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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. This site has a nice sheet of Song of Storms: http://cruiseelroy.net/2008/04/ocarina-music-1/ The harmony is pretty simple though, the first four chords (Dm, Em, F and Em) can be thought of being in D Dorian. Then, you have Bb, F, Bb, A for the next four chords, and that is D minor. Essentially, the song uses Bb for a few chords instead of B, it isn't a huge alteration.
  2. I believe the demo projects were removed from later versions of Reaper. Nothing to do about it sadly... When you use Reaper, the DAW "takes control" of the ASIO driver, so nothing else can use it. You'd need an audio interface or something to get sound from Youtube. If you go to Options -> Preferences -> VST, you can set the folders where your plugins are installed (the .dll files). Then, open the FX tab in a track, click with the right button and select "Scan for new Plugins". Your plugins should appear now. The demo is unlimited, despite the 60 day warning.
  3. How much RAM do you have? Maybe you're trying to load too many samples...
  4. Yes, Kontakt player is a traditional VST, so it should work with Cubase.
  5. Mega extreme bump! I reworked this again (hopefully for the last time) with better samples than the last version. I haven't uploaded it to Soundcloud in case I make small adjustments but I uploaded it to YouTube: Hope you like it!
  6. Not to be a pain in the ass but it didn't reach the panel in this update There are some Resubs from even April in the panel so it's weird that mine (sent in March) isn't there.
  7. Can you even avoid those? I believe they attack you when you pass next to them.
  8. Yeah, this sounds very interesting. Maybe, to make it a bit different from GMRB or SZRC you could allow more than just zones and robot master themes.
  9. I remembered other weird stuff I do when playing RPGs. I can't sell old weapons or items. I need to have every item all the time, I even buy weapons I know that I won't use just because I want to have them on my inventory. Games with limited inventories destroy me... This paid off in one FF though where you needed to use old weapons against one boss! My weirdest habit is that I dislike having items in numbers that aren't multiples of 5. So, if I have 2 antidotes, I usually go and buy 3 more to have 5.
  10. On RPGs that have visible enemies (like, not random battles) I have to kill every enemy on the screen, always. I usually end a bit overleveled because of that When I was younger I also had the habit of getting every single coin in Mario games. Like, in Mario 64 I wanted to have all the coins in all the levels, even if you only needed 100 for the star. Later games have made coins less important so I don't do that anymore...
  11. Man it has always been my dream to make songs that may not get credit! I'll send you some stuff soon
  12. I don't think it's a bad decision by them, but there has been a lot of angry people about it I never watch the conferences, just wait for the megatons, so for me it's the same (and could even be better, getting news more frequently!).
  13. I'm the complete opposite! Probably the only guy that took like 40 hours to finish The Last Story I do enjoy speedruns though but I've never tried one. Closest I've been is Mario Kart: Double Dash!, where I had some decent times, but still a couple of seconds off the WRs.
  14. A shame it got cancelled... Even though I'd prefer something that looked closer to the SNES games (especially Mega Man's design). Also, no X Buster? That'd have been a very bad call.
  15. What exactly is the most important thing to have? Like, RAM, CPU, what? I use many Kontakt libraries in my songs. I also record quite a bit, both MIDI and audio...
  16. Woops, I didn't mean to sound nitpicky with my comments in the other post, just thought you were expecting someone to do that
  17. This is cool! You should try to shorten that silence at the intro Does the intro have any relation with the song by the way (all the section 'til :30)? At 0:57 it'd make more sense to have the piano make a faster trill. The current one sounds odd because it is too slow. Is the fade at 1:04 done using velocities or with the volume fader? I feel it sounds slightly fake... At 1:47 aren't there some timing issues between the piano and horns? The piano section at 2:09 is very cool, gives a nice feeling. The crescendo afterwards is also nice. The section at 2:33 is good, but a little muddy. I feel you should lower the piano volume there, since it's mostly doing ornaments and filler stuff. The instruments that are playing the melody are drowned by the strings and piano. Nice use of the orchestra at 3:03! I like the progressions you used to return to the main theme. I'm not sure but aren't there some timing issues in the following sections too? The piano seems a bit off a few times. Section at 3:50 is cool, nice ending! Overall, the arrangement is very good. I'm not a classical musical expert but I feel the arrangement nails the feel. There are some slight issues with timing and the "realness" of the piano though. Also, some of the more crowded sections are a bit muddy, maybe you can play with panning there to free some space for the main melodies.
  18. Ha! I imagine it less relaxing than Life in the Mines though. Grunty Industries is more of a fast paced and nervous song to me (well actually the song isn't really fast, but the level gives me that impression ).
  19. I'd be interested in claiming Grunty Industries if I'm allowed to remix the theme that plays . I can imagine it being a nice metal song with some robotic/electronic sounds.
  20. I take a different approach apparently. I usually sit down on my keyboards and improvise... and that's how my songs are born! If I'm on a good day I can write a complete song in one go (for example, I'm quite sure I wrote this remix in one go after I learned the notes of the two sources). Of course, I only "write" the piano part that way and then I start imagining the rest of the instruments when I start writing on my DAW. On days that aren't as good I just try write as much as my inspiration lets me and then continue improvising another day until the song is finished. After that, I write the parts one at a time in my DAW but leave most of the mixing until the end.
  21. The Spark Mandrill is ridiculous haha, how does he do that.
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