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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I guess the reason I haven't bought any retail games in the eShop yet (besides the fact that I never buy anything at full retail) is I don't know how big they are and I was afraid just one of them would fill up my SD card. But thinking about it now, as long as they're in the 512MB range, you could pretty much load up your entire collection on a 32GB or even 16GB card. I might even be willing to pay non-sale prices for that convenience. I'm assuming retail games can be re-downloaded later if you have to delete them at some point to make room for other stuff?
  2. Awesome! I was starting to think about directly sending $178 to the team just to be the guy that put them over, haha.
  3. Dang just a couple hundred short of the $20k stretch. Hope they still do it!
  4. I watched a couple episodes of Level E on Crunchyroll. Quite entertaining!
  5. Ugh, I honestly would rather just have a Virtual Console or Steam version of the original game. I just want to play it without having to spend $100+ for the game+soundtrack alone, and THEN having to hunt for and buy additional hardware. Just to play it. If they would just rely on the quality of the game instead of retro hardware gimmicks and just let people who aren't mega-nerds experience it at a reasonable price, they probably wouldn't have even needed the Kickstarter to fund the HD version. Sigh. [/rant] Edit: I am glad this is coming to Android and OUYA though. Edit 2: Crap, that's a stretch goal.
  6. The problem with Humble Bundles recently is because of Steam sales I already own all the games. :[ I might get this just as an excuse to give to charity though. I will add that Darksiders looks gorgeous on PC. Just wish they would've re-rendered the cutscenes in 1080p. :/
  7. Has anyone tried Wii games yet? Is there any sort of upscaling involved or does it look pretty much the same as playing it on the Wii?
  8. Polara is free today! Only played it a couple minutes, but so far it seems pretty much like what it looked like in the trailer, a cross between Canabalt and Ikaruga. Quite cool!
  9. How the crap do you keep putting out albums at this rate?!
  10. He strikes me a cross between Riki and Mirana, with his leap -> nuke -> auto-attack -> cloak -> escape combo.
  11. So in all 3 games I played yesterday, the team with Slark won. Also big thanks to Garian for giving me enough essences for a Seraphic egg! This thing is so ugly it's kind of cute.
  12. Wait, I thought I had heard there was no livestream this time? Did they bring it back due to public demand?
  13. I really wanna pledge $600 just in anticipation for the project's complete failure.
  14. http://oneupstudios.bandcamp.com/track/into-eternal-sleep
  15. "these are early concepts arts of my monster called the manandtaur" Oh God I'm dying. Edit: "for example to slow him down you would be able to focus on a monsters leg to decapitate it" "My point is no one can understand vision if it was the 1930's are 1492 would kickstarter be a place to support like Hedy Lamarr and Christopher Columbus" Edit 2: Hey guys "its going to play like Darksouls for the most part but with our on twisted"
  16. R O F L Either this kid wasn't even born when Diablo II came out, or the goal is $1.5M to make sure this joke page doesn't actually accidentally get funded.
  17. So I just realized a Silent Scope game could be awesome on Wii U.
  18. Nice, I'll have to try those. BTW new wards!
  19. Can't count the number of times I've tried to run away and clicked on the mini-map instead. ;_; You can disable mini-map click (I think) but that's almost even more annoying. Oh well. So um...does anyone have red essences to spare?
  20. I haven't really found an ideal config yet...1-6 work nicely if you don't play heroes with pets, otherwise I stick with z,x,c and don't buy more than 3 activatable items (although I try not to do that anyway ). I think the Heroes of Newerth default is Alt+Q/W/E/A/S/D or something but I don't remember if Dota 2 allows key combos.
  21. And that's when it consumes your life.
  22. Anyone still not have an invite? Valve just sent out a bunch for Diretide (which is a pretty hilarious game mode btw).
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