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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. While he is a great gutiarist, I have never found any of Tom Hess' lessons even remotely useful. Regardless of that opinion, this would be a sweet opportunity. I'd recommend Brandon Strader.
  2. Doesn't everyone? Anyway, I am enjoying this game a lot so far.
  3. I really must admit that your ability to build soundcloud followers is very impressive. I know you say you're into programming and game design, but should that career path fail....try marketing.
  4. The thing is, consumers are eventually going to have to realize that it costs a lot of money to make games. Gamers want more content, and they get more content. However, games still maintain an average 60-70$ price tag. I find it absurd that people will make Capcom (or any developer) to be evil for giving more content that you can unlock and pay for at your own desire. The thing that is ridiculous about this particular game, is not that finished characters are on the disc. The issue is that they are being held until "soon after" the Vita launch....in the fall. We should have the ability to purchase them as DLC if we so desire right off the bat.
  5. I really recommend Ajurika. Check out the Tekken games from 4-Tag 2. He doesn't do all the music, but the psytrance tracks are most always his.
  6. I hear Christie Monteiro will be DLC/Vita version as well? If so, that's epic. I'm sure everyone has already decided who they will play as. For me it will be some combination of Poison, Yoshimitsu, Chun Li, Ogre and if she's released, Christie. all I know for sure is that it is exciting.
  7. Okay the game is just 3 days away now. Anyone else excited for it?.......anyone?
  8. Well, that's disappointing. I'm only 10 episodes or so away from the end of the series I think.
  9. Piss off, Bleck. You're just trying to prove to yourself that you're smarter than, or superior to everyone else by belittling every opinion, thought, idea etc. that you don't like or agree with. You ALWAYS do that and people like you online are almost always impossible to get along with in real life because of your ego. An ego which they never deserve at that. I kinda like Evangelion. I said that most anime I have "seen" I do not like and I do not care for the art style. That doesn't mean I hate all of it. Your hostility is uncalled for and for someone who pretends to be so damn smart, your head seems to be so firmly inserted into your ass that I doubt Bruce Banner on steroids would be able to dislodge it. Nobody gives two shits what I or what you say, or how grammatically correct it is. Your idea that attempting to make someone "feel bad" about what needs changing is completely stupid and does nothing to combat anti-intellectualism, it just makes you look like an asshole. ANYWAY I have heard many positive words for "Jin-Roh: The Wolf-Brigade" and "Grave of the fireflies". I don't trust "professional" reviews though. Have you guys saw them and what did you think?
  10. Sir...do you have nothing better to do than worry about these kinds of things?
  11. "Man fears the darkness, and so he scrapes away at the edge of it with fire". I still dislike anime art and 90% of anime movies/series that I have saw, I do not like. However, this Evangelion series has some interesting quotes.
  12. I love the top comment on that youtube video Also, this game looks awesome.
  13. My mixing/production skills suck and my music in general is crap but here's my account anyway http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw
  14. Has anyone ever told you that you have an opinionated personality? Anywho, I wonder if you can wield a flintlock in this game. I haven't looked it up.
  15. Sometimes you don't need too. I thought revelations would be crap. When I got around to playing it It was crap.
  16. Not that I care about American history, but the revolution is a great setting for the game.
  17. Dude, your username is the same as a metal band I used to jam with lol. Are you a Marvel Comics fan by any chance? Anyway, I really enjoy this track. I know it's dance music, but it may be a just a bit too repetitive; at least it is the beginning. Other than that, this is bad ass.
  18. This part... This mentality is the source of so many problems. Usually people who say, "this isn't North Korea, Iran, etc." don't know shit about those countries and the people.
  19. I'm sad because soundcloud is refusing to load the page right now...I shall try again later.
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