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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. FINALLY posted something in the KNGI thread. needing feedback desperately
  2. Good to hear! It sounds like it's the wii sports of the wii u
  3. Oh man, where to start. Firstly, there's classic chiptunes of . This isn't exactly recent per se, but The Super Mario Galaxy OST is positively fantastic, (the is good as well). More good soundtracks include that of and Braid's wonderfully atmospheric time wobbliness.
  4. That's a question I had been wondering for a while: how is NintendoLand? Is it a nice way of implementing the gamepad or is it shovelware?
  5. As a percussionist, this mix makes me smile. I have a couple of nitpicks; firstly, the fact that the melody doesn't stray from the xylophone except for maybe 4 bars near the end. There also seems like some times where the unison parts get off a little bit. HOWEVER, those nitpicks aside, this is a wonderfully peppy and well crafted piece. It oozes Mario, and I definitely enjoyed it. Nice work!
  6. Welcome! That's a mighty nice list of games there - Pokemon is a personal favorite of mine. As for your view issue, go to User CP in the top left, then scroll to thread display options. You should be able to change your view at your discretion. Hope you enjoy OCR!
  7. Midterms have come up and school is keeping me busy, so i don't have anything to offer. Hopefully I can commit something soon, or I may have to drop....
  8. Timing in the stone tower lead in the beginning is a bit off. also your clock town chords are a little loud and a bit bass heavy. When you bring in most of the instruments near the end, make sure you mix the sounds so they don't clutter the soundscape like they do now. Arrangement is interesting. There's a sort of a major against minor feel going on here, and that can be either taken as good or not depending on your opinions i suppose - i'm in the latter category. Regardless of my opinions however, there are a lot of similar sounds to the sources in this mix; this matched up with the lack of variation in source tune makes this feel more like a cover than a ReMix. Some good ideas going on here, but it needs some TLC. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Friend of mine loves doing this kind of stuff - you can find his collection of stuff here. Some of my favorites:
  10. Sorry i'm late, I got somethin, but i've been out of town and just got back today. I'll upload and send it your way tomorrow. EDIT: its on KNGI waiting for feedback
  11. The other OSU (as in Oklahoma State University) is also doing a video game show - one of my good friends plays quads there, i'll see if anyone could get a good video of it.
  12. Can't say that I was for the most part - you did a fantastic job ProjectSpam, and I knew you'd pass on. The only problem now is that you now have to win the whole thing so I don't look bad Seriously though, nice work!
  13. Small stream of consciousness comments from myself: Stealth Chameleon - Theory of N - Nice, everything starts out groovy, almost a Mega Man 8 kinda feel to it in some parts. Sting Chameleon gets some nice solo-ish action, but I wish it was integrated a little better with Blaze Heatnix, but that's just a small nitpick for an overall well produced mix. Unfazed - Gario - a little on the high end for my tastes with most of the leads throughout here. Pretty good arrangement for the most part - things were starting to get a LITTLE repetitive by the end, but it wasn't too much and this is an excellent mix. Knowledge Representation - Sir_NutS - piano transitions quite nicely into the main part of the mix - good integration of synths and piano, although as the synths start to layer the piano sounds more and more out of place - nothing terrible, mainly around the beginning. Lotta layers to this soundscape, things sound quite nice. Hate fadeouts though, but thats a personal thing I guess. Nice work! Superconductivity - jnWake - also some good piano, interesting that you two started off so similarly. I'll echo Baha's comments on the guitar and on some of the rigidity - I mainly noticed it on the piano chords whenever they were the only sounds happening for the most part. Some of the sounds got cluttered as things progress. Definitely dig that sound around 2:33. Some of the cymbals sound too wet in the mix (namely when there's a lot of crashes happening). Piano near the ends sounds nice, watch those chords from being too strong. All in all there's good stuff happening - Nice Mix! I am Terror - Hakstock - Sweet bell sounds in the beginning, watch the volume on em though. Synth soundscape sounds interesting but cluttered. I'm not really digging the echoed synth. Cool drop transition into some more harsh sounds, I would back those off as the lead comes in. Dig the synth-guitar soloish part. Arrangement wise this is a nice incorporation of the themes. Nice! Drifter - ProjectSpam - Interesting take on this. Right off the bat the bass sounds a little too bass heavy. Cowbell is irking me being hard-panned to the right like that - same goes for the most of the drums. Leads are being buried - lower other stuff to bring em out. Arrangement is pretty nice - i dig the orchestral-y almost tribal-y feel this has, although some times i feel the mix meanders a bit with no solid melody. Overall this is sweet, and a good opponent mix! Seahorses, FOREVEH - TheRexAsaurous - I tried to go for a lo-fi retro feel here. Felt like there could be a bit more variation with the bassline, and that it as well as the drums were overpowering. Not too fond of my leads in the first section. Tempo push was executed all right. Liked the feel I set up in the second section, but, alas, time got the best of me and I couldn't flesh out my ideas as much as I wanted. Also what a st00pid title.
  14. Just submitted. With a paper and exam this week, I didn't have nearly enough time as I wanted, so I had to hurry to get finished and hastily fashioned a sub-par ending.
  15. PRESSURES ON BOYO Seriously though, I've had very little time to work on my track as well, and so far I'm not really happy. It'll be an interesting matchup for sure.
  16. Pretty much this but with toxic seahorse's theme. Also fuck toxic seahorse's theme.
  17. HAPPEH OCREMAS EVERYBODY! It's that time of year where you eat cookies and play Pikmin 2 24 hours straight! And to PROTODOME, HAPPEH BIRFDAI AS WELL! CAPS LOCK!!!
  18. Had this playing while I was sleeping and when I woke up today I could fly. This album gives you superpowers. Buy it.
  19. Likewise about being antagonistic, and I'm all about giving people the benefit of the doubt, I just think it needs to be stressed that dropping out should be a last resort thing. Everyone understands that you only have a week to mix, and posting anything is better than dropping - not only for the mixer but for his/her opponent as well.
  20. In the Sonic Zone Remix Compo Enigami's computer crashed the night before and he was still able to make something. I don't say that to be a dick and be like "you guys have no excuse" because I know life happens and that people are busy, but I DO say this because you should know if you have the time or not to commit to this, and if you sign up and then don't produce something then you took a spot away from someone else who could've entered or a source away from someone who wanted it. Moreover it also sucks to be the the guy who's opponent drops because 1)You moved on because of a technicality and not necessarily because your music was good and 2) Other people don't listen to your track as much because they don't have to vote on it, meaning you get less feedback. Being that guy twice now is really aggravating. I think if you have a track record of dropping (twice or more), you should get low priority on future compos, meaning that if 33 people want in and there's 32 slots you get bumped out. EDIT: lotta people posted while i was writing, so i just want to be clear 1) I understand this is for fun and people have lives. However its also for people to improve and dropping out does nothing to support that. 2) banning from the forums is a too harsh IMO. I think though that the solution I proposed still gives chances to people who drop out, but it also makes people look at their scheduling a little more before signing up. 3) I'm mainly talking about the people who don't submit something because they don't like it. It sucks to get sick Will, I'm sure you would've had a stellar tune. Hope you get better.
  21. Sent my mix in - it's short, like most of my compo stuff, but its pretty nice.
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