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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Was the Mega Man Legends series really that good? The reviews always seemed to be lukewarm when it came out.
  2. Dibs on all the non-sucky tracks. Also, sweet cover art. DJP's skills grow by the day.
  3. Haha, "Ha-YEE-may." Congratulations to all. Also, Beatdrop and I are newcomers this month (I submitted "Prelude" to the Instrumental category), so be sure to keep up the judging and watch for us!
  4. I think it might have something to do with it not being on the $10 speakers they used at the listening party.
  5. Is that like 2 dollars or something?
  6. I never have to re-do my tracks. They are timeless.
  7. Just saying, when it comes to annoying sigs, I think HUEGNESS is a much bigger factor than having a...list? Seriously, that doesn't even make sense to me, I have no idea where you're coming from.
  8. Haha holy cow. I dunno, but I listed them anyway.
  9. Dhsu


    Looks like she's filled out a bit since last time. (<- he's creepy isn't he) I dunno, legs look a bit long and head looks a bit big to be called "realistic."
  10. Sengin wins 3-1. All good/close matches though. Good luck to everyone else!
  11. Well, obviously the Wii has a different objective than the other next-gen consoles. For the 360 and PS3, graphics *are* the end all be all of their success (except for *maybe* better online service). They even have the same controllers for crying out loud.
  12. There's a huge leap in graphics quality from the last generation, ESPECIALLY for the PS3. GameCube and XBox graphics can still be pretty decent, but it hurts me to look at most PS2 games now. Not to mention this is the HD generation. Some people may not care, but I personally am tired of staring at a blurry mess.
  13. I would be too if it boosted my profits up by 77%!
  14. Wait, are you trying to run 3 displays here? It's possible the card just isn't designed to handle that. Try plugging in just 2 monitors using the splitter and see if it works. If not, you might have a defective splitter.
  15. Can't get a hold of this Sengen guy. If you're reading this, send me a PM or gimme a holler on #clanocr so we can work out a time.
  16. Or you could get it from the OCR aStore.
  17. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/938848.asp
  18. Subsistence only has 2 discs. All the extras were on the second disc...the only thing that distinguishes the first disc from the original game is the new camera.
  19. Why did you have to ruin a completely good thread by posting? Nothing personal, it's just what I think, OK? Just make good posts next time.
  20. Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring...DIAMONDSKULL PHOOOONE
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