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Everything posted by MangaMan

  1. Well I can see you are quite the talented piano player. I could see you doing something with the Piano practice song from the Zora Domain, the Piano Solo from the Zora Domain, the scene when Tatl remembers the first time she and her brother Tael met the Skull Kid, or if you have something in mind let me know. If possible, I'd like to see a WIP by June 14th and don't forget to check out the Tears of the Moon wiki space:


  2. Yes, I am apart of the Breath of Wind project. I'm working of the Ending song.

  3. And the album will be called: "Dungeons and Dragonites"!
  4. I'm not sure about that idea. The boss' didn't have a voice to begin with and plus, looking into the rest of the game, the Boss' entrapped the spirits of the four giants inside them. The only way to free them is to defeat the boss'. The Skull Kid and Majora have a lot in common and this could be because of the amount of time the two spent together. It is hinted at that Majora's Mask absorbs all the emotions of the wearer, in this case all the negative emotions from the Skull Kid. In a line of dialogue from Madame Aroma, she tells that her son Kafei has been missing for a month now. With this information, we can assume that all the other area's, except Ikana Canyon, started going bad about a month ago. That is probably the same time the Skull Kid got a hold of Majora's Mask. Under the influence of Majora's Mask the Skull Kid imprisoned his former friends, the Four Giants, into the four Boss', which some have speculated might be former friends of Majora himself. So in a sense, they have killed two birds with one stone. Sorry, went on a bit of a tangent there. I don't really like the idea of the Boss' having a voice, if anything those songs would be instrumental pieces. And the whole monologuing and taunting Link, just sounds too corny.
  5. I want a rough draft of all the lyrics by July 7th, so that we can get started on working on the music. Please message me if you have any questions. Also, here is a link to the Song Descriptions list on the wiki: (Song Descriptions) I still have some work to do on it and Champ, I need your help to post it on the navigation bar so people can find it easier.
  6. I too would love to see Black and White get some love on the site. The Missingno tracks was created in celebration of the games release, so I see it only fitting that some of Black and Whites tracks get some remix action, most notably the Ending theme!
  7. I put my support for Fire Emblem. It's one of my favorite series of games and there is only one remix on the site.
  8. Is there some place where I can see samples of your work?

  9. I need people to report back to me and tell me what they are working on or what they are interested in doing. Please do this ASAP!
  10. I got my auditions up on your PM.
  11. I know it's been awhile, but hopefully all of you are hard at work. I've been having trouble getting all the descriptions of the songs on to this post, so I decided the best solution is to post all the song descriptions on to the wiki site: http://tearsofthemoon.wikispaces.com/ I'll get started on posting all the info on the songs on the wiki site and please contact me with any questions.
  12. Put up the link that you think gives the best example of your range for the song writers to hear. And if you want, you can put up more than one link if you feel one is not enough.
  13. That's fine. It was just a fun little idea I thought of. Good luck on your end of the project though!

  14. Until we get the lyrics finished, I want all the vocalists to send me links of there sample work so that I can post them up on the first post for others to listen. That way the composers will get a better sense of your talents. Also, please submit a recording of your range to me by the end of May. Just a simple Do Ra Me will do, just something to get a feel of your range and how high or low you can go vocally.
  15. Parlando? Probably, but I'm not sure. As long as you understand what I mean.
  16. I'd love to see someone remix the Ending credit theme from Pokemon Black and White.
  17. New Challenger!!! SkyriderX joins the Brawl...I mean the project.
  18. Note for Lyric writers: Don't think that you need to write the lyrics to exactly match the original melody of the songs. There is a term in Opera, that I can't spell or pronounce, but it is a type of singing, where the singer sings what would normally be said. Don't be afraid to to go outside of the original melody with your writing and if your a composer or know a bit about composing, you can use the original music as sort of inspiration and create something entirely new, while still keeping the feel of the original. For an example of Singing What is Said, check out Repo: The Genetic Opera. In other news, I know some of you have started to work on some music and that's great, keep going! But what I want to address here is that I believe we should get all of the lyrics done first before we start work on any more music. If you really want to work on some music first and you believe you got a good thing going, well then more power to you, but be warned that the music may need to be edited to fit the lyrics and the overall them. Lastly, I've gotten a good response from people on deviant art, who are interested in illustrating cover art for the project. If you've seen my Tears of the Moon artwork I've posted a while back, once all the artwork has been submitted, I'll take bits and pieces from everyones artwork and place them inside the shards of the tear. Please PM about lyrics, what songs you'd like to do lyrics for, suggestions of songs that still need lyrics, and any questions in general. Also post all lyrics onto the wiki page here: Majora Wiki If your having trouble posting on the wiki, send your email info to either Champ the Hippie or myself and we'll get you on there so you can post. And please comment on this forum what you think of the WIP lyrics posted so far and what the writers can do to improve them.
  19. Too the people working on the Kokiri Forest remix on the Ocarina of Time project, I was wondering if I could possibly help out with it. I'm the head coordinator for the Tears of the Moon: A Majora's Mask Musical project and I would love to make a connect between the two games, since Majora's Mask is a sequel to Ocarina of Time. I want to try to make the connection that the Skull Kid in this game is the same Skull Kid in Majora's Mask. I don't know what you guys were planning on this song, but if you want a vocalist, I can play the part of the Skull Kid that Link teaches Saria's Song. Even if it is just a short vocal part at the beginning, that would be fine. If your not interested, I understand.

  20. Too the people working on the Kokiri Forest remix on the Ocarina of Time Album, I was wondering if I could possibly help out with it. I'm the head coordinator for the Tears of the Moon: A Majora's Mask Musical project and I would love to make a connect between the two games, since Majora's Mask is a sequel to Ocarina of Time. I want to try to make the connection that the Skull Kid in this game is the same Skull Kid in Majora's Mask. I don't know what you guys were planning on this song, but if you want a vocalist, I can play the part of the Skull Kid that Link teaches Saria's Song. Even if it is just a short vocal part at the beginning, that would be fine. If your not interested, I understand.

  21. Too the people working on the Kokiri Forest remix, I was wondering if I could possibly help out with it. I'm the head coordinator for the Tears of the Moon: A Majora's Mask Musical project and I would love to make a connect between the two games, since Majora's Mask is a sequel to Ocarina of Time. I want to try to make the connection that the Skull Kid in this game is the same Skull Kid in Majora's Mask. I don't know what you guys were planning on this song, but if you want a vocalist, I can play the part of the Skull Kid that Link teaches Saria's Song. Even if it is just a short vocal part at the beginning, that would be fine. If your not interested, I understand.
  22. The track list has once again been updated. Southern Swamp and Snowhead are complete. Great Bay has been started and I'll finish the rest of them after finals on Monday. Go check out the track list on the second page of this post, right after the very first one. Please tell me if you can follow the tracklist okay, is it understandable or do you have trouble reading it?
  23. Hey everyone. For a lot of you, including myself, it's finals week. Everyone is busy, but don't forget to check in from time to time. And once this week is over, lets really hit the ground running!
  24. Well the thing was, it is a tricky angle to capture and those curves under the eyes are the moons cheek bones. Thanks for the support though!
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