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Everything posted by Thylacine

  1. Uh, dude, I think you're... *checks calendar*...Wait, so the guy not only has credit for Christmas, but he has his own holiday? Dang.
  2. I'm probably going to either get props for this, or a lot of hate. But, c'est la vie... I was digging through my old stuff and found a pair of headphones in the box that my Game Boy came in. That is, the original, grey brick Game Boy. The headphones were in mint condition, but considering everything else that came with them wasn't, there was no harm in breaking them open and using them. Not like I would have earned enough on eBay to get a decent set of headphones, anyway... I've been using them for the better part of 5 years. They work really well. The left earpiece is cracked now, so I'll probably have to replace them soon. I'll invest in a more high-quality piece when I have the money for it, but for my purposes, these work fine. When I'm alone and nobody can hear me, I'll unplug the headphones and use my laptop's speakers, which are actually pretty good.
  3. I learned about this website when a friend of mine posted it on another forum. I think my first remix download was "Terra in Black." I also peeked into the forums and thought they were pretty awesome reads. After that, I was hooked.
  4. Sometimes we just have to accept that a track doesn't want to be remixed. It changed hands, what, at least three times? I think someone even said it was a "cursed" track. And curses delay projects.(Looking forward to this album!)
  5. Well, that "damn" game isn't a Sonic game, so it doesn't count. It's a spinoff. Much like Portal isn't a Half Life game.
  6. I thought the more recent versions of the DS had web browsing? (Or the DS game card with internet on it had been released in the US.) Am I mistaken?
  7. What kind of stats do MMOs have anyway as far as how many people play them? I mean, I play MMOs, but my understanding was that the players were a very small minority in the grand scheme of things (Zynga games aside). I agree with the end of that article: game selection and price are going to be the things that determine success and failure of this, but perhaps gaming is mainstream enough for this to be realistic. I could see FarmVille running on that no problem, as well as the parade of mediocrity that Facebook has given life to. WoW with Cataclysm and all, though... not so much. If it had access to the few MMOs that I DO play, I would seriously consider this for sometime in the future.
  8. ...Yes, I was kidding.Apparently, you don't read VGCats. Don't blame you, really - trashy thing it's become. It's also the first suggestion you get on Google after you type "how i mine." And now it can be asked with an ounce of seriousness.
  9. I don't think he should add fish to the game. It seems like it would just prompt a lot of "how I mine for fish" questions. I think this game is in the same category as WoW, in that if I allow myself to play it, I will get nothing done ever.
  10. Ack! You nearly gave me a heart attack there, Damned. This and the Link's Awakening album are both things I've been looking forward to for a while now. Has a C&D ever been an issue with OCR?
  11. I ROFL'd.I was expecting him to be one of the Fire Nation's faceless soldiers who got killed off in an early scene. It'd be out-of-the-way enough so nobody above him could complain.
  12. Huh, the ads mislead me with their "from the mind of" crap. I honestly thought he was a director.Looks like this movie is in the same vein as "Stuart Little." It's a little sad if he really did take the idea. It means he'd have to settle for production. I guess I can stop looking for him in the commercials now. Although, his IMDB page doesn't state that he acted in the Last Airbender, so I guess that phase of his career is over.
  13. RottenTomatoes has this at 41% right now. It's breaking the downward trend of the movies he's made lately. I really wanted this to suck worse than Last Airbender, and thought a movie shot mostly in an elevator would do that. (No offense, ambient.) Yeah, if it's registered that you had the idea first, sue away. First, though, let me ask this: if he DID take it, how did he go about reading it in the first place? Do WGA scripts have public access or something, or do you think it got pinched when you were sending it out? This is why I haven't written a book yet - too easy to get ideas stolen or to inadvertently steal from others. Well, that and I'm too lazy for my own good.
  14. But aren't tutorials usually really boring?I'm not arguing your point (and, in fact, would agree more than disagree), but have you experienced an ENJOYABLE tutorial?
