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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. I have not been so excited for Nintendo games since Luigi's Mansion and F-Zero and the Gamecube in general. I talked to a kid buying video games today who told me he was 14 so he couldn't buy this M rated game he wanted. It then hit me that the days I remember like they were yesterday...counting my Euros, dollars and helping out however I could to make the extra pennies I needed to buy it and then getting it on my birthday...I was the same age as this kid is now. He was in freakin' diapers when the Gamecube came out.
  2. People were complaining because Zero suit Samus wears heels. Heels. I don't even want to know about the rage that's probably already brewing over this new costume. I bought a Wii U last week in preparation for Hyrule Warriors and this game. I do not regret this purchase.
  3. I have expanded the arrangement to Machinedramon and I think it's gonna blow your souls. Just gonna add a few more things as I'm still working on successfully integrating other parts of the source and then we'll see if Chernabogue and Pu_Freak like what I've done and what Chernabogue wants to add/change etc. since it was his tune to start with. After that, I'll press record and get the guitars recorded in full. Doing so shouldn't take more than a couple hours since I and another guitarist have been practicing what I've wrote so far. Brace yourselves....power metal is coming.
  4. I was hoping so much that this was another terrible internet hoax. Man...this guy was in some of the funniest and most inspirational movies of my childhood. He gave the gift of laughter to entire generations! Apparently, the last words that the world at large saw was a tweet wishing his daughter Zelda a happy 25th birthday. and I was like "Awww. He's describing his grown up daughter like a princess! That's the sweetest thing ever!" and now it's too hard to watch.
  5. A friend and I got together a while back and had a fire. We burned the last remaining copies of a CD we made about ten years ago. I refuse to do a Google search to see if any of the music remains in the online realm. Such garbage was not meant to be heard by human ears. Every year I nuke my soundcloud of its worst tracks and leave only the good stuff. I'd say if it's possible to eliminate all trace of music you made that you hate - do it. Full-on musical genocide.
  6. Maybe it's just me, but the dynamic range may be just a bit too great. Some parts are really quite, so I turned it up and then BOOM - piano in the face! Also, that arpeggio playing in the background is too quiet. Pretty awesome otherwise though, you ol' Castlevania fanboy.
  7. Sweet. Thanks for the tips as always, man. Touche. I shall call it "RoboKoto"
  8. The source is hard to remix as it is rather short on melodic content. A few thoughts on this: I'm not a fan of a lot of the samples and synth sounds. The snare is kind of cheesy sounding and a lot of the synths are rather bland in terms of sound design. The few leads there are are also much too quiet. The mix is also kind of being flooded with bass as far as I can tell. The low end doesn't sound very tight like it should. It's kind of a boomy mess.
  9. Just a quick trailer-ish style tune with Japanese elements. Reminds me of like futuristic Ninjas and shit. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/live-by-the-sword
  10. Yes, this. Perhaps I'm wrong but judging by the original post, I really think the issue of making something that you're happy with here comes down to theory and composition knowledge. I would recommend learning everything you can about the actual process of composition before even touching a DAW and virtual instruments except for maybe a MIDI controller and a piano patch. If you're new to this whole composing thing, I would start by getting some sort of notation software like Sibelius, Finale or if you're a guitarist - Guitar Pro and start putting what you learn about composition into practice there. On any of my best tunes, for any genre, I always start with just a guitar or piano sketch of the composition and then arrange it later. This removes the production, performance etc. distractions and conquerors writer's block easily because at this level you're just dealing with the fundamentals and most important elements of music. If it sounds good as just a piano or guitar sketch, you know you've got a good composition. From there, arranging the piece and what not becomes an easy process. I find it also goes much faster this way. Using this method, I've discovered I can write quality tunes much much faster than if I just opened up a DAW, fiddled around trying to find the write sound, mixing as you go etc. Jeff Tolbert puts this idea in shorter, better words than I can. Read, watch and do everything about music theory, composition, arranging, recording audio and MIDI, mixing and other elements of production. In that order if possible. Study scores of sheet music too. You can learn a lot just by listening to and watching the notated music at the same time.
  11. When I was a kid, we played this great game called "kick the other person off the swing" where as the title suggests, you try to kick the other kid off the swing. Bloody Knuckles was also popular and was best played with coins between your fingers. The best game though, was dodge-ball. Nothing was more satisfying than whipping that ball as hard as you could and watching it knock a kid into next week. Now, schools don't allow it because it's "too violent" or something like that. Most of the non-video games I played as a kid were more violent than video games.
  12. I've noticed that kids tend to not be bothered so much by difficult games. I played all of those and Street Fighter 2010 as a kid and don't think I ever lost my shit on them. I had my 8 year old cousins play oldschool games like that and they just laugh hysterically when they die. Kind of morbid. It's usually older kids/teenagers and adults that rage. I know this one girl who is 24 years old and the sweetest person you'd ever meet...until you give her a video game. It's actually frightening how bad she freaks out when she dies. Or, my sister never used to get mad at video games when she was a kid, but the second I start winning in Street Fighter I get "Stop, you dickhole!" or "I seriously hate you!" and a string of profanity.
