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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. I was planning on downloading the latest Project M tonight or tomorrow, so I can bring an SD card with it on it. Also, I added my number to the number list - if you add me to your phone please send me a text letting me know you did so, thanks!
  2. All righty, here's my picks: 1) Music Plant (Sonic Advance 2) 2) Hilltop Zone (StH2) 3) Casino Park (Sonic Heroes) 4) Mystic Cave (StH2) 5) Hydrocity (StH3)
  3. YAAAAAH DUH DAHHH-DUH DAH DUH That would actually be pretty funny since I was casino night 2P last time
  4. Yeah I'm so unbelievably ready TO SWEEP THIS COMPO #YOLO420BLAZEITMLGREMIX Uhhh I mean let's do this shit. I'll post my picks later
  5. The riffs are so addicting small church going grandmas are trying to get the album banned. Seriously, every track is polished to a shine, and I've been humming Shoot 'em Down all day. Check it out guys
  6. Hey guys, thanks for all the feedback! Updated the first post with a new version - tried to fix the piano issues as well as space everything out a bit better. I also redid the intro a bit so hopefully it's a bit more dynamic. EDIT: Re-reading the feedback, I may have done the opposite of what you guys were saying for the intro, but that's a quick fix. Let me know what you think!
  7. I will pump this out for you in a week or so if you want. Any genre specification?
  8. Fuck yesssss, get through dat queue. In all seriousness, this is some pretty solid promotioning - nice work guys!
  9. All righty so I'm hella interested in this, but I'm not really sure about my time schedule in the near future. Any chance I can soft claim Story mode 4?
  10. I felt like the filmmakers realized part of the way in that people might not like the language they used so they tried to fit something in as a sort of disclaimer. Unfortunately by nature of that it seemed a little insincere. Agreed on that last sentiment man - I watched it with some smash buddies of mine who have never really played competitively and it sort of opened up that whole world to us. Too bad Oklahoma doesn't have that big of a smash scene as far as I know...
  11. Have any of you guys seen this yet? It's a 9-part YouTube Documentary about the competitive Melee scene, focusing on 8 or so top-tier Melee players like Ken, Azen, PC Chris, etc. If you've played Melee at all I'd highly recommend it - it's pretty well made and wonderfully entertaining. Any thoughts?
  12. I'm so unbelievably down for this, but iunno what to claim. Give me what you think i'd do well at brando
  13. This right here. the Snare sounds really tight too, maybe even pitched up a bit.
  14. That's weird, I've been working on WCRG stuff too, over here. And nice update dude, that sounds real clean.
  15. Hey guys, I polished up my first WCRG track and I'm planning to submit it, but I'd really like for you guys to tear it apart first. Arrangement, mixing, anything - I want this to be perfect. ReMixV2 Thanks
  16. I adore the atmosphere on this man. The glitches on the strings were hella subtle and worked like a charm. Easily some of your best stuff to date, great job.
  17. But typically you would want to max them out early on, otherwise you run the risk of giving them EVs you may not want them to have through normal gameplay.
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