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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. You could always randomize the choice Or go for lesser known games, since that usually means that mxies from those games got less reviews.
  2. Sounds interesting. I don't know that much about musical theory and/or production but I'd like to participate in this. It's always interesting to know the different techniques people use.
  3. I think I'm going to enter this time, I composed an arrangement, so now I have to write it! If anybody that plays electric guitar wants to collab or something, it'd be cool too
  4. That's interesting, since I used that fanfare thing a lot on my round 2 entry too! Anyway, good luck to everyone for this last rounds!
  5. Blizzard month is a very nice theme... A shame months aren't longer, but I guess I can say (like all months lol) that I'll try to do something for this one. EDIT: For people interested: Starcraft 2 OST: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE54BB0FA74140C2A . Starcraft OST: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL93E3273601342EE0 .
  6. It isn't the same as the DS, and that should be pretty clear just by looking at the launch games. First, the Wii U has the multiplayer element that the DS doesn't have. I believe that is has been called "revolutionary" by the press, not the fact there are 2 screens. Second, since the two screens are completely independent, you can create puzzles with them (like the scanner on ZombiU). You can also the gamepad's motion features, which is obviously impossible on the DS. I believe it is pretty clear that the Wii U allows for a lot more stuff than the DS, and not only because of better hardware. Other thing I find funny is the criticism of NSMB series. Sure, they are very traditional games, but that is exactly what they are supposed to be. I understand the criticism of the art style, because I hate it too, but the gameplay is just what it's supposed to be: 2d platforming. I don't think people despise the Donkey Kong Country games for being the same thing one after the other, or the NES Super Mario Bros trilogy, or other series that are mainly iterations of a formula.
  7. Neat mix, the beggining is very misleading! It is a tad medley-ish but it doesn't matter because it's awesome anyway. Nice guitars and some sections have a lovely pirate/middle age sound.
  8. How I wish to download this in 15 minutes u.u Anyway, GTAHater (funny name), if you are paranoid about viruses and stuff, shouldn't you have an antivirus to protect you against the harmless OCRemix torrents?
  9. This is very cool, downloading! I hope I'll manage to get some remixes of myself included in the next batches!
  10. I'll be the guy that scares children when they come to my house asking for candy.
  11. Been playing through BoF I lately and some tracks are cool! I noticed no one has claimed "Strong Fortress" (castle theme), so I may try my hand at it sometime!
  12. This game made no sense. The best part was the trial section... I mean, those answers lol.
  13. Using wrong notes to make your arrangement feel different to the original is definitely not what OCR tries to encourage. Collins is right, there are some off-key moments in this arrangement. At first I listen, I caught these: - 0:00 : It's pretty clear. Everything clashes with the piano. I believe the first sample is off-key, and the strings sound a bit odd too. - 0:11 : A quiet instrument (sounds a bit piano-ish) plays something off key. - 0:28 : Strings again (actually, they sound odd most of the time). Maybe the sample is slightly detuned. - The timpani like percussion usually sounds a bit detuned too. - 1:21 : This should be clear too, the guitar and other thing are playing very dissonant tunes. - 1:42 : Lead thing is off-key. The same issues are repeated a few times after 1:42. I think you should check some midi files and compare them with your transcriptions. Besides that, the arrangement is a bit conservative, main innovation being the sample switching and a slightly faster tempo. If you want to make a cover this is fine, but if you want to make a more distinct remix, try experimenting! I don't know if you play instruments, but if you do, play the sections yourself and try to improvise. Change notes, change tempos, change chord structures and you can maybe create something!
  14. I know the games don't look the same, but that is mainly because Mario Galaxy is completely 3D and in space I was only making reference to the models of the characters, which are very similar. EDIT: And what makes it sadder is that the Galaxy games where more creative than NSMB with the Toad designs, even when Toad is playable in the latter. Oh well, NSMB is still fun.
