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Everything posted by Necrox

  1. Not on PS3, but the Monster Hunter series is worth a look even if you have to branch out.
  2. I don't know if I have a favorite, but the most intense memory was of laying in bed one night listening to Neurosis' Through Silver In Blood album from front to back. The immersion was drug-like.
  3. I've never heard Fanatics before, but your remix of it in the FFVI album is excellent. The instrumentation is so good and the atmosphere is definitely one of madness. Nice job on on the Peaceful Days compo too.

  4. I was listening to Roaming...Please Wait the other day and I remembered how hooked I was on that song back when the FF1 album came out. I'm excited to see what you put out for the FF2 album!

  5. This can go in Community, right? Well, over the past several months I've heard some great tracks from a certain artist my age that have left me feeling like I have waited too long to start and I also have just about no talent with composing, so I have felt very frustrated with music for a while now. In addition, hearing about how early Zircon started releasing his stuff brought me to a new low. I want to compose soundtracks for a living and I know the competition is fierce, so am I screwed unless I drop everything but school (I have good grades) and focused solely on music? I've only recently become consistently at work on my DAW. Edit: Yes, I know I messed up the title....
  6. Downloaded. The samples are not working on my computer, but I will leave a comment once I give the whole thing a listen.
  7. Interesting piece; I have never heard chip sounds used in a piano/world piece like this.
  8. The aggressive vocals at 1:30 felt a bit out of place, but the whole piece was enjoyable, especially the flute and per percussion.
  9. I'm glad your entry is a bonus track haha.
  10. I personally prefer the second tune. The first one kinda just went right through me, but the second tune had more interesting instrumentation.
  11. I'm a novice, but I don't hear anything glaringly obvious with the mixing. I enjoyed the song (especially the part the first comes in at 1:16) and I like the variation that you did with the dirty bass. I will download it.
  12. I'm not familiar with the music or story of Deus Ex so I can't compare you to the track's influences, but I feel that you made a nice background track. It sounds like typical filmscore, but reading the text that you provided, I feel that you did a good job of linking the audio and visual elements. My favorite part was when the helicopter was flying into the horizon.
  13. I like what you did, but I feel that it is more fitting to an aftermath of a sad event or end of a story. The part starting at 1:32 had a solid mix of sadness (piano) and hope (strings); I feel that part in particular would be fitting to an emotional moment in a film.
  14. I have one ready, but ThaSauce has not sent me a verification email for my account yet.
  15. Oh man, this was my case. I've been a drummer for years, and I felt that I was decent. Music making was hard for me and still is, I buy the books and hardly read them too, and I've had FL since last Christmas, but I have yet to even finish a track. In addition, external circumstances have taken my drums away, so now, I'm not good at either skill
  16. Nice take on a desert theme. It's surprisingly energetic and the bass work is cool. I like the horn part you put as the end of a loop.
  17. I agree about the bass. You have a nice sonic concept going, but you keep it very conservative. If you don't feel that you could add a synth part that really complements the main melody, then I would at least recommend adding some more percussion.
  18. My problem with drums is actually too much variation. It seems like a lot of what I make becomes an IDM break.
  19. Only free synth I know of http://www.tone2.com/html/firebird_vsti_vst_synthesizer_1.html Thank you; this is pretty cool.
  20. I have no consistent income or abundance of wealth, so are there any low cost plugins (probably $50 or less) that give good bang for buck? I am looking for synthesizer plugins that are good for pads (ambient bg sounds and "dreamy" stuff) and diversity is important too. I have been looking at Sytrus and I like the diverse array of sounds it can do; is that a good value, or should I look for something else?
  21. It seems like some people here have a lot of skill for their age. Did you guys start when you were 12 or what?
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