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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. Very nice explanation. I love this kind of stuff with songs, and I'm glad you shared!
  2. Listened and voted. There were some awesome tunes this week. Rexy I'm going to be honest, when I first listened to this I wasn't really enjoying it, but I think that's because it was quite a different take than what I had on the two sources. There's some great source combination here, and the DusK solo was nice as well. I did feel however, that the instrumentation was rather odd, especially the flute-ish lead. I'm not sure how much if at all that hurt the piece, but that was one of the points I consistently notice. All in all it was a good track, and one I'm happy to go against. TheRexAsaurous Man, I really wish I'd had a little extra time to listen to this in my car or on something other than headphones/speakers, because then I probably would've noticed some issues here with parts being too loud. The other glaring issue here is the length, but after listening to it for days I had some serious writer's block. I threw in the piano and the ending FX to add some length, but I would've really liked to add another section. However, I do like a lot of the groovy sections (the piano part for one and the solo at the end for another), and if I do go down this round, I'm glad to have made this as the one to go out on. Main Finger Some good drums in here, and I like the way you incorporated both themes. However, the first bit with the lead from Chem Plant (like :35-:37) seemed to trail on too long. It sounds like the Hill Top intro, but it seems to break the rhythm for me. Good transitions between themes; sometimes I forgot whether i was listening to chem plant or hill top. NICE WARK. Phonetic Hero I think this might be my favorite my round. I'm liking the hard sounds that get in your face, and then die away to the piano. The Hill Top theme does sound a bit out of place sometimes. The vocals sound very familiar; are they sampled from Good track, and congrats on your one year music anniversary. Amphibious Damn son, you got some pretty good guitar skillz. I enjoyed the how you used the two themes under the same background layers in the beginning. It seemed unusually fast for three minutes, but that must be because I enjoyed it so much. Ben Briggs lolwut. Seriously though, props to you on a genre combo I never would've thought of. The lead around 1:22 sounded a little high on the frequency side for me, but everything else was excellent. I especially enjoyed the lead hook in the beginning. Superior X Some nice grooves here, the trumpet solo was pretty sweet too. It seemed a little laid back and groovy, which seems to be your style. This is a well done mix, but it would be interesting to see you go in a completely different direction this time. No real complaints from me however, as this is a solid mix that I enjoyed.
  3. Checked out the facebook page. Nice work as usual Jake; the music to the trailer sounded like something out of Portal 2. Is there any plans on digital distribution of the film? Is that even a thing? Am I crazy?
  4. This man deserves a medal for the most accurate description
  5. I think I'm done with my track. Coming in at a ripe 2:00 even, it's another short track but I hope it's got enough funk to please. I'ma let it sit for a bit just in case but I plan on submitting it sometime tomorrow. SONIC SOUND EFFECTS FTW
  6. NO JOKING THIS COMPO IS ABOUT SERIOUS STUFF MAN uh I mean my track is coming along
  7. How sad! That sucks, and your sexy musics will be missed.
  8. yeah man i resynced it and it worked out fine. How weird!

  9. JASOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON was what I should've shouted last round. You BEST be ready for some funk Rexy. Although I kinda forgot I was graduating this week, so it might be a short piece again. BUT IT WILL BE GROOVY YO.
  10. *Looks at voting results* TRASH TALKING ROUND 2
  11. Oh god i just remembered that my high school graduation is next week. MIXING IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE WEEK IS GO
  12. You guys are the best. Thanks for all the birfdai wishes!
  13. DO IT! because i mean seriously who's going to get mad about more music amirite?
  14. LolBrandon Went to see it today for Mother's Day, and I thought it was excellent. Certainly more of a "let's laugh and watch shit blow up" kind of movie rather than one of a deeper nature, which is good because why get deep when you can just watch HULK SMASH.
  15. Oh man I forgot you were doing Metal Harbor. That track NEEDS some love
  16. Updated mah track, waiting for comments.
  17. It's incredibly efficient, as he can know use both his hands for ridiculously fast shreddage.
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