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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Haha. I was about to add a few exclamation points too. Seriously though, it's great, just gets time-consuming to follow everyone. To add to the list though, I recommend MintJam, Preludio, and YAMAGEN.
  2. Someone just discovered doujin!
  3. So I know this thread's been around for a while, but I didn't realize just HOW long until I checked just now. The Coop posted this topic in 2002. Guys, we're posting in a nearly 8-year-old thread. Epic.
  4. I think HoN actually has Deathmatch mode. I wouldn't mind trying it sometime.
  5. Maybe we could lobby for a track in the soundtrack CD?
  6. A pretty good computer from what I recall. I remember Square released The Last Remnant on Steam, but from what I can tell the combat looks pretty boring and annoying.
  7. I'm okay with using GArena, but if you guys want legit copies: http://www.g2buy.com/index.php?gOo=goods_search_list.dwt&gcat=1905 Or at least legit as far as I can tell. Who knows, maybe you're just paying for an auto-generated key, but it worked for me, I haven't gotten banned, and I've never heard anybody else having any problems.
  8. Look at the ReMix catalog and say that again.
  9. Well then you made a rather gross generalization there.
  10. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Have you even played Final Fantasy 1-10, Bleck. (Admittedly 10's combat was actually pretty good, but that's because they got the idea from Grandia.)
  11. Who's up for an in-house DotA Allstars night?
  12. PM kittykar, I think he has expertise in these things.
  13. Bah, DD is cheating. I like my way better.
  14. They need to make Grandia IV already.
  15. First of all, nice wallpaper! Second of all, how do you come to terms with having such small monitor?
  16. Haha. Also click on the "Shazang" tag and see what comes up.
  17. It might be relatively harmless, but it's still wrong to abuse people's trust by soliciting clicks the way he is.
  18. Well without any HP items to speak of, he must have had all of 900 health. I recommend checking out a Geometer's Bane build sometime BTW - 3x the mana burn and better chase to boot. Anyway, first time with Pharaoh in a serious game today. Whee!
  19. Yo Final Fantasy, I'm real happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but Touhou is the most remixed game of all time. OF ALL TIME. (I'm serious, go to VGMdb and see for yourself.)
  20. I would assume it's so someone can't just slap together a Flash game in 5 minutes so they can stick an original track in it and arrange it. If an indie game has *any* sort of popularity at all, I don't see there being a problem arranging a track for it. Knowing Larry though, I am sort of curious what the absolute, definite criteria are on the matter.
  21. Holy cow, Wes, you've given away like $1000 in PS3s alone. Go easy on the AmEx for a while!
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