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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. Damn, it's sad to see NP go. Yeah, the reviews weren't as great, but the writing was hilarious, at least before they switched publishers (to future us i think). I'm intrigued.
  2. You guys better be careful about her, I hear Boomer kuWANGer has a dark secret.
  3. 1) spark mandrill - MMX 2) storm eagle - MMX 3) wheel gator MMX2 4) boomer kuwanger - MMX 5) chill penguin - MMX I'm in the same situation as supx, I'd like to not mix during labor day weekend if at all possible.
  4. By this, I mean making music. I'm not sure where this thread belongs (or really if it belongs for that matter) but as I approach the end of my first year remixing music, I've wondered, how long have you guys and gals been making music? Where there any periods of time in which you greatly improved? Why? Had any prior experience with musical family members or grade school band stuff, etc. influenced your remixing hobby/career? I know that my first couple of months were awesome learning for me, because I had to work with a demo of FL and wasn't sure when my project would be deleted next, so I learned a bit in time management. Discuss.
  5. Make your drummers play your music. If they ask questions make them do pushups because THAT'S THE POWER YOU WIELD.
  6. Started and finished both Baccano! and Afro Samurai over the past coupla days. I enjoyed Baccano! immensely, great characters in that one. As for Afro Samurai...I thought it was enjoyable, but I couldn't take it seriously at points. Starting FLCL today. PREPARE BRAIN FOR CLUSTERFUCK JAPANESE GOOFY MAX LEVELS. Also Adventure Time is the shit yo. LSP FTW.
  7. Just took a listen, very nice, very chill, very well produced. My favorites have to be Uncontrollable Bouncy Ball and Square Circle Circle. Yeeesss...tobacco...*shifty eyes*
  8. Wait, Chrono Trigger AND Earthbound came out in '95? Got damn if Sunday wasn't move in day...
  9. Just bumping this thread because I was listening to the soundtracks again. I was talking about this in IRC, but is there any interest in a Battle Network Album? If I wasn't just about to go off to school and if I was a little better at remixing I'd head the project myself, but I'd give all my support to someone who wanted to head such a thing. Any interest?
  10. well there goes all my WillCock jokes. Congrats on the joojship! May your NOs be swift and your YESes swifter.
  11. To me they've fixed what I'm worried about with ouya: they've put actual prototypes into the system and it seems to be living up to the hype. I mean Gabe Newell backed it, and he's not one to sugarcoat things. Errr I mean VIRTUAL BOY 2.0 AMIRITE
  13. Sweet paint skillz also HAPPEH BIRFDAI DJP!
  14. NANANANANANANANA BATMAAAAAAAN Seriously though, what did you guys think? I thought it was a wonderfully conclusive end to the series, although it had a rough start, and I'm not sure how I felt about them leaving it open for a robin/nightwing series. Called the talia bit right after he slept with her though.
  15. I like the idea of a pay what you want system for mixes. IMO that allows the buyer to acknowledge that its copyrighted material, but also gives them the right to give money to a musician whom they feel has created something in their own right from the original material. That being said, I don't mind people selling their remixes, as long as its a significant change from the original and not a "MIDI-rip" with drums or whatnot. Another point I always want to make when seeing these profit-mixes: if the artist is good (or believes that they are good) enough to get me to pay, or wants to make money, then why not spend time making originals?
  16. Yeah I have the same complaints. I know the walking is supposed to make you like vulnerable to slender man or whatnot, but more often than not I'm just walking around. As a friend put it, "This is pretty much the game equivalent of that video where it tells you find the black dot and then a face pops up."
  17. So I mean is this almost completed for the most part? I assume this isn't a thread to recruit because it's in community...
  18. Damn straight it does. EDIT: I meant to say this but I guess I forgot to or something...Definitely looking forward to this - FF2 was my first FF.
  19. The chrono trigger soundtrack is always nice, but the one track that is guaranteed to get me out of a funk is Gusty Garden from Super Mario Galaxy. Oh, and the soundtrack to Wind Waker always cheers me up too.
  20. I'd be interested in this - i suppose i'm still a newbie when it comes to mixin'.
  21. Actually pigeons only have a shelf life of about two to three weeks before they spoil.
  22. I personally loved kirby 64 - its one of my favorites. I never understood why they took out the power combinations thing...
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