sound like pretty good instrumentalists.
  9. Yeah it really spices up the experience. Reminded me a lot of Arathi Basin from WoW at first, but there's a lot more to it. Starting at level 3 is a really cool idea too. I only got to see 1 game before I left for work, but there will be more streams tomorrow and Sunday I think at the same time (12:00 - 3:00 PST), so I'm pretty excited to see more.
  10. Seems like mobile heroes and heroes with AoE attacks are the way to go for Dominion. Also long range ults will probably be pretty hilarious. Shooting arrows and lasers at people trying to cap points. Really excited for this to go live, that last game I watched was really intense.
  11. http://gamescom2011.leagueoflegends.com/ Dominion Livestream. This looks. SO. COOL. Really fast paced and exciting. Some really neat new items too.
  12. 63 is Mr. Butlertron from Clone High! Also I tried looking but I couldn't see Robo from Chrono Trigger here. He totally deserves a spot
  13. Ah, always dig that Morse style. This was a pretty cool track, I really liked when the guitar came in about halfway in as the lead, it had a really sweet tone. Love those jazzy chords too, great stuff.
  14. If this single stage is true, I am SOLD. DAT MUSIC. <3 *EDIT - saw a picture of it on the official site. Awww yeah.
  15. Personally I think a 5 second stun sounds ridiculous. I never really DID play the original DOTA though (tried to get into it but I was too late and all the games were PROZ ONLEE NUBZ GTFO). Stuns are great, CC is a pretty important aspect of the game, but 5 seconds just seems INCREDIBLY long to me. Leona is a tank and her Q stuns for like, 1 second. Its quick, but it serves its purpose as you can easily interrupt any ability quickly with it, or combo it with Zenith blade to stun an enemy that is raping your team from afar. The longest CC I can think of off the top of my head is Rammus' taunt. It almost seems too long already, but its definitely not 5 seconds. I'll still try DotA 2 though, as it looks really cool. I'm not sure how I'll manage with denying and long CC like that but I guess I'll see. Different strokes for different folks, I do enjoy LoL so I can't see myself completely abandoning it regardless.
  16. Your feedback and album art are most appreciated, Meteo. Very glad this has been positively received so far. I will certainly keep everything you all say in mind for the future. Any more feedback is always welcome! I'm always looking to improve.
  17. For some reason I really do enjoy the sound of PS1 era music, so this was a real treat. SNES era is great too of course. I particularly liked the more upbeat songs suited for battle themes and the like. I got a very Motio Sakuraba vibe from a lot of these songs, and I'm a fan of the Tales games so that's very awesome. I could seriously hear a lot of these being in an RPG like that. Wealth of Knowledge in particular sounds absolutely PERFECT for a town theme in a Tales game, and Colosses of Egypt in particular sounded very much like something Sakuraba would write for some sort of desert scene. Personal favourites from the album are Tempest Rush, Bitter End to a Thatched Ray of Light, and Need Insurance Get A Bullet. Very adrenaline pumping and enjoyable. As far as the slower songs go, Lofty Goals From a Forest Epitaph really stood out to me. Really liked the feel of if, and the melodies in it were all very alluring. Overall some great work here. I found myself preferring the upbeat songs, but all these songs seem like they would suit various purposes in a game quite well. Kudos!
  18. Agreed. It actually seems like a balance between LoL and HoN. Its got the more realistic and smooth look, like HoN, but it has those bright colours akin to LoL. Really like the look of it. 99% chance that I will play this.
  19. Really appreciate the support guys. Still have a lot to learn about production but at least I seem to be heading in the right direction. Thanks for listening!
  20. I actually haven't heard the Flower soundtrack at all, but I might check it out now. I'm glad you enjoyed the album though. I agree somewhat about the variation, though I was going for a simpler chillout style, and I guess a bigger personal focus was on mixing and mastering for this album. But in the future I'll definitely work to keep things more interesting and varied. Me too man, me too.
  21. You are too kind, sir. Thanks for checking it out!
  22. Hey there, some of you may know me. Others may not. At any rate, I make music and such. I'm no pro but I finished an ambient / chillout concept EP this summer It is now available for "pay what you want" on Bandcamp. (Enter $0 for a free download, you know how it is) I've still got lots to learn but I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. Enjoy, if you wish! http://amphibious.bandcamp.com/album/oceans-ep Feel free to check me out on Facebook if you like: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Amphibious/7553699753 I also have Twitter. Only the finest tweets (not really): http://twitter.com/#!/AmphibiousMusic P.S. - Yes the album art is terrible. I made it quick in Photoshop. (I'm no artist) P.P.S. - Special thanks to Meteo for hooking me up with album art that is infinitely better!
  23. Alright, I'ma add my code to this thread 2707-1707-3629 Lemme know if you add me so I can add in return!
  24. Skarner's ult does look like it has some hilarious capabilities. He seems like he's not too powerful, but can definitely help in team fights and keep himself alive fairly well. I wish he wasn't 6300 IP though, I was thinking of buying him but I want Leona first. *EDIT Also, I second this:
  25. I picked up the first Borderlands on Steam during their summer sale (a bit late to the party), and its a pretty damn cool game. I've recently gotten more into co-op games (quit MMOs for more single player a while back, and its a nice middle ground). Its hard to say this will be a day one buy for me, with the plethora of awesome games coming out in the next while, but it certainly interests me. Can't wait for more info.
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