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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Wait, explain this? As in armor repair and shield booster modules?
  2. Blurry I could see, but ugly? Maybe you don't like the art style, but that's no reason to reject avatars. Also lol at "sd2 Marle". So true. LT: Fixed.
  3. Actually, I really got a lot out of my GameFly and Gamerang subscriptions when I had them. Doubly useful if you've got a hard drive.
  4. But then shouldn't the thread be called "Must-Try Games"?
  5. I think of this thread as more about establishing a core, baseline library for anyone who owns a particular console. As in, sure there's lots of cool underrated games, but this is THE LIST of games that everyone absolutely MUST HAVE if that own that console. That said, I disagree with Lament of Innocence. It's good, but not great. Nowhere near the PS2-defining status of games like God of War and Metal Gear Solid 3.
  6. I think the 6600 is regarded as the best value with respect to power/price. And you can always overclock.
  7. So you're saying there's not enough action? Because that's not the same thing as fun. And contrary to what you might think, EVE isn't just about getting better ships, although it's usually necessary to do so in order to get where you want, and they're often rewards in themselves. Like I said, it's a massively multiplayer game, and like other MMORPGs, unless you get into the community aspects such as the market and player corps, you'll just be left with a boring grindfest.
  8. Actually, I think one way to add some actual value to this thread would be to ask people to argue why their nominations SHOULD be on the list. Basically write a mini-review, of sorts. Right now this thread is just a bunch of people spouting out lists. Making people write reviews would force them to actually THINK about their nominations, as well as let other readers judge for themselves if the games would fit their tastes. This way everybody wins, yay!
  9. Also, 12 hours isn't enough to do...anything, really. You don't know joy until you undock in a shiny new cruiser for the first time. Another reason to give the game another try is that they've recently given newbies a huge SP boost...I think it's actually possible to start out with Cruisers Level 1 in certain configurations.
  10. Sweet cuppin' cakes, that's awesome! Hope it turns out as good as the Star Wars games. Actually, I think Nintendo would know a thing or two about trademark dilution (assuming it means what I think it means), considering all their consoles are generally referred to by parents as "the Nintendo." But so what? I mean, seriously here, what product of any sort of relative significance does LEGO make besides LEGO bricks? What do they WANT people to think of when they hear "LEGO" other than LEGO bricks? Or perhaps they should sue Eggo for using a homonym in their slogan.
  11. Nice pick. Just wish there were actually people who play it on Live.
  12. Well, I think it's more tagging them with a "must-have" label, implying that everyone should have everything on the list. Not so practical in the case of imports.
  13. I don't like to be negative, but when it comes to Zelda mixes I tend to be a little more critical. So I'll just be honest and say I was pretty disappointed by this one...sounds like it could've spent a couple extra weeks in the WIP forum. It starts out promising, but then it snaps to a very obvious and repetitive percussion loop. The chord progression never changes. It's the same exact thing throughout the entire mix (case in point: listen to the backing strings). And it doesn't even match the melody all that well, adding a general feeling of annoying dissonance throughout the track. It's not terrible, but I expect more from OCR.
  14. Putting import games on a "must-have" list is kinda iffy, especially considering the means by which they are usually "obtained"...
  15. Man, I remember reading that message on their catalogs 10 years ago. Why don't they just give up already? It's not that friggin' big of a deal. It's like Nintendo insisting there's no "the" or "Nintendo" before "Wii."
  16. I really hope you copied that from a list you keep somewhere, Coop, because otherwise you must've been working on that one since lunchtime. Oh yeah, in other news, The Coop wins the thread (again).
  17. Don't avoid the podkill areas, it's usually not worth the travel time. But yeah, EVE is incredibly boring...if you play by yourself. That's why it's a massively MULTIPLAYER game. Unfortunately, that's exactly what a lot of newbies on trial accounts end up doing...running agent missions the whole time, or holing themselves up in a corner mining velspar. But you only start to really experience the game once you join (or form) a corp and start getting into inter/intra-corp business, economics, politics, and (of course) drama. That, or you become a pirate because you enjoy killing other players and taking their loot.
  18. I think I'm just bitter there's no PC or Saturn category. (Also favorites with a 'u' lol) DC: Shenmue, Bangai-O PS2: Devil May Cry 1 and 3, ICO, Guitar Hero 1 and 2, Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, Guilty Gear XX X-Box: Shenmue II, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Steel Batallion GameCube: Killer7, Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe (hm, lots of Capcom) DS: Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center, Sonic Rush, Megaman ZX, Rocket Slime (hee) PSP: EMULATORS LOL (also Lumines) Seriously though guys, stop with the recommendation threads. (Seriously.)
  19. HAHAHA. Kudos to the whoever's responsible for that one. Also, sup Rexy, haven't seen you in a while.
  20. Which are all pretty much done, actually. And the people holding up those projects would hold up this one too.
  21. Doesn't "Zanarkand Vapours" count as a remix too? Anyway, congrats on the release. I'll listen to the other stuff later.
  22. I'm gonna go with Arek and Taucer here. When it really comes down to it, "nominations" is basically another word for "picking favorites." It'd be like having "Must-Have ReMixes: the OCR List." Hey, it's not a favorites thread because now you need *two* people to say they liked it! First of all, the fact that it's a list means stuff is being intentionally left out. Secondly, there are two possible outcomes for such a list: it will be either a) too small and narrow to accurately cover the full spectrum of genres and tastes or too large and broad to be of any actual practical use in the first place. I will say that all the recommendation threads are kind of annoying though, if not slightly out of hand. To be fair, trying new games isn't as easy and inexpensive as downloading a torrent and going through a couple thousand tracks (which is still actually pretty time-consuming). So maybe recommendation threads have a place...somewhere. But I don't think OCR should be that place. We're in the information age, people, for crying out loud. Have some initiative and try using GameRankings, GameFAQs, Google, or other 'G' website of your choice. If you really insist on getting opinions from OCR and OCR alone (I never understood this) then consider PMs or, pretzel forbid, #ocremix.
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