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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. You mean premier, Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister. Still though, that's not good given the fact that she is a politician. I know this thread has de-railed a bit, but I think bilingualism actually hurts Canada. We have a freakin' language barrier between people born and raised in Canada. Though, to be fair, that's largely due to Quebec not wanting to accept the fact that they are a part of country whose population primarily speaks English. I haven't been to Quebec myself (I do want to visit Montreal though), but I've heard they want or do have a public ban on English signs or something ridiculous like that? Anyway, on the subject of Vampire Variations II, I'll have a new WIP of my track to you within a week, Chernabogue.
  2. Well, I don't know if it's still the same as when I was in school, but in elementary school French and music classes were mandatory. I had to take both every day from about age 6 to 12. We also have a fair number of schools that are French immersion and plenty of my friends were put through French immersion schools even though English was their first language and their families often didn't even have any French ancestry at all. So there are a surprising number of bi-lingual people out this way who never actually speak French unless they run into another person who went to French immersion schools or they go to or meet someone from Quebec. That, and the fact that all packaging of everything is in both English and French of course. My great grandmother could also fluently speak 8 languages and I was around her a lot when I was a kid, so I'm always surprised at the amount of words and stuff I actually know from different European languages.
  3. No problem. The sooner, the better? I think? I don't know, I failed French class. I'm a terrible Canadian.
  4. I always thought that the French gave the Quebecers shit for "doing it wrong" though?
  5. From what I've seen of it. You're basically a Zoo animal that kills other animals in a post apocalyptic Tokyo or something like that. Looked weird and probably has PETA pissed.
  6. Basically, in the span of approximately ten minutes, I felt compelled to play along to "Tears" from Kof 99. I could've played it a thousand times better, but meh. Behold https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/king-of-fighters-tears-guitar
  7. Speaking of Ratchet and Clank. This just got revealed Be sure to try it when it comes out. I know I will
  8. MGR is epic as hell, but is multi-platform in The USA and Europe. I believe it's only PS exclusive in Japan.
  9. I'm sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you over my free online play, ability to use netflix without additional fees, and far more diverse and interesting exclusives.
  10. Sly Cooper, Twisted Metal, Metal Gear Solid 4. But most of all... Ratchet & Freakin' Clank EDIT: Also, Kingdom Hearts HD comes out in Sept. so check that if you never played Kingdom Hearts in the PS2 era
  11. Hold the tonic chord for a couple of bars. Two will usually suffice if the tempo change isn't super drastic. If the change is drastic, hold the chord for more bars and adjust accordingly. Or, still use two bars but make multiple tempo changes within the second bar. So if you've cadenced nicely and you're back at "home" and your tempo when you hit home is 120, on the second measure when you're still sustaining that chord, shift down to 100 bpm. That is one method. EDIT: Of course, this method means you pretty much want resolution on everything before you change the tempo.
  12. Well, the kick drum at the start suffers from a severe case of rigor mortis. Adjust the velocities and timing so that it will sound more realistic. The entire arrangement actually suffers from this ultra-stiff sequencing. The remix also comes to a halt in the middle and then starts again after a lot of silence. Definitely make some sort of transition there. Not bad for your first time though! Congrats on losing your VGM remixing virginity.
  13. If you need some bitchin' electric guitar for any reason, I can do and you can haz. Here's the most recent sample of some of my playing
  14. For me, it was on Valentine's Day when I was around 14 years old. I made this rock thing that didn't suck. That's because it was a basic eight bar blues progression with a pentatonic melody. I showed it to the older girl I wrote it for and she told me that it sounded okay, but there was no way in hell she would ever go out with me. I then wrote another eight bar blues song about how "that woman done me wrong". Do you recall the first time you made a piece of music where you thought, "Hey, this is pretty good/doesn't suck!" ?
  15. I'm surprised this has no comments. I think the remix sounds great so far. The dark and mischievous atmosphere is great. I think my only criticism so far, is that the shakers toward the end are rather piercing.
  16. Probably, but the first time I went to America it was southern California.
  17. The first time I went to America, I experienced what I think they call "culture shock" because stuff that you buy doesn't have French and English on it. I don't even speak French and it blew my mind.
  18. So I tried playing again some more and it has changed my opinion somewhat. The "Dominion" thing is definitely a lot more fun than the regular "destroy the enemy castle" thing. I have also now run into significantly less jerks cluttering up the screen with their negativity and nerdrage. Actually, for the last 4 or 5 games; most people have said nothing. For the first batch of games I played though....holy crap.
  19. Meh, there may have been a couple exaggerations, but not many. If you can mute people in the game though, I'm sure it would be much more enjoyable. I like the "starchild" chick. She's cool
  20. Team based I tried again and yeah, in every game it's mostly just everyone thinking they're the best at the game and fighting for who gets to tell everyone else what to do. Just about every message that goes through while in game is the "team" fighting among themselves. It's total anarchy with zero sportsmanship. Die once and they act like you kick puppies and pour sand in kittens' ears. They should really call it "League of Extraordinary Douchebags". I can honestly say I've never seen online gamers sink so low. Even the 13 year olds on Halo get along better. I should show the game to my sociology professor. Wonder what he would say... Oh well, I tried it and saw what all the fuss is about. It's a pretty basic and bland concept of a game to me anyway, so I guess I'm not missing much. Still, it looked cool and I was hoping I'd like it. EDIT: Brushfire is probably right, though. Oh wait. Apparently you can mute people. Fucking perfect.
  21. I tried playing this game today. Mostly it was just people typing incredibly pissed off messages about a bunch of things I don't understand. Aside from the Co-op vs AI games, I never got to play against other people because people were always writing angry comments to each other before the game even started and then someone would leave and I was sent back to the match-making screen. Also, in the chat room before the game begins people were typing out whether they prefer top or bottom and then I typed "doggy style" and got booted. I tried to play one more game and when I picked some spell, a person started typing pissed off messages at me using an alien language I believe is unique to the game. Then someone left and it kicked me out the chat room. I then logged off and uninstalled the game. =/
  22. I tried to play video games with my mom once. Turned out she can't stand all the moving lights and passed out. My grandpa played a lot of video games with me though. His favorites were Medievil and Medievil II. If they ever make a third game, he'll buy a new playstation.
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