  15. Well, I guess I'll ask a couple of questions. First, if I can't ask when this project will end, then when did this project get off the ground? How long has everyone been working on this? Second, will the other four albums be roughly the same size as Wind (10ish songs)? Or will Dawn be smaller/larger? Or will they all vary in length given the stand-alone nature of each album? And since it's not a review of the music, I'll just compliment the great album art and hope that the other four are the same impressive style. Okay, I'm done.
  16. People who didn't know anyone else who got the game....*cough*... (Never did beat it, actually. The giant pod boss was just so annoying, and the fact that I had to fight him twice to get the remaining crystals was just insulting.)
  17. Well, DJ Pretzel would have a say in that (or, at the very least, a judge or someone who has organized projects in the past). Just for the record before I write all this, I'm a forum lurker, not an official representative of the OCRemix group. That being said, let me address your point... I'm not really sure who approached whom for the SSFIIHDRMX soundtrack. It'd be a little presumptuous for OCR to approach someone who may not have even heard of the site before, and I'm sure they could approach DJP if they truly wanted to. The bottom line is: while a higher-up is showing interest in ideas for the game, he's not really asked for people to come in and take over part of the design process that may already be done. It's not "PR for free," either - it's a heavy investment of time into music creation/intepretation, as well as the other behind-the-scenes tasks usually done for the large-scale projects at this website (many of which take well over a year to complete - SoulCalibur games come out every 3 years, and SCIV came out in '08, which gives us a year until fans would anticipate SCV). Heck, people haven't even remixed the other SoulCalibur games here, unless you count Soul Blade, of which there is ONE remix. Most projects on here are of games that have a strong following. While the debate is heated in this thread, the forum-goers and the remixers aren't the exact same people. There might not be an overlap between the two parties for this kind of thing. I'm not saying OCR or Project Soul/Namco won't. I'm just saying they probably won't want to. ...But what do I know? Like I said, I just lurk.
  18. Well, they clearly moved from one episode to another at the very end of that. Boy, though, that was... wow. The visual effects were pretty impressive (it appeared to be mostly one fluid shot for most of the "bending"), but that acting was all sorts of awful.
  19. I think it would just anger the A:TLA purists more. The TV show wasn't exactly hilarious all the time, but it had good humor. The humor was due to the personality of the characters, not the stupidity of the script. The only reason other TV-to-movie remakes can get away with that is because they can exploit dated fashion and humor that, in retrospect, wasn't that good (or isn't good to the current movie-going generation). This is a recent TV series fresh in everyone's minds (with an outsider crowd), so making a farce of it wouldn't end well.
  20. *ahem* I believe the thread title is "Happy Birthday," yet I'm seeing a lot of frowny faces. Reuben has some awesome music, all of which is preserved for us here and on his website. So, just put a song on your MP3 player/computer and enjoy. Don't think about him not being here - just think about what he left us. Be happy we have that. I have trouble being sad for musicians who died, because it's such a worthy pursuit to have. Musicians live on through song, so it's not like they're gone from our lives forever. They're still with us, just differently.
  21. Please tell me I'm not the only one to think "Transformice: Rodents in Disguise" upon seeing the game title.
  22. I only see unintentional jokes because they don't know how to spell his name. It's not that hard, really. Shy-a-ma-lan. The "y" appears to be silent in pronunciation, so it sounds like "Sha Milan" whenever it's said. And wow, recommending Eclipse instead of this movie - that's cold.
  23. It was really downplayed in this episode, if not entirely disregarded. My understanding was that they were dating, too, especially after the Rebirth episode.I laughed more at this episode than I have in at least the past month at anything else, so I'm not complaining. I really don't think this is in danger of going the way of Family Guy, unless they kill their running gags or drive the jokes into the ground. Maybe my standards are lower, but Futurama doesn't hold as much nostalgia factor for me as it does for others, because I didn't see it until a good while after its cancellation. So, it's still a fresh feeling for me.
  24. I'm not really one of those "laugh at its badness" type of people unless I'm watching Mystery Science Theater (or am with people who can make it appreciable in the same way).
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