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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. During the 4 days i don't work i forget about time sometimes.
  2. Every Saturday i wake up and am like FUCK YEAH SONIC MIXES! I've downloaded and will post reviews shortly. EDIT: Apparently I have no idea what day it is because Summer. Regardless, REVIEWS WILL BE POSTED.
  3. HAPPEH BIRFDAI! May it be filled with cake
  4. Final Round matchup Sir_NutS - Jason Covenant
  5. I want dis. I want dis baaaad. EDIT because I can't reed good.
  6. I don't know her personally, but she seems pretty rad yo.
  7. Or you could just post em here. I have had a similar need for said cymbals.
  8. Give up on every project. They're all fake. Even this one.
  9. We were just talking about how underremixed FF2 was in IRC actually. Regardless of albumage there should definitely be some remixage of that game.
  10. I believe I am somewhere around the baritone or higher bass region. Im no lyricist but I DO have a friend who has written lyrics AND can sing AND loves Zelda, so I'll send him your way.
  11. Just checking through here; this looks really interesting, I'm excited to see what happens. One question though, have you guys got parts all lined up? I'd be willing to take a more minor role or perhaps one that doesn't sing quite as much to help out with this.
  12. This is some nice instrumentation. although i feel that it's a bit right heavy panning wise in the opening, so you should check that out. Some good transitions here keep things fresh. Things get a little high frequency wise around 2:00 (where the flute and bells come in). It sounds as though you have yet to write an ending, but this sounds pretty good so far!
  13. It really is. You can get some crazy runs doin it that way. Using an appegiator is a cop out. A COP OUT I SAY! *shakes fist*
  14. I mean you COULD buy me a plane ticket... It looks like the course of action this thread is taking is calling for a super-elite-live-battle-showdown final round live at SupX's house. I will see you all there in a month.
  15. lolwat. People are picking it apart because this tech demo hasn't fixed the problem with squareenix's games. The issues they've had recently are with story, gameplay, and the like - not graphics. Hence the reason this thread isn't full of OMGGRAFICSSOKEWLOMG. The game industry doesn't NEED better graphical capabilities; yes, it's impressive, and yes, its great to see the technical leaps and bounds that game companies are making, but it's not what JRPGs (or really any other eastern game company) need to get them out of the decline they've been having over the years. Basically what i'm saying is, If i wanted to see something pretty i'd look at art. What I want to see is a playable tech demo on the show floor that everyone can play on something that I can buy eventually.
  16. Listenin to the album as I drive, I have to say that there's a nice spread of chiptuney sounds here. There's really something for everyone, as long as you love dem chiptunes. Joined the group, liked the page. GOOD WARK
  17. Yeah this is a great compo; everyone here is awesome and helpful, and there's no drama that I see in other compos. I realized I never said this, but Rexy it was a pleasure going up against you; if I had to lose to someone, I'm glad it was a fellow Rex. Unfortunately for you, you now have to win so I can say I lost to the champ.
  18. Brandon don't wear clothes tomorrow. Just walk around with a boom box and if people question you just play your song for them and they'll understand. Music > clothes
  19. Just bought the bundle, ENJOYING IT SO MUCH
  20. Quoted for emphasis. I didn't do reviews last round because frankly there were too many for me to leave half decent reviews. BUT THIS ROUND THERE IS NO EXCUSE
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