  15. Well, NSMBU isn't out yet, so we don't know if it has at least some gameplay tweaks or stuff. I doubt it though. I do agree that the graphics in Mario games are too similar, and that is sad. I mean, both Mario Galaxies, all NSMB games AND Super Mario 3D Land all use like the same 3D models for Mario, Peach, Bowser and most enemies. NSMB would be better with a different art direction (like the Zelda handheld games). Despite that, I found all the hate against NSMB2 pretty exaggerated. Even Assassin's Creed has released looooooooots of games since it started, so it seems to be pretty normal to milk franchises now.
  16. How can someone not know this source? It is an interesting take. I'd check the chords used on the main riff, I'm not sure all of them fit that well. Maybe you should avoid using 5ths on the guitar, I believe there are some slightly of tune. I don't really like the synth lead, but that's your call! (the octaves are what kills me I think). Distortion is too heavy on the 1:30 guitar. It is a neat idea, but I think it'd work better with a cleaner guitar. I don't think the mixing is that bad, a bit muddy yes but not terrible. Good song!
  17. You can import (and later edit) MIDIs to both software. However, if you have no musical knowledge then probably nothing good will come out of it! The software probably have some tutorials though. And you can't edit MP3 with these (probably with none) software.
  18. What advantages does Sibelius have over Guitar Pro?
  19. I'm playing through the games now, hoping I can get some inspiration and try to join this project or something. Or, at least get familiar with the soundtrack and support it!
  20. I use Guitar Pro for sequencing. It uses guitar tab notation, but also supports standard notation I believe.
  21. Neat! I like how you arranged the song. Most transitions feel pretty natural despite the medley-ish nature of the mix. Only criticism I have is the sound of the kick drum. Since you worked on the song for quite a while I'm guessing this is the sound you wanted but I feel it is a bit too short and high-pitched. I also think some distortion guitar would enhance the mix (listening to the song a bit better I think there is one in some sections, it should be louder). FF battle themes are usually pretty suited for distortion guitars! Anyway, very nice effort! EDIT: Also forgot to comment that the ending is really amazing. You could even expand it into an independent mix.
  22. Wow I didn't even know voice-chat was relevant to console gaming.
  23. Lol I loved all the games people usually hate: Super Mario Sunshine, Final Fantasy 8, etc. Admiteddly, FF8 is probably my least fave of the FF I played, but I still thought it was super cool. One game from an awesome series I dislike is Nuts and Bolts. Mainly for 2 reasons: it isn't a platformer and it's on Xbox 360 (which I don't own) so I've never played it! The game may be fun (I've no idea) but it makes me sad that it doesn't follow the style of the other games from the BK series.
  24. I also have to agree with magnum. The idea is very interesting, but you have to do adjustments. For example, in the first section, the A# from Stone Tower clashes too much, since one of the Clock Tower chords uses B. This type of dissonances can work well sometimes, but in this particular case, the notes are in very similar scales (if not the same), so the clash is way too noticeable. The section with Stone Tower's intro manages to avoid this problem since the notes aren't that close, so the notes that would disagree a lot don't sound bad. On the third section, I feel the clash sounds well with the exception of the second voice that plays the Stone Tower melody. The following two sections lack a bit of structure, they don't seem to have a purpose. On 2:00, it becomes very confusing, and for example, at 2:07, it sounds very bad. The "interlude" at 2:20 is interesting but then it gets very confusing again. Anyway, appart from that, everything sounds mechanical (especially the acoustic guitar). I'm not sure but the samples sound like taken directly from the game, which is cool, but I'd prefer better samples. Transitions between sections are usually weak since they are very abrupt. I'd think of adding a bass or drum that plays during most of the song, allowing to create better transitions. Overall, the idea is very very nice but execution could be polished! I think this is promising so you should work on it!
  25. There are some heavy dissonances in many parts of the song. The idea is very nice and works on the intro, but stops working after it. Try to transpose the Lost Woods melodies into whatever tone the Chrono Trigger song is. Altering the key of a melody, while changing the mood a bit sometimes, keeps the feeling of the original and is a nice way to make different songs fit well together.
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