  13. Just about every home musician can or does have the resources to make the Time album(s). At least, as far as the equipment used to make it goes. What I really think he's doing here and why I don't like it, is he's preying on a lack of music production knowledge on the part of his fans, hoping that they'll join Wintersun's side and either rally against the label, crowd fund his dream studio or both. He knows what he's doing. He's been at this for 17 years and made albums with not only Wintersun, but several more with Ensiferum back in the day and to my knowledge Ensiferum recorded at Sweet Silence in Denmark. This guy lives in Finland - metal lives in these parts of Europe and there is no shortage of studios that specialize in his genre. He's backed by the largest heavy metal record label out there - he can afford to record at a studio or use what he has now instead of asking for a handout to build his own.
  14. So if you follow news in the heavy metal scene at all, you might know that Jari Maenpaa/Wintersun caused a bit of a storm regarding a recent Facebook post of his about how his record label is holding him back from crowd funding his own studio to record Time II. You can find the entire post on the Jari Maenpaa Wintersun Facebook page. It's currently the most recent post on his page at the time of writing this. I'm curious to know the OCR community's thoughts on some of Jari's arguments as I feel that some of his points about making music are...debatable. Though I can understand his frustrations. I'll start by quoting Now, if the electricity is bad, I don't know what to tell you. However, I do know that composer . I'm not sure if "apartment" is being used in a different context than Jari means, but Mick's music is pretty damn good if it's really been made in an environment at all similar to Jari's. I'm curious to know, how many people here on OCR really do have this super ideal space to make music in? I don't, but I think I've still been able to make some decent tunes and mixes from here. I'm not arguing at all that if Jari had a better space (and to be fair we don't know the real specifics of his living conditions) that it would be much more ideal, but I question how necessary having your own custom-built location really is to produce quality work. Another point he brings up is about having a "computer farm" for the orchestrations of the new album. I kind of doubt that he needs such an elaborate setup as he implies. My PC cost me less than a thousand bucks and it's got pretty much all the RAM and space most people would ever need for elaborate orchestral-metal productions. The computer also sits nice and comfy and well ventilated on a shelf. If you really needed to save some CPU or something, you could just render some of the tracks to audio and then import them back into the project that way. Maybe I really am under-estimating his computer requirements, but listening to Wintersun's (awesome) music...I doubt there are no ways around this computer issue. Basically, while I can sympathize with Jari's grievances and I'm not against crowd funding a Wintersun studio, I question if that is really the solution here. It just sounds to me like he needs a better living space than a professional studio. It's also important to keep in mind that a lot of bands DON'T have an ideal space. They just use the advance money to record at a professional studio and get it mixed and mastered. Unfortunately, it seems that voicing his concerns hasn't achieved much beyond angering his record label. Regardless of what happens, I hope he finds a solution and can finish the next Wintersun album soon! What do you all think? P.S. Maybe this belongs more in Music Production forum? I don't know.
  15. I wouldn't really call it "realistic" and there aren't any human enemies in the game. Mostly Goblin type things, giant insects, etc. Really, Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Indiana Jones films are way more gruesome and that's rated PG. I recommend it based on the fact that it has some of the best teamwork puzzle solving ever.
  16. I know I'm a fanboy of the game and some might say it's "too complicated" or some BS like that for kids, but Fire Emblem: Awakening. Reason being it is one of the few games that does not trivialize human life. It matters when a character dies. Unlike GTA V, which most six year olds that I know play. Ratchet and Clank...because Ratchet and Clank. and I would also suggest Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light and upcoming Temple of Osiris. Because these simple games force you to play with another human being actually sitting beside you instead of swearing at faceless enemies online in Call of Duty and omfg it actually makes you work together as a legitimate team.
  17. So while you guys argue over the crackling sound, I'm gonna go ahead and make an interface recommendation. I have this M-Audio M-Track USB thing. I paid like 80 bucks for it and it does all I could ever want. Two direct inputs for guitars and two XLR inputs for mics plus phantom power - it also has a headphone jack.
  18. Well, when you put it that way... and thanks for the MIDI by the way
  19. Didn't notice I got feedback on this thing. Yeah, I agree wholeheartedly - Which is why I gave up on this thing.
  20. Yeah! We still need to collab - the three of us.

  21. I just started watching the series a couple weeks ago and everyone keeps telling me book 2 is like, mind-blowingly awesome. I had to order it on Blu-Ray via Amazon (still waiting for it to arrive) as finding the show in Canada is next to impossible unless you watch it when it airs and I have much catching up to do. Now that it's going digital, even once I'm caught up it'll be a pain in the ass to watch it because the sites that host it will probably be like "You have to American to watch this because arbitrary reasons."
  22. I subscribe to Rdio and that's where I'm listening to it. I'm not sure if subscribing to Rdio and listening to it there makes me a good person or a bad person.
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