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Avatar of Justice

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Everything posted by Avatar of Justice

  1. Has anyone successfully installed Vista side by side an existing Linux install? My school offers Vista for free and I was pondering checking it out, but I don't want it to eat my Linux partitions.
  2. And don't get a 64-bit edition unless you own a 64-bit machine. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but 32-bit OSs can't address over 4GB RAM due to the inherent 32-bit'ness of the hardware.
  3. I doubt its going to really revolutionize things that Linux is pretty spotty on, like wireless cards and adapters. There are stupid FCC regulations limiting what companies can disclose about wireless devices and that's one of the reasons it's been hard to get open-source Linux and OpenBSD drivers for them. I know the OpenBSD guys have fought pretty hard with a few companies for opening up the specs for their wireless cards to no avail.
  4. I think a better use of your memory would be for caching harddrive data. That way your larger programs load up really fast when you run them, because the data just sits in your RAM instead of being loaded off your much slower harddrive. I have 1GB of RAM on my Linux system, and because of all the extra RAM Linux doesn't need, things like OpenOffice stay cached in my RAM for days and load up instantly.
  5. I'm a Gentoo user here. I like the fact that there is way to install every piece of software I personally care about through its package system. When I used Fedora I ended up with a system that had most things as RPM but a few packages here and there that had to be installed manually. I sort've dual-boot. I haven't really used Windows in like a year, but its installed somewhere. While I have possibly all the Linux users on OCR's attention please try out my CD Ripper for Linux, RipOff http://ripoffc.sourceforge.net It's like a very minimalist version of Sound Juicer, and faster as far as my rough benchmarks can tell.
  6. And Linux IS supported by everything? Hahahahahahaha
  7. The main reason I would like to see both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy Tactics get a remake is because their original translations sucked. It could be a better game experience for both of those games if they had good translations. At least FFT is getting remade, although I'll never own a PSP with which to play it.
  8. Yeah my school has that too and I just noticed you can download Vista as a DVD or 5 seperate CD's. Anyone know why Windows has gone from the size of one CD to five CD's? That's pretty wild...
  9. I'm pretty excited about the extra DRM. Freedom is overrated.
  10. I kind of like the new music. It gives the courtroom this "batlefield" sort of feel that goes along with the general silliness of PW2. I liked the original's just fine and the new one is less memorable I have to admit.
  11. Well, if they aren't even offering mp3 player transfer, it sounds like they aren't competing in the same market as iTunes. Especially since it is free and ad based. Does iTunes offer anything like this before you pay for the download? Try before you buy, as it were? I don't even own a Mp3 player (too expensive and I can always buy a pack of CD-RW's) so I'm pretty ignorant about iTunes.
  12. This sounds like radio on demand. Nothing really evil about it.
  13. So, is this a guarantee they are going to act on the rights? NBC bought the rights to make something Wheel of Time related, but never acted upon them? Also, is anybody else happy to see media and popular culture start to do more with the stuff the upcoming younger generations like as we get older?
  14. http://www.xproxy.com had a list if anyone cares. I knew Googling could find this sort of thing, its just that my previous googling had given me ones that didn't work, because my program was doing something incorrect.
  15. Hi, I'm looking for a good http proxy to test some code I've just written that requires a proxy. Can anyone recommend me one they've used and know is good? I need something that can work with a program that ISN'T a web browser.
  16. I'm looking for long epic works of rock (probably progressive) that tell a story. So far I'm aware of Rush - 2112 Rush - Hemispheres Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy The Protomen Anyone know of some good ones?
  17. I'm curious to see what the off-topic posts are. We have politics, philosophy, and religion covered. Games, anime, and music is covered. So, what's left? Sports and people relating random stories about themselves?
  18. I was always under the impression that part of what made OCR's forums good was UnMod and it providing a place for all the stupidity to be isolated. I never contributed to it and just looked at the image threads. Oh well, there's the rest of the Internet, but most of the image threads were pretty good filters for the rest of the Internet.
  19. Assuming it works as a standard IDE device, it should theoretically already just work at the driver level. As far as video playback goes, I doubt it. The people that author the video programs probably can't afford a Blu-Ray drive to play with right now.
  20. Heh, I actually looked up on GameFAQs how one uses Mognet to unlock the special stuff. I formally retract my bitching that was made before even getting the game. Friend code is 390929895620
  21. That's what dual-booting is for. Can use Linux for all other media-related things.
  22. Heh, one of the pro's of being a Linux user, is that I can read people bitching about Windows Vista, and it totally doesn't affect me. Yes, I felt the need to come down from my high Linux castle and laugh at you commoners and your Windows.
  23. Just finished Hard Mode with a level cap of 25 in PoR. The annoying part in my opinion were enemies like ghosts and medusa heads that spam the screen. Didn't even know about the ancient armor, heh. Sounds like a good pickup if I ever do a level one run. Or decide to try out the Nest of Evil in hard mode.
  24. It's more like a not-so-glorified IM service. You can only send one message an hour' date=' which I don't think is a terrible idea if they want to make it feel like some sort of mail system within some fantasy game and not just some in-game chat. But at the same time, as already pointed out, writing messages is extremely tedious. They didn't do a good job with it at all. And that is all the wi-fi is for. Otherwise, I am still very much loving the game! I have to admit to feeling jaded on a lot of modern rpgs, and right now this is a great blend of the classic rpg style with a few more modern aesthetics. Being able to do everything with just the touch screen is very nice, just tapping on characters to talk, etc. And it doesn't feel like they favored one method of control over the other, so control-wise the game is tight. If you get tired with the stylus, no problem, just play it normally with the buttons. They didn't make this game easy, which I am happy about. As a port/remake, I find it much more rewarding than the GBA and ps1 ports we've all seen already. [/quote'] Mognet is the only way to obtain the all crappy then all powerful Onion Knight job. As well as people with MASTERED jobs (Lv99) when they send you mail (and when you obtain the quest), you can obtain all new Ultimate Weapons. Also open up mini dungeon to fight a tough optional boss. So an RPG which allows me to go off into my own little world and not have to communicate with humans requires me to communicate with humans in order to unlock everything? WHAT THE FUCK?! I want a game console that's all about keeping people apart, disconnected, and seperated from one another.
  25. It's a game case for two DS games: you have to slide the bottom part out a bit to unlock the cover, then it'll swing open. The only really worthless part of the preorder bonus is the extra stylus. If it had some kind of cool display around it it would be cool, but it's just a white stylus with 'Castlevania' written on it. The Castlvania stylus extends! It extends! Can't you see how great the extendo-stylus is?! Well they couldn't just release a single stylus for the Lite, or the DSFat, and leave out the other. Still, I think it's ugly. Will the stylus even fit in a normal DS? It seems like they left it out...
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