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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. We should have an epic remixing gauntlet for the final two themes and then vote for an alternate bonus winner in addition to the normal champ.
  2. This thread is the reason I wake up in the morning
  3. Look how delicious my bracket is. I'm ready to COOK UP SOME MIXES. /badpun
  4. Wait main finger had bad mixes what is this I don't even
  5. Hah. I started with Yu-Gi-Oh and went to DBZ and loved both of em. Like Xarn Ive only really played through TP (as well as a little but of ff7), but I can't wait to watch there when I get home.
  6. We'll call it lizard bracket and pancake bracket and 5 more pages into this thread no one will have any clue on what we're talking about.
  7. Man, reading all these posts is pumping me up for this compo! I just hope that I get matched up with someone of similar skill. Either way I expect to learn a bunch!
  8. Watch me be the unknown hack who takes you out in the first round. Sweet sigs superior, you've done a great job with everything.
  9. Yo Superior, I noticed that there's only one source for the Metal Harbor stage. There is also source for when you're boarding. Is it kosher to remix that as well?
  10. here tonight only folks! Two rexes, two players, sonic two, two remixes. But only one winner! EDIT: for some reason this forum hates my all caps attitude. I'm much excite.
  11. The protags are actually the protags from BW1 in an alternate timeline where Blue defeats Red and Giovanni is N's brother but Koga really loves Jasmine but has to undergo surgery revealing him to be the protag from RSE. But that's just a theory
  12. YOU'RE TOO SLOW! God I have been waiting to pull that sonic joke for a long time
  13. HERP A DERP DERP I CAN HAZ REED. I've actually checked the list this time, so here's my five: 1. Chemical Plant (Sonic 2) 2. Casino Night (Sonic 2 - 2 PLAYER) 3. Metal Harbor (SA2) 4. Mystic Cave (Sonic 2) 5. Hilltop (Sonic 2)
  14. Yeah i used the FL Studio demo for like 4 months and learned quite a bit.
  15. Yeah I'd be fine with metal harbor, but I'd still like the coin toss. Superior X, can I switch my number 2 pick to Metal Harbor?
  16. 1)Chemical Plant Zone (Sonic 2) 2)Mystic Cave Zone (Sonic 2) 3)Metal Harbor (Sonic Adventure 2 Battle) 4)Hill Top Zone (Sonic 2) 5)Sky Chase (Sonic 2) I guess I have a thing for sequels...
  17. This sounds awesome. Like the Kanto part of GSC but much more fleshed out. waiting for a US release date.....
  18. OY MATEY!!!

    is that song I meant to send you. Enjoy!

    OR ELSE! :3

    (PS click on the here)

  19. I'd just like to add some stuff from a n00bs point of view (at least I think I'm still a n00b). 1) One of the best ways of getting feedback is to give feedback. When you comment on someone's track, they see your name, and they are more likely to comment on your track in kind. 2) Not Having stuff can be a good thing. I used the demo of FL10 for about 8 months until I could buy it. Aside from the weirdly fast writing skills I gained from trying to finish mixes before someone would turn off my computer, I also learned that the software doesn't matter (for the most part). Use this time to really dig deep into the basics of sound design; learn a lot now so that when you eventually can buy stuff you'll know how it works. 3) Read and learn. I already mentioned it in my previous point, but zircon and rozovian both have some really sweet mixing guides. Past that, read the FL manual, and then google anything you don't understand. Knowing is half the battle! Anyway, don't be discouraged. Chill in IRC (I'm there almost all the time), post around the forums and get to know some people. You'll find yourself learning faster than you think.
  20. Well there's the whole thing about where we just remix music, so there's some legal stuff.
  21. I thought the slacker was doing the website?
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