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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. I love how this sounds. The intro sounds pretty clean. The lead is a bit low but I guess that is intentional. The string note at 0:29 (E I believe) sounds a bit off to me. I'd take the classical sus approach there and play a D# after the E. From 0:33 on, the lead feels like it belongs to a completely different song. I can't explain exactly why it feels that way, but it doesn't really fit well with the rest of the instruments. Maybe it is the melody that it's playing. Sax is cool but I think it could use more articulation: vibrato, bending, whatever the hell your sample can handle! Change at 1:25 is cool. I like the flanger or whatever effect you used on the percussion. On the piano section beggining at 2:00 I feel you could make it sound better by changing the lowest note played. For example, at 2:04 the left hand plays a F#m but the lowest note is an A (I think), and it doesn't sound really powerful. I love how the rest of the band enters later. Overall, I really like the feeling of this. In some sections you could look into the tones you're playing more carefully since some melodies or chords are a bit unfitting in my opinion. Production seems pretty clean to me (a few times it is too loud but it doesn't really bother me).
  2. I don't do these resolution kind of things but I'll list some things I'd like to do next year: - Record something with my band (we have some original songs ready, but for some reason we always fail at recording them). - Get posted on OCR and work on the mixes I want to do (so much good VGM). - Learn jazz theory and incorporate it to my compositions.
  3. I'm buying this soon. Does it come with any guide or anything? I'm very inexperienced with Kontakt...
  4. Extreme bump! I reworked this mix with some better sounding samples and hopefully better mixing knowledge than what I had in August. Link here: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/final-fantasy-vi-a-waltz-for-a .
  5. Cool, I may buy this! This is the only Impact Soundwork library that works with Kontakt player?
  6. Hope is so low for Mother 4 that I can't even include it there
  7. Pikmin 3 will be released on the Wii U U or whatever the hell Nintendo comes up with next. F-Zero UU and Star Fox UU will be the other launch titles
  8. I feel motivated to help this project a bit more (since the PM OST is so good!) so sign me up for the Koopa Bros' theme (wonder how I'll add orchesta to it) and I'm planning to attempt a bonus track, but I won't claim it yet.
  9. Given that no more stars have joined then I'll drop out. I fear I won't have enough time for this episode (I hope I ever do ) so I'd rather let somebody else participate.
  10. If there's a strong lack of stars, you can leave me out. I won't have much free time as I thought I would (but enough to participate in case you have enough stars!).
  11. Amazing mix! The intro reminds me a bit of the Chrono Cross' underwater theme. The rest of the song has a neat kart racing feel. Drums are amazing. Bass is very cool. Synth pads are awesome and the lead is great!
  12. Last version of the Mix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m1kjpsnejy57h76/jnWake%20-%20We%27ll%20Never%20Be%20Angels%20%28RM%29.mp3 . Old version: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/starcraft-2-well-never-be . Source: .So, I made this mix for last month's DoD and now I want to polish it. I feel there's some EQing I could fix and maybe lower the reverb (and the compression/limiting), but I want to hear your opinions on that! Regarding source usage, the original song follows a, roughly, A-B-C structure. My mix is, essentially, B-A-B-C-A. I tried to keep some of the feeling of the original song in my interpretation. Anyway, hope you comment!
  13. Woops, totally misread that (hopefully a star choses Volt Kraken then!). I'll be editing the post shortly.
  14. This time I'm signing in as a novice! Source: Dr. Wily Stage Boss from Mega Man: Powered Up (or Mega Man 1 if you want). And... Links to my previous work: Forever a Sponge - Wire Sponge/Infinity Mijinion mix from the GMRB! Coin Song ReMix - Mix of FFVI's Coin Song and Figaro Castle. There's a couple more mixes on my souncloud, but almost everything I've posted is a bit rough. Not sure if it's of any use, but I'm South American, so you may want to consider that for the timezones (not radically different from most of the US but probably different to most European countries).
  15. Same thing happened to me lol. Anyway, I can't believe no one has posted here in almost 2 years. This song is great, amazing piano playing/sequencing/whatever and a very interesting arrangement.
