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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. - I love how jazzy it is (especially that riff at :51) and how the track evolves and expands. - This one has a definite sense of cold with its instrumentation, but it maintains a sort of hip hop feel with the rhythm, keeping this relatively minimal source groovy and interesting. - Dat piano. Everything from the pad to the vocals to the piano invokes a sense of a desolate winter environment. The piece evolves and expands beautifully throughout the piece, while retaining that distinct Metroid Prime vibe.Also, addition to the shiver star love. Such a peppy and christmasy piece.
  2. YO. Imma supersaw you in half with my rad synth action. You don't even have a Spark Mandrill of hope, because I looked at the forecast today.... AND THE STORM IS COMING.
  3. Anyone want to a groovy hip hop remix of with me?If not i may or may not do it by myself, it would just be easier to have someone share the load. Definitely interested in any other collabs that anyone else wants to do still. someone love me
  4. People always need vocalists - you might check into the majora's mask vocal project in the recruit and collaborate forum, or just hang around and see where you can help. Also, I dig the screen name. Welcome to OCR
  5. already a topic on it man, in which i made a hilarious joke. found here.
  6. You sir have a brilliant campaign sig going on.

    Keep it comin, I know who i'm voting for in November.

  7. In other news, how is Zero Bracket mixage coming along? I've laid down a nice 30ish second intro so far, i think this song is gonna be a little more aggressive than my previous stuff. BALLS IN YOUR COURT JOOJRAWK
  8. MUST...RESIST..URGE..TO...SPREAD..SELF..THIN... i'm interested
  9. I too have noticed this and have been mildly annoyed by it. Nothing to add otherwise other than being another person who noticed it.
  10. This this this this this this this this this. My cousin recently committed suicide and I've known those who have seriously considered it. No one has to bear everything on their shoulders alone - your family, your friends, your peers are always around, and more likely than not will listen to any problem that one might have. One of the most important things is communication. Spread awareness, let others know that you are there for them, that they aren't alone. It could save a life.
  11. I swear to God i'm not dead concerning my track; things have just gotten real busy and i've been redoing drum tracks 5 or 6 times because i'm still not happy with em. Just thought i'd touch base
  12. OH SHIT IM UP AGAINST WILLROCK on the plus side I get to use the theme I had wanted.
  13. See I never had a problem with the sailing because me and my friend would always make up ridiculous lyrics to the sea theme. The one thing I do hate is the goddamn note system in Banjo-Kazooie. I dunno how many times I would go through a level with 70 or so notes just to die and have to collect them all over again.
  14. I am currently doing a mix of Champion Blue's theme for the BadAss project; if it makes the cut you can look forward to that.
  15. I guess I misunderstood what this was supposed to be then. Regardless, Square Enix has now jumped from making ports to literally re-releasing games. Dunno what makes this so much better.
  16. 450 bucks to buy game discs for dead/obsolete platforms? No thanks I'll pass.
  17. Maybe Black Mesa WILL come out. That was a joke. HAHAH FAT CHANCE
  18. Pretty much everything right here. Square Enix is like that baby that throws cups and plates on the ground and laughs as we pick it up and give them what they want every damn time. If they made a sequel, AND IT WAS GOOD, I would be happy, but given the abysmal state of squeenix these days I just don't see that happening.
  19. It's actually just a beautifully fabricated lie, like album projects.
  20. I think what's being said here is that there is no proof that they will try at all. They take all the money, pretend to get it working, pocket the money and say "sorry guys it didn't work." IMO that scenario is very unlikely, but I think meteo is trying to say that there's no guarantee that WON'T happen, and the developers' lofty goals and vagueness sure as hell doesn't help their case. Either way, all we can do is wait and see what happens.
  21. Squeenix: Why make new games when you can remake old ones?
  22. are you guys ready to rumble? CUZ I'M BRINGIN THE STOOORRRRRRRMMMM
  23. I NEED AN ADULT ...I am an adult. The series is great and consistently so. I haven't watched an episode in a while though, this is the perfect excuse to get caught up!
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