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Avatar of Justice

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Everything posted by Avatar of Justice

  1. Castlevania 3. Best OST on the NES. Make sure you get the japanese version as it had an extra soundchip that made the music sound better.
  2. I personally really enjoyed Doom 3, but on the other hand, I was not a hardcore fan of the original (I only played a shareware version of Doom 1). The only time Doom 3 seemed to have the run-and-gun feel of the original was the last area. But aside from the expectations surrounding it, I think it is a fun game. The flashlight thing didn't annoy me at all. But I'm a huge Resident Evil fan as well (not that is has anything to do with flashlights).
  3. I just finished rereading the Fountainhead. It's the perfect book to read before starting your career, assuming you majored in something you like at college. Otherwise, it's just a reproach.
  4. New Super Mario Brothers? Everyone likes Mario! (maybe?)
  5. The original Zelda is kind of a classic example of an old game that doesn't hold up in my mind. One of the things I notice about NES games is how...aimless they can be. Just think of original Metroid and how you crawl through screen after screen that looks the same. In the original Zelda no one tells you where to go and you are just supposed to find the dungeons. It just seems like you have no clear direction. The game seems like an exercise in frustration unless you just look at a FAQ on how to get to all the dungeons. Now, I love A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening as they actually give you a clue as to what you are supposed to be doing. Old games that I have played and sincerely enjoyed are NES Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania 3. They both have good music and good stages, even if Castlevania 3 has the wonky stilted Belmont controls that are in place even through Dracula X Chronicles. I never played those games until 3 or 4 years ago, and they are my favorite NES games, NOT the NES games I played as a kid.
  6. I saw Iron Man last night at a midnight showing. I thought it was pretty good. The "hero origin story" part of the movie was long but probably my favorite part.
  7. Has anyone else read the Baroque Cycle by Stephenson? It took me about 9 months to get through it due a lot to having a shortage of reading time, but it was really over the top and enjoyable.
  8. I picked up a PSP last week and have been playing the hell out of Dracula X Chronicles. I'm done with the remake and am now going through Rondo of Blood. I also grabbed Jeanne D'Arc but have barely played it. Anime Joan of Arc story. I love it.
  9. I personally would like to visit Japan, although only long enough to buy a bunch of anime merch. I have no interest in their culture aside from anime, video games, and sushi.
  10. Yet another Code Geass leak has happened. Some screenshots of the episode preview for episode 5 are our. I'm half-convinced Bandai is just trying to promote the show now or something.
  11. Oh I know the laws But I can still disagree with them. The major reason I don't like software being tied to a particular console for instance is because in 30 years my DS might no longer work, Nintendo doesn't make them anymore, and I'm in a position where I can't replay Phoenix Wright because it must be played on a valid DS.
  12. Why should I be required to run your software on a DS? If I buy it, why can't I run it on whatever I want? Emulator, DS knockoff, whatever. Why are you hampering my freedom? Anyhow, I'd assume any good emulator will fake games into thinking they are on a DS. I mean...it's an emulator after all. That's its job. It's not like it's going to be able to see that you have an ASCII keyboard or something.
  13. The fact that it looks Chrono Trigger aside, I thought the plot seemed interesting.
  14. Um...no Code Geass will be airing as usual. It's not like because a 1/3 of it got uploaded they are now missing it or something. It turns out this was all an accident. The guy who did it was testing some sort of program that prevents people from doing what he did. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-04-16/unaired-code-geass-episode-ending-leaked-by-accident
  15. Anime is an episodic medium. So, it makes sense to watch it episodically. A show like Death Note wouldn't have been half as fun without the suspense each week. It gives me something to get hyped up over all week, and my friends and I probably spend several hours each week discussing an episode with one another. I haven't watched an anime by myself in forever, so I always get to have fun discussions about it speculating on what is going to happen, who is awesome, or who is no longer awesome. One episode at a time is also pretty easy to coordinate among three schedules. Plus you get to do fun things, like when Code Geass premiered we went and got some Pizza Hut pizza to eat with the episode.
  16. This all just confuses me. 1)Why would they redo the episode for 6 leaked minutes? Has this happened before in the anime industry or just silly fan speculation? 2)Why would you leak only six minutes? 3)Why would anyone want to see those six minutes? It's not even the first six (thus losing context) and it isn't like there is a huge time gap between the episodes.
  17. I thought about graduate school, but I decided that I was just plain tired of dealing with college. Every time something I'm looking forward to is going to happen (concert, game/movie/book release, holiday, weekend) there is always some school bullshit looming over it. I'm graduating with my B.S. in Computer Science with Honors from NC State. Hello 9am-5pm where I can go home and be left alone to do whatever I please. By day I'll be doing software development for embedded hardware, by night reading or playing some video games. And I can finally start working on some book ideas I've had without being interrupted by a paper or project.
  18. I enjoyed the hell out of Suikoden III's story. 1. Luc is awesome. He's probably my favorite video game villain period. Killing millions of people to free humanity from being bound by destiny. I'm down with that. Although his actions would've been horrible, his intentions were noble. Good villain. 2. The trinity system or whatever it was called was cool. It was neat to see the same events through the eyes of different characters. I personally found this to be terribly clever. 3. The politics were pretty good. I hope they make a Suikoden VI that takes place in the Holy Harmonia Empire since the Harmonians seem to be the bad guys of the series. The thing I really appreciate about Suikoden is that instead of like most RPG's where you travel to a castle town or something and are supposed to expect that to be the entire frigging nation, each Suikoden game takes place in a different country, making the world seem more realistic as far as the way the cities and nations are laid out. I'm a sucker for stories that deal primarily with nations and politics, so that's why Suikoden's storylines really appeal to me.
  19. A lot of Code Geass's insanity made sense to me once I realized it was directed by the same guy who directed Infinite Ryvius. That show gets pretty fucked up towards the end. But it's great!
  20. I kind of stopped listening when he was complaining about innovation, then immediatly claimed that Smash Brothers Brawl would be "the greatest thing to happen to gaming since jiggle physics." What makes Brawl so world shattering? The graphics are a tad better, but like any fighting game sequel its not that different. I love me some Guilty Gear X2, but I guarantee you that whenever Guilty Gear X3, or whatever the true sequel ends up being called, comes out it isn't going to change the face of gaming. And jiggle physics is the sort of mindless pandering thing he rails against often. Maybe if Smash Brothers Brawl had used the Wiimote motion sensitivity to come up with a new way of playing fighting games he could claim it was some kind of revolution. It seems like you can mostly sum him up by saying "I like old games and Japanese games. I hate new American ones."
  21. I'm always amazed at the flood of "dating-game" animes. Some dude with some girl who is an alien/time traveler/esper who has a pseudo-romantic relationship with him. This season isn't quite as bad as some of the previous ones on that front, but there are still a bunch like that. Bus Gamer and Macross Frontier were the only ones I saw that sounded somewhat interesting. Aside from Code Geass, but that's not really new.
  22. For whatever reason, I found myself enjoying the final case of the 2nd game more. It was suspenseful and exciting, and the final case of the 3rd game had a few too many twists and turns for me I guess. I just felt that the final case of the 2nd game put Phoenix in a more interesting moral predicament. They are all awesome cases and games though.
  23. Anime is much more than simply a style of drawing pictures. When a prosecutor seems to be physically repelled by the strength of your arguments, that's anime.
  24. You're an anime lawyer.
  25. The game I've always dreamed of. Edgeworth >>>> Phoenix
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