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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. Does this come from a rejected idea for Steiner's theme? Chord progression is very similar
  2. Art is very cool! I'm glad you're still doing this. The preview sounds pretty nice (the solo piano song is very confusing , but I guess that's the point with the Lost Woods and all). Hope to hear more from you "soon".
  3. I won't have time to do any musical stuff until the 24th There are some pretty cool tracks here though, so if I get incredibly inspired then I'll participate, but it's highly unlikely. Good luck to everyone that does participate though!
  4. Yeah, mastering is terrible. I really dislike lowering too many dBs through compression and avoid reduction when limiting. It's better to have not that loud mixes IMO. The reverb on the sax may be a bit too much. I'd lower it a bit since it takes too much space. The bell-ish instrument has too much reverb or is too loud too, it generates too much noise. Anyway, this is sounding great, just a bit reverb-ish
  5. This sounds great! Wonder why keyboardists are so hard to find
  6. Cid's theme is the Lindblum castle one? It'd be sad if no one remixes it
  7. Is it that bad to run VST/Kontakt samples from an external hard drive? I don't have space for everything that comes with Komplete
  8. Nice! This reminds of Journey/Dream Theater, stuff like that. The toms feel a bit too weak and the kick is a bit too clicky (that's a bit unfitting with this softer rock imo). Try to see if you can make both of them more powerful! You don't have that much stuff in the low end so it shouldn't be that hard. The rest is pretty cool, nice guitar playing and the synth is very fitting. Source usage seems fine but I'm not that familiar with all the sources you used. EDIT: Woops, meant kick, not snare.
  9. I'm not sure what industrial dance is but this doesn't feel industrial at all to me Drums are too clean. Despite that, this is a fun mix, even if a bit conservative. I think it has potential.
  10. Well, now I'm glad I had to cancel my previous order due to credit card issues
  11. "Yes, that is a legitimate email from us. We require that info anytime there is an issue with a payment. This is done to protect our customers and ourselves, to help verify the person placing the order is indeed the card holder." Doesn't reveal much but at least it's official.
  12. They responded clarifying that they indeed sent me the mail. I guess I'll just send them an ID... I guess there's not much danger with that if it's officially from them. Thanks for the answers.
  13. I find it wierd too so I sent an e-mail to their support... I think they may be asking for an ID because I changed some of my account settings (address and other stuff) for this order.
  14. Hi, Yesterday, I ordered Komplete 8 through the Native Instruments (payed using a credit card). However, I got a mail from them today asking me to provide a scan of my ID to validate the buy... I'm not that familiar with internet stores so I don't know if this is a common practice. Should I just send my ID? I'd call them but since I'm not from the US it'd be very expensive Thanks!
  15. I did contact a judge, my post is more about how the mail works with responses than the problem I had with the submission. Liontamer told me he'd look into that.
  16. I have a question about the submissions e-mail. If I want to change the download link to a submission, should I just send a response to my original mail? I ask because I did that for a submission I sent on August 3rd last year ('A Waltz for a Kingdom' from Final Fantasy VI) but then the submission "disappeared" since I didn't get a rejection e-mail and it never appeared on the judges thread. Also, I recently sent a submission mail and immediately replied with the download link (because I didn't put in the original mail ), so I just want to be sure that the submissions are correctly received.
  17. Very nice! The arrangement is fun and the mix sounds very clean, every instrument is easy to hear clearly. The synths are very cool! I'm too lazy to check the sources but I recognized some sources from Yoshi's Island so I guess it's fine. My only gripe is with one noise/glitch effect (used at 2:05-2:06 for example) that sounds a bit too loud and slightly unfitting.
  18. Very nice! This remix keeps the feeling of the original in a very interesting way. Some background instruments remind me of Starcraft's Zerg music I didn't really like that the track has a sudden bump in volume when the drums come in. The first section could work being just as loud as the rest of the song. The synth lead at 2:03 is too quiet which is a shame since it seems interesting. Nice work
  19. This is pretty cool since for some reason I could never register on The Shizz...
  20. The click sound is very noticeable on Symphony X's kick drums (listen to for one of their latest songs, the sections with fast kick drums show the click).One very important element, besides from the kick, is having a noticeable snare, especially if you want the DT sound. Snappleman gave some nice tips there, the 200-250hz region makes your snare sound powerful and the higher region gives some presence (I'm no expert but that's what I've found out in the few mixes I've done and in some websites!)
  21. I like it in that song, it makes me remember Symphony X's tone on Paradise Lost. Also gives me a Killer Instinct feeling
  22. Not sure how to achieve it but you could try to get a Toto-esque tone. Sort of like this song but maybe heavier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MmX5f3wzo8 .
  23. Wow, this is amazing. I love how this is all over the place, the harmonies and effects picked make this sound so cool. I can't really offer any criticism
  24. I think the guitar feels a bit off because the rest of the samples sound a bit mechanical (bass especially, the synths and pads are fine) and are a lot quieter than the guitar (drums should be a lot louder and could use more variation!). I may be off here, but do the other instruments use reverb? That may be causing the guitar feel a bit appart from the rest. Ignoring the above comment, I'm not that fond off the guitar tone you're using. I think I don't really like the distortion you picked. I like that it's light, but it has a flanger or something that doesn't sound that good.
  25. I'm not sure if my headphones are to blame, but isn't this mixed a bit loud? Anyway, the arrangement is pretty, feels slightly conservative because it evokes the exact same mood than the original, but I guess that's what you wanted! I can't add anything that Gario didn't point out about the production, so... Nice work!
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