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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. So I managed to get a deal on the game. It was a toss-up between this or the Master of Orion early access and I figured if I was going to a game with missing content, it might as well be the one that's not missing any gameplay. I actually do really like the gameplay. It really does feel more back to the roots because it's not so dependent on ridiculous combos. The input also feels way tighter than before and it makes the game easily playable with the PS4 controller though I must admit, Chun Li's QCF input for her lightning kicks is messing me up. Not sure why they changed that. It's a solid fighting game, but I definitely wouldn't have paid full price for it. Anyway, if you want to get spinning-bird kicked sometime, my PSN is the same as my name here
  2. I am not really a fan of those tracks either. In my opinion, they don't really fit in an MMO game and nothing I've heard off this soundtrack holds a candle to even XIII's music. You're free to disagree, of course, but your logic here makes no sense. If it were just a tribute and not theft, there would be no reason to deny ever hearing the song - you would just say, "yeah, it's a tribute". VGM composers have openly admitted to tributes before, actually. Lance Lenhart has said on YouTube in the past that the Twisted Metal III theme was inspired by "Fuel" by Metallica, which it so obviously is.
  3. Do it. You have a history of making great Sonic remixes for some reason.
  4. I think that's true of most people, but Will and Kristina both said they "hate" repetition.
  5. I honestly don't get the dislike of repetition around here, especially since a majority of people here usually do some variant of dance music. This is much like my scenario, honestly. I was just using my guitar and writing music with Guitar Pro and OCR taught me how to actually use DAWs, MIDI, Virtual Instruments etc. I won't name names, of course, but I had a handful of people (who no longer even visit these forums as far as I know) who sort "mentored" me and looking back, they were giving me some real bad advice that both over-complicated things and made me develop bad production and arrangement habits for years. I think I've finally shook that off between self-realization and forum feedback and now I'm back to composing with my guitar and guitar pro before playing it all in via MIDI controller to Reaper and I think it's working out better than ever. Everything kinda went full-circle.
  6. Ditto the Neblix & Garpocalypse posts. I think that the digital and information age, with regards to music, is both a blessing and a curse. A wealth of information and tutorials are readily available to us, but so too is bad information and if you're not very experienced with something, bad advice with artistic word-choice can sound like really good advice. I can honestly say, this is what held me back with mixing for so long until recently. I think my more recent mixes are turning out way better than before and exactly as I imagine them. The key really was not thinking about EQs and all of that stuff so much, it was in making the best arrangement and composition decisions I can. The reason for this is because when you see "mixing tutorials" or read in a magazine some sort of interview or tips, they never talk about this kind of thing. It's assumed for them and it doesn't make a good article or video. They're always talking about cutting/boosting frequencies, compressing this or that and that one, super-duper secret plugin that just adds "something" (nothing) to the mix! If they just told you "make sure your arrangement and composition are really good and you won't have to do too much else", they wouldn't have a whole lot to talk about. It makes it sound like any collection of sounds, arranged any way you want, will sound good if you just use the right settings. Sadly, it just doesn't work like that as I've come to learn the hard way. To the starry-eyed beginner or a listener, great music seems to happen as if by magic and the keys beneath your fingers or the software on your computer are the tomes that cast the spell. It'd be terribly boring and break the illusion if they told you about all the theory they know, ear-training they've done, studying music by long-dead guys with funny white wigs and made that mix sound better by just changing the voicing of that Cm7 chord.
  7. Well, good news @Rexy! It's out in Europe on May 20th. Also, has anyone played any of the DLC yet? I just did the free "Before Awakening" one. I bought all the currently available DLC, but haven't got around to trying it out yet.
  8. Oh okay. I heard a couple on YouTube from WWE's official page and they sounded like generic 2010s club stuff and there are tons of fan videos compiling what I could only assume were their favorite diva entrance themes and they all sounded pretty similar to the tracks I heard on WWE's page. I wasn't sure if by "have her as a diva" Darkesword meant that "diva" was a specific type of character/wrestler
  9. Who do we want to have be the "Diva" theme? I ask because I'm halfway done an arrangement for Shanoa and it's currently not "diva" style at all. I can make it sound like a WWE diva theme if you want, but I'd think Medusa or Sonia would be the best choice. The game made a point of showing that Shanoa was really modest, didn't smile much and had no interest in being the spotlight. She was kind of emotionless and fiercely committed to her mission - kinda the opposite of a "diva" in the modern sense of the word. or am I misunderstanding? I don't watch wrestling.
  10. I always wanted to use bagpipes and an Irish whistle in a tune one day. Today is that day. Let's make Rob Roy proud
  11. If anything, it just proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Final Fantasy music ain't what it used to be.
