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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. Holy lizard pancakes there are some good mixes here. Im giving an initial listen now, I'll go back and check sources and have another listen before I vote.
  2. That sucks man, I'm sorry. Regarding jake, if His opponent doesn't have a problem with it then I don't.
  3. HAPPEH BIRFDAI. May it be awesome
  4. <insert pokewood penis joke> anyway, yeah, this looks like some hot shit. I hope they bring back a lot of the little interface things from HGSS (having the running shoes on all the time, having the menu RIGHT THERE). It looks like they're making this sort of a giant conglomerate of the whole series. Maybe something to whet the insatiable appetite of the "Play all the region" folks? regardless i'm much excite
  5. FORUM POST HIATUS IS OVER BITCHES So a night of potential mix-a-thon turned into a "lets call in Ethan to work 4:30-1:00," so I had to cut my mix shorter than I would've liked it, but its got a lot in a little amount of time so I'm pretty happy with whats there. Anyway yeah I sent my track in. Mr. Covenant, the ball is in your court.
  6. Not knowing where else to put this, I'd just thought I'd let you know that my friends and I are doing a funk guitar/ukulele/keyboard/chiptune take of the SSB64 Donkey Kong Stage. I'll send a MIDI or whatnot concept WIP soon!
  7. TWO MOAR QUESTIONS. 1) I'm a little bit confused about the looping. From what I read, it sounds like you guys will take care of the actual looping in the game and we just have to write the mix so it loops well. Is that right? 2) I know I keep getting way ahead of myself on this, but would you guys be up for some mixage for tracks others than those listed as well? I know you have those posted on top priority, but I think it would be neat to have some OCR representation in the other stages as well. If that's the case then I'd also like to point you here for some potentially awesome Sonic mixes, /shamelessplug
  8. SUPER ULTRA AMAZING COLLAB MIX BIRTHDAY AWESOME SUPREME TURBO X TEKKEN. seriously though happy early birthday and good luck to all!
  9. MUCH EXCITE to get this thing going. I feel like everyone's excitement is going to make for some awesome remixes. Coincidentally it so happens that my birthday is during Robotnik mixing too. Which means.... LIZARD PARTY!!!
  10. Might I also ask/suggest that if more people than tracks want to mix and provide solid mixes then they will be taken as well? Not only would it be cool to have a remixed soundtrack, but it would be even neater to have two or so tracks to choose from à la the Brawl soundtrack, provide there's enough interest.
  11. I know I shouldn't say this because I'm already busy, but if you're looking for remixers, I'd be more than happy to take a track or two. Developers, the ball's in your court. TELL US WHACHA WANT
  12. I was waiting for a limerick, but rhyming is SOOOOO one page ago.
  13. There ya go. (FYI its a button on the toolbar in replies that looks like a little picture of a mountain)
  14. New rule: every post on this page must rhyme. Something something something time.
  15. Now we need an album director. Someone turn on The Damned signal
  16. This looks really neat. My friend and I are currently working on a lyrical version of Midna's Lament, so you could use that when we're done.
  17. I thought it was because you talk trash and your remixes are trash too. OH SNAP TRASH TALK BURN
  18. ITT: sexual handle puns, lizards, pancakes, and no music.
  19. This. Hill Top is one of my favorite themes of all time. If I do go up against ph I'm expecting some hardcore funk action that only two lizards can bring justice to. No homo
  20. Oh wow this is good. Looking forward to hearing a date on this one.
  21. Personally I've been brainstorming my source in different styles, an I've even thrown some other source in my head to see how my own source could potentially accompany another (ie fills in the source or strong chords). My thought is that if I know my own source like the back of my hand then it'll be easier to mesh with another.
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