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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Although I am forgoing the thousands of dollars in royalties I would normally be making from licensing my arrangements of other people's work, I will make an exception just for you. Because I like you.
  2. Yeah, I decided to go through OCR's Amazon store so they could get some commission money. It just happens to be a side-benefit that I don't have to pay sales tax. :3 It really adds up when you get a new console with 2 games!
  3. Just ordered an aqua blue 3DS, Hori screen protectors, Pilotwings Resort, and Super Monkey Ball 3D from the OCR storefront. None of them seem to have a release date shipping option though, so it looks like I'll be getting them a few days after release. :'[
  4. I think they called it "pound the ground" in SM64. "Butt stomp" was so much more convenient.
  5. So I'm about to join the ranks of foolish early adopters and pull the trigger on a pre-order. To others in the same boat...what launch titles are you guys looking at? So far the only ones that moderately catch my interest are Super Monkey Ball, Rayman, Pilotwings, and Samurai Warriors. Passing on SFIV because I am terrible at fighting games, and Steel Diver because it got a 30/40 from Famitsu so I'm okay with waiting for that to go down to $20. Edit: P.S. Anyone know if there's any chance for some sort of Amazon credit promotion on any of this stuff?
  6. Housethegrate did an awesome arrangement of the flower song for DoD. And I think there's been a couple entries covering the Bookworm music too. Girl in the Tower is awesome though, definitely on my list of tracks to arrange someday.
  7. Also if you enjoy these kinds of games, you'd probably like Manufactoria.
  8. Really nice arrangement. And it loops perfectly too!
  9. Sweet, this should be great for work since they block online radio streams.
  10. So if this is essentially a miniature Kinect, I wonder if it will hook up to the Wii 3D for motion gaming goodness.
  11. It's so the poor people who can't afford to have their graphics settings on high can have at least the one happiness in life.
  12. Dale says the battery lasts about 3 hours on full brightness and volume. http://www.destructoid.com/feature-your-nintendo-3ds-questions-answered-195648.phtml
  13. Nario needs to do this on a dancepad.
  14. Actually when it comes to music, I prefer ones where I can just ignore the video and do something else while I'm listening.
  15. Haha, I'm not sure what game that is (Tekken?) but it's great.
  16. These are pretty awesome! Thanks for sharing.
  17. Actually one thing that works fairly well is making it a reply video to another video that's already popular.
  18. Dale North has been posting videos of him playing his 3DS. Seems like he's enjoying it so far.
  19. I've really liked the couple episodes I've seen, just wish I had time to go through them all. I never found out what was behind the whole "Reverend" thing.
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