  12. and that's why I said if it was just that, I wouldn't be convince. But it's all the ingredients.
  13. Let's do this. This is my transcription of the two verses. The actual tempo of Worlds Collide is 144 and Sephirot is 140 but I didn't bother with the sheet music. As you can see, the two riffs are essentially the same. The sephirot theme lacks the E note and augments the tonic's eighth note rhythm into complete quarter notes. It is basically the exact same riff and it's already in the same key too. The vocal style and lyrics are extremely similar, same 4 on the floor kick pattern and the synths and bass are both effected in similar ways. Here are the two verses together. I couldn't decide if I wanted to have them panned or left alone, so I did both in the same render. https://app.box.com/s/gd9c1k119kaqrdlduwytf3pxjknu6qbk If it were just the simple guitars, I wouldn't be so sold, but I believe that Soken knowingly copied the verses of a platinum-selling song. Same key, same riff, same vocal approach, same drums, etc. Let me guess, Robert Cop was a mistake too?
  14. Yes, I can believe that you are blindly defending Soken because you claim that this is an "accident", yet have not provided any reasons why from a musical standpoint. You haven't provided examples of other songs in the genre that use almost exactly the same composition and vocal phrasing and tone as that song and to be honest, I can't really think of any myself. Therefore, it stands to reason it probably wasn't a result of genre characteristics. So? Apply this logic to anything else and you'll see that this is ridiculous. Sure, Disney blatantly ripped off Kimba, but the studio said they weren't going to sue (because they knew they wouldn't win) so what's the problem? My co-worker stole over 50k from our employer (true story) but they decided not to pursue legal/criminal action, so why is it a big deal? Stealing is stealing - that's it. It's depressing to me that on a community dedicated to "appreciating video game music and composers" that anyone would have such a blasé attitude about a composer probably stealing from the pop-music realm just because the artist they stole from doesn't care enough to sue.
  15. Again, people have had their careers go down the crapper for cases that had much more room for doubt. I'm not sure why you're defending the guy so much, honestly. Your entire argument for why it's "a complete accident" is because "they said so" and the band isn't suing. Reading around online, it seems like the big-time FF fans are clamoring for any reason they can to deny that this composer lifted this tune from PM5000. Also, the fact that he comes out and says he's never heard of it rather than "I might have heard it at some point" or something like that when the band has toured Japan numerous times and the country is basically the only place that still buys CDs is sketchy at best. Not acknowledging that you could have possibly heard a platinum selling industrial-rock tune in such a country when your song has nearly identical drums, melody, rhythm, chords and vocal style is really difficult to believe. You can throw whatever quotes you like, but until someone can provide strong evidence for how nearly identical pieces in this case could possibly be an accident, I remain 99% convinced it's blatantly stolen. Like, I'm actually tempted to transcribe and/or overlay the two tracks to prove it.
  16. As I think that Reddit post pointed out, they probably wouldn't stand to gain much and there is always a chance they could lose. If it were me, I probably wouldn't sue, honestly. I suspect the band does well for themselves probably just from royalties and licensing alone at this point, but probably not well enough that they or their label would want to spend the money on court costs. It's really not about who'd win in a lawyer fight - it's about whether or not the allegations of theft are true. The court of public opinion is stronger than ever these days and has real power to ruin lives and careers. Though they don't seem to intend to from that letter, I wouldn't be surprised if SE were "hesitant" to employ that composer again. No doubt, this will hurt his professional reputation. Has anyone heard from Tappi Iwase since the allegations of his MGS theme being plagiarized happened?
  17. Yeah. The key to a good tactical-rpg, and why I personally prefer them to traditional rpgs, is balance. I actually beat Awakening without grinding at all, but on my second and third playthroughs I made all of my units incredibly overpowered. Like, I could just leave Lucina by herself on the map and watch all of the enemies kill themselves on her. That definitely made me develop the bad habit of not paying enough attention to what classes have an advantage against another. I'm on the home stretch of Conquest right now and the three units I've lost so far probably all died for this reason. Like, I lost Gunter because it slipped my mind that it's just the Paladins who have high resistance as far as Knights go. Those sorcerers made an example out of him...
  18. There are plenty of reasons to jump ship from FL Studio that have nothing to do with CPU performance
  19. Yes, but I'm saying that if they were to, the idea that comments like the ones on Gamespot are proposing is that they wouldn't win because the songs are "similar", not the "same" and therefore couldn't possibly be plagiarized is ridiculous and ignorant to the fact that people have successfully sued over music that was far more likely to be an accident.
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