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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. Her points make sense for many of the games she mentioned (Dragon's Lair was too much), but I can't really agree with the Mario series. I mean, Peach is completely weak and useless, but I don't think the game's plot "objectifies" her as some other games do. I mean, Peach usually appears in very few scenes (mostly the ending) during the games and the biggest prize you ever get after rescuing her is a cake. Peach is clearly just an excuse for the game. Also, I didn't like that she completely ignored the RPG series where she usually plays more active/important roles, even when she is captured in some of them.
  2. Noob question: Does this mixing in Mono talk have anything to do with the "Width" control that (at least) Reaper has next to the Panning?
  3. Pretty mix, very chill as you said. The arrangement is nice but there's one section near the ending (I don't think there's a timer in tindeck so I can't point the exact moment) where you have some chords that are potentially out of tune. I don't get tired of the arrangement when listening to it but I could see some people saying it's repetitive. The drums don't change at all since they are introduced, you could add more movement there. A synth pad could also help you there. Regarding production, the harp sample sounds a bit saturated. Is it clipping? Anyway, most samples aren't really good, but I like how they are sequenced. Bass is the best IMO.
  4. Nice idea with the jazz chord there, I liked my change from minor F# to mayor F# in the ending but what you suggest could sound so much cooler Not sure about the E. Piano though but I'll try it. I like the wet one that comes at 1:26 though, I wanted some mix between E. Piano and Pad there. I'll check out what I con do with the pad. It's a sample from my keyboard and I don't usually mess much with them since it's a bit complex. What exactly do you feel I should re-record at 2:43? The arpeggio run that leads to the next section or one of the 3 synths that's playing there (one panned left, one center and one panned right)?
  5. Good luck with that, it's a nice track I've submitted some decent songs so I hope I'll get in the front page in less than 5 years!
  6. The arrangement is a bit strange. The rhytm played by the drums is kind of different than the rest of the instruments, but in my opinion it sounds cool. The snare is too loud and agressive though. The progressions begining at 1:26 are very cool. Bass and piano are cool in almost all the song, I like how they sound live. The funny thing is that I made a mix quite similar to this one for the competition
  7. Oh, yesterday I wrote a simple arrangement for File Select but didn't begin it on a DAW. Damn you Argle
  8. Hope more people support this album, Paper Mario has an amazing OST!
  9. Glad you like it and, yes, the source is awesome! I actually agree with most of your points. I tried to bring out the kick with some sidechaining and EQing but I guess I can still do more. I see what you mean about the hihats, I tend to make the hats too loud for some reason... I see what you mean about the synths. The one that plays in the 0:39 section is maybe a bit too thin, but I'm not sure that having one an octave lower would sound that good either. What is the Haas Effect? Thanks for the feedback!
  10. Nice sound here! I'm not a big fan of the kick though. I like how much presence it has but I feel its sound is too agressive for the mood of this song. I wonder why you didn't use a rhytm guitar for the song. Not saying that the synth used for the rhytm is bad, but at the very least I'd try to layer it with a distortion guitar (with lots of palm muting!) and see how that goes. I think it'd add some nice "bite" to the song. Synth leads are amazing, but that seems to be Timaeus' specialty now Piano also sounds great.
  11. This sounds very cool! The arrangement is nice. I'm not too fond of the flanger section though. Also, I feel you could use a more powerful snare for this, since the one you're using is too "tame" for a high-energy song like this one. Drum programming could have more tricks too, right now it's just rhytm and has no interesting fills with toms or different snare patterns. The piano section at 2:15 could use more sustain pedal. Overall, very good! Guitars are very cool, mixing is great. I'd just try to humanize more the instruments that aren't live.
  12. I'm working on this: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43146 . From Super Earth Defense Force, game that has an amazing soundtrack (especially the arcade version that you can easily download from the internet).
  13. Link to arrangement: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/super-earth-defense-force-use . Link to source: .I made this remix for last month's DoD and ended up 3rd! Original song is a tad upbeat and exciting so I wanted to make a remix in that style, which I guess I managed to do (except the calm section in the middle!). I also tried to do a cool bass with the slap sound. Synth leads are all played live by me using my keyboard's samples. Any feedback is very welcome Hope you enjoy it and then listen to more of SEDF's completely underrated soundtrack.
  14. My song is almost finished, I'll do finishing touches tomorrow. Good luck to everyone! EDIT: Sent!
  15. I'm working on a track now, hope it turns out well... I should do better than on the first FFVI competition (my song was terrible there ).
  16. Mine is my sig, but I guess I'll link it again: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake . I upload almost everything I do there but some of the songs aren't in their latest versions. I don't have a paid account and I don't like to upload the same song like 10 times.
  17. I think I'll definitely participate now. I got a lot of inspiration for one of the tracks! I hope I manage to get enough free time to actually do a song though...
  18. I'm not sure about Finale, but one of the problems I had when using Guitar Pro was that the MIDI instruments restricted my song writing, even if I only planned to use GP as a "placeholder". I feel writing that directly into the DAW is a bit less comfortable but gives you a lot more freedom than writing on Guitar Pro, so I recently switched to just using DAW.
  19. I didn't mean that I saw you posting about Steiner's theme on the FFIX project thread so I thought this song came from that!
  20. Does this come from a rejected idea for Steiner's theme? Chord progression is very similar
  21. Art is very cool! I'm glad you're still doing this. The preview sounds pretty nice (the solo piano song is very confusing , but I guess that's the point with the Lost Woods and all). Hope to hear more from you "soon".
  22. I won't have time to do any musical stuff until the 24th There are some pretty cool tracks here though, so if I get incredibly inspired then I'll participate, but it's highly unlikely. Good luck to everyone that does participate though!
  23. Yeah, mastering is terrible. I really dislike lowering too many dBs through compression and avoid reduction when limiting. It's better to have not that loud mixes IMO. The reverb on the sax may be a bit too much. I'd lower it a bit since it takes too much space. The bell-ish instrument has too much reverb or is too loud too, it generates too much noise. Anyway, this is sounding great, just a bit reverb-ish
  24. This sounds great! Wonder why keyboardists are so hard to find
  25. Cid's theme is the Lindblum castle one? It'd be sad if no one remixes it
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