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Avatar of Justice

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Everything posted by Avatar of Justice

  1. I hope he's talking about Squall being the son of Laguna and Raine
  2. Am I the only one who is starting to find the concept a little over the top. A whole fake video game band? If you can get people together enough to play the game to make all the hardware worth your money, it seems like you should go form a band (which would require learning how to play music). I'm sure it'll be fun, but it will be absurdly fun. I own Guitar Hero 1 (I didn't like the playlist of the 2nd one at all). Does this make me a hypocrite?
  3. I've been sticking with Animanda since Live-Evil quit. I've done side by side comparions of pieces of a few episodes and I Animanda's translation just sounds a bit more natural to me. You can call me a dork, I just like having the best translation I can get. Yeah, I'm amazed at what a dork Light is without his abilities. He's just a generic anime hero-type who can't even deal with a girl properly.
  4. I love Death Note. It's my favorite show since Gankutsuou/Count of Monte Cristo. I haven't seen 24 yet, waiting for my group of choice to sub it, but I sure can't wait to see Light's evilness back in action.
  5. I haven't played Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2, but this was one badass video. Square needs to just start making badass movies like Advent Children. Hook up with Frank Miller and out badass 300 or something.
  6. I was really surprised at how good this movie was. I was expecting a somewhat fun popcorn fest, but it was actually fairly dramatic for a kid's movie. The internal family conflicts and stuff (and the climax of all that, you who've seen it know what I'm talking about) was just awesome. I'll be buying the DVD.
  7. Death Note. It's clever, and the main character is essentially the villain of the show. Very serious, a great show for all of us who enjoy our dark side.
  8. One of the more unknown movies getting release in the US this week is The Host. http://hostmovie.com/ South Korean movie that is a sort of satire/monster movie/family drama. I really liked it, thought it was well done, and had a sweet soundtrack. Did anyone else make it out to see it?
  9. In Russia, trailer leaks you!
  10. Sleek is so....early 2000's
  11. This is the classic example of a GOOD AMV.
  12. I doubt he was speaking in English. Maybe something got mistranslated?
  13. Wrong. The greatest music in the world is whatever I like.
  14. Look at me! I'm going to declare all of modern Western culture null and void! I don't understand why once money gets involved, something is no longer art. The piece of art having to be sold to the public en masse may mean that the artist has to distort his vision (especially in the case of games and movies), but it doesn't remove all artistic value from it. Does anyone else find other fields of art particularly susceptible to distortion like games and movies? The main connection between those is they both require a lot of different people, and a lot of money, whereas a book is basically one person and his editor. So maybe it's not the money at all...
  15. I personally couldn't care about the energy savings. Daylight Savings Time equals more daylight during the hours I am awake, which is cool.
  16. The only that could've made 300 better is if Sean Bean had joined him on screen! I'm a big Sean Bean fan, and I'm not sure why.
  17. Not to read too much into things, but I really liked the 'logical' free Spartans fighting against the faith-ridden Persians. I found out tonight that Frank Miller likes Ayn Rand, so the fact that he wrote that in makes sense.
  18. I host an https server with file downloads for my friends. I don't want to use ftp because ftp is really insecure, and sftp would require ssh accounts. So https it is. Is there a plugin for Firefox that would let people download all the files on a page such as this: http://avatarofjustice.com/files/ in a single click that doesn't require an external download manager?
  19. That would be cool, except I won't be around due to Spring Break. Oh well, have fun guys!
  20. Another great way to explain life in terms of video games http://www.qwantz.com/comics/comic2-973.png
  21. My friend and I were trying to figure out what the Christian Holy Trinity's Holy Ghost was exactly. I then proceeded to try to explain it like the Triforce. Wisdom and Power, like Father and Son, pretty easy to get what powers they grant. But Courage, it's a little harder to understand.
  22. This literally made my jaw drop. First picture in a while to do that. Where in the hell did this come from?
  23. Just because you're not earning royalties, does that necessarily imply you aren't going to make enough to survive? Hell, there are plenty of creative jobs where people don't get paid royalties. Just think of all the engineers who design products that sell like crazy and just get their normal wage anyhow. I don't see any reason a musician is more deserving than any other field when it comes to royalties. As a software engineer, if I refuse to work anywhere that won't pay me royalties, I can look forward to being a street bum.
  24. Just out of curiosity, does anyone else besides me find the Zune more aesthetically pleasing to look at than the iPod?
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