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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. You simply can't believe that playing a sports game, where you control a full team, is the same than playing the real sport where you only control yourself (and limited by your talent ). The experiences of actually playing the sport and playing sports games are not similar at all, that's a very weird thing to say.
  2. Looks cool. Only sad thing is that so far it seems that this next generation will be the same than this last one, which isn't necessarily bad, but innovation is always welcome.
  3. B4C2 songs need to be posted somewhere, so here I go! I'll post all my entries on this thread. ------------------------------- This is my entry to the first round of the Sonic vs Mega Man competition. Sources are: Toxic Caves: .Turbo Man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJxir0_MCGo . My mix is here: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/sonic-spinball-mega-man-7-spin . My idea with this track was to keep the funky mood of Toxic Caves (mainly through the bass line), while adding elements of Turbo Man to create melodies. I'm not much of a funk person so I experimented quite a bit with the chord progressions here (recently discovered the 7Alt chord ). I'm especially proud of the 2:27 section! I have to polish some stuff to call this a finished mix. Namely, the middle solo is a bit sloppy, panning is a bit weird and the ending needs a better fadeout! Any feedback is welcome, hope you like this song! As a note, almost every instrument used is a preset from either Absynth or FM8. Exceptions are the warm pad, strings, distortion lead and drums.
  4. It's review time! Yami - Intro Kick is a bit too agressive when compared to the rest. Can't recognize any source until 0:57. Lead at 1:32 is a bit drowned (and some of the bends are a bit risky, almost off-key). To be honest, the mix isn't very interesting, but it doesn't sound bad at all. Tuberz McGee - Love the intro! Nice rocking guitars. The kick drum feels a bit sloppy. Prison Lane is clear in the intro. The transition to Needle Man is very natural. You mixed the sources pretty well, nice job! Mr. L - Nice pad the intro, seems to be typical of you . Heavy dissonance at 0:23... I don't agree with the lack of melody mentioned by others, piano takes care of it nicely in my opinion. Biggest criticism would be that the pads drown out the rest of the instruments a bit too much during the mix. By the way, if you feel the kick drum is hard to notice, try two things: sidechaining and boosting the higher frequencies. It's almost silly how much the kick gains with a good click. therex - Nice song! Ridiculously energetic You went a bit overboard with the delays in my opinion though. Also, the first transition to Turbo Man's C section is a bit too sudden. The solo is super fun! Cash and Change - For some reason your opponents never show up (like in the Maverick competition!). This is mainly Marble Zone and also mainly a bass... There's some terrible dissonance when Quick Man starts fading in, you should just transpose the song to another key instead of forcing it in its original key. Overall, this sounds like you grabbed a midi of Marble Zone and one of Quick Man and just put one after the other... MindWanderer - Distortion guitar sounds straight from MMX3 This could really use some pads to create a more interesting mood, it feels really empty now. Bass at 2:48 seems a bit off. Overall, it sounds very empty all the time, drums aren't very powerful and there's nothing that gels the mix together. Cosmic Sounds - Interesting mood created at the beggining, even with the not very good string sounds. The piano with delay was a nice experiment. Mega Water S sounds very unfitting with the slow mood of the song though.
  5. Hey! Thanks for the comment. Glad you liked the production, you wouldn't believe how fast I did that...

    The fact that the bass wasn't that low really made that part easier :-P

  6. Just wanted to point out the source usage. Maybe the slower tempo (taken from Toxic Caves) makes the Turbo Man sections harder to recognize. Anyway, parts from Turbo Man are: - Lead in the first section is the first lead from Turbo Man. - Second section is a variation of Turbo Man's second section. - The bright lead thingies at 2:28 are playing the third section of Turbo Man's theme (the same section that Rex used a lot in his song ) I didn't feel the song was too long but I'll look into it if I ever polish this mix. I'll be posting my reviews soon!
  7. Good luck to you too! Chrome Gadget has a lot of material to work with, should be interesting!
  8. I meant when PS4 and the next Xbox arrive
  9. I hope my song arrived OK, I remember having issues in the Maverick Battle thing...
  10. Losing EA is a big deal, I can't believe people try to argue against that. EA probably doesn't sell consoles, but the lack of FIFA, Madden and other stuff may lead people to buy other consoles over Wii U. I love how some people live in some dream world where everyone can buy 2 or even 3 >$350 consoles like it's nothing. And don't take me wrong, I love Nintendo and I want Wii U to succeed, but arguing that losing EA isn't important is very silly. I hope Nintendo has more unexpected news like the Sega one...
  11. I'm sending my submission now. Could've used more time to polish the drums, but I like what I came up with. The song is pretty different than what I usually do, I hope you people enjoy it! EDIT: By the way, I hate sending WAVs because my upload speed is terrible ;_;.
  12. It'd be amazing to have more time for this round, my track needs some polish! If not I'm ready to submit anyway
  13. I don't remember that happening (but I don't use FL though). I only recall installing the library and that's it.
  14. That's odd, I use Kontakt 5 and have no issues with Shreddage 2... Maybe reinstall Kontakt?
  15. Sonic needs to drive a car in Sonic Racing. Turbo Man TRANSFORMS into a car. Turbo Man > Sonic.
  16. Heck yeah I'm Turbo Man now Also, Turbo Man is faster than Sonic. Come at me Sanic fans!
  17. Hahaha yes, it's quite cool. I guess we'll both be basing our remixes on DAT BASS.
  18. Nice! I've never heard of Sonic Spinball but I'm ready for this
  19. I've mostly used Addictive Drums (the samples that come packed with it and the Metal pack). I tried EZDrummer but I didn't like it that much. I've also tried some of the samples that come with NI's Battery. There's a lot of variety and some things sound pretty nice.
  20. Fight Club a bad movie? Wow. I don't own it anymore, but when I had a SNES I owned a legit bad game (not "bad" as the games people complain about now), I mean, terrible game: Home Alone. It sucked and it was hard as balls.
  21. I think that the new games are a lot slower to play than the older ones. From FF8 onwards, animations started turning stupidly long, making even simple battles annoying. Also, loading times don't help the games at all...
  22. Remember that nothing is set in stone with tones and modes. Changing the V chord from minor to major is a classic alteration in classical and modern music and is done because A7 is a dominant chord while Am7 isn't.
  23. I have no idea about the WAV, I guess that the better option you choose, there's less chance of glitching but it uses more resources/takes longer. MIDI all doesn't affect the sound. You only need to look at the MIDI channels if you are sending multiple MIDI files to one track, for example with a Kontakt instance and multiple different libraries loaded.
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