  16. I can't believe I haven't posted here yet! Anyway, trailers have been pretty cool so I'm hyped for the final release
  17. I think this song has like no high notes. Extremely heavy and interesting rhytm, I like it!
  18. Sounding much better now! This is just my opinion, but I feel that if you managed to get a guitar tone like then this mix would be ridiculously awesome. Your distortion could be a bit more agressive.
  19. To me, part of the negative press comes from the fact that most people that visit gaming sites are "hardcore gamers that hate Nintendo". Then, the press can gain a nice amount of clicks by bashing anything possible! Not to say the console is perfect, since there are some real problems (slow OS and that freezing thing), but I laughed when one reviewer complained about the placement of the buttons on the Gamepad.
  20. One last off-topic commentary: Do you guys use quantization when you record with MIDI keyboards? Isn't that kind of killing the point of humanization?
  21. Mostly because it is easy to listen to. People usually view music as background instead of main entertainment. I mean, how many people (not musicians) just listen to music while doing nothing else? Also, most of those music styles either have a catchy melody or a catchy rhytm.
  22. Amazing song! Singer sounds a lot like John Mitchell (british prog guitarist, sings for It Bites and has sang for Kino, Frost and other bands), which is awesome. The song has a bit of a Frost vibe in the vocal armonies too. Beautiful piano, drums and nice production.
  23. Nice song! I like the piano at the beggining of the song. Guitars entering at 0:18 should be louder. It sounds like bass + a bit of distortion. Drums are kind of weak too, the snare doesn't really fit a metal song, way too wet. I like how you add the classic organ section at the 1:10 mark, nicely done! Like quintin3625 mentioned, the string sample is very weak, sounds like directly taken from FFVII or Legend of Dragoon. For the 1:39 section, I can't really suggest samples, but you should go with Orchesta Hits (like Children of Bodom!). The piano sample also sounds a bit bad here, like a bit too weak, maybe lower it one octave. 1:50 section is very cool too, I like the drums. Piano at 2:05 feels a bit weak too, maybe you used too much reverb or something? Choir sample at 2:30 is bad, but I think it really fits, I hope you can get a better sample for that section. Transition at 2:43 is fun, reminds me of (very) early Symphony X. The Clean Guitar needs to be louder, and maybe try to let less notes ringing, since it sounds a bit messy. Delay is a bit strong on the following lead. The choir sample at the 3:10 section reminds me of Symphony X again! This time you could easily change it for a pad (look for DSK's ChoirZ sample, it's free and could be useful here). Piano has a bit too much reverb again I think in the following section. Low quality samples with too much reverb sound bad (like, really fake echo sounds). Flute is a bit low on this section. Nice solo at 4:50. You got out of tune a few times though (4:58 and another short bend later). Choir could be changed for a pad sample here too. Following sections are similar to what I've already commented, same strengths and weaknesses. Overall, I really like the arrangement you created, not something I hear often here on OCRemix. Main criticism is that you used too much reverb (you noted that too). The string sample is weak, I believe DSK has better ones than the one you used (but they aren't very good either). Choir can be replaced by pads on the slower sections, I think it doesn't sound that bad in the other sections. Also, raise the volume on the rhytm guitar! They are really low, feeling like a small complement to the bass (it should be the other way around!).
  24. Yeah, I also find writing MIDI in Guitar Pro effective. Downside is that it's slightly slow. I've been trying to combine recording MIDI in a DAW and then exporting to Guitar Pro, but it's a bit tricky. I've always wondered how most remixers approach MIDI writing.
  25. I usually just improvise on my keyboard but end up doing Progressive Rock/Metal or just Rock/Metal. I try to add stuff from other genres (like Pop, Jazz, etc) to my songs to make them more unique though. I don't really use any specific software, besides from Guitar Pro to write the MIDI files. Most samples (piano, pads, strings and leads) come from my keyboard, while I use mostly free stuff for Guitar, Bass and Drums (EZDrummer, the basic pack for this one).
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