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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. But certainly he had some amount of oversight. If he wasn't happy with how Kitamura portrayed his characters, he would've said something. Eh, retcons and inconsistencies in games happen all the time, with the explanations left to the imaginations of the fans. I've seen people go so far as to argue that Link is ambidextrous because he changes his sword hand every time he turns around in the original Zelda.
  2. Think I'm gonna pass on the whoring this time around, since the achievements seem a lot more reasonable (not to mention fun ).
  3. Unless Kojima had nothing to do with the remake, I don't see where you get off telling him he messed up with his own characters. On the subject of the Metal Gear Solid theme, I heard it was removed from MGS4 and the Essential Collection releases because of a certain plagiarism fiasco: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTcNUoxCmHI I haven't heard anyone mention it though. Can anyone confirm/deny?
  4. This is...kind of a random thread. Whatever. Anybody remember Time Killers? Yeah, didn't think so.
  5. Er, the online servers have been shut down for more than a year.
  6. Still working out the arrangement. Honestly, you probably won't hear anything else from me until it's done. I normally don't even do WIPs...the initial thing was more of a proof of concept than an actual work in progress. Don't worry though, the awesomeness will be worth the wait!
  7. Hehe. Yeah, stick with people that are getting a lot of kills, get your uber out, help cap a couple points, and you should be good.
  8. Haha, I've never played Twin Snakes, but when you start talking about the "aura" and that it "feels better" you know it's nostalgia speaking. MGS in general is pretty ridiculous, so over-the-top cutscenes are not a problem for me. Loved your Liquid Snake interview BTW. Someone needs to make a Flash out of it and watch it get millions of hits on Newgrounds and YouTube.
  9. From what Bahamut said, it seems that it does start to kick people at 22 players, but I guess that happens regardless of how many reserved slots there are.
  10. I think your problem is you're trying to run Vista on less than a gig of RAM. Everything's going to be slow on that setup.
  11. Dhsu


    Probably because it's a forced and unfunny nerd meme.
  12. The samples were fine in my opinion, but the arrangement did seem a little underdeveloped...didn't get to the best part of the source until the very end. Overall though I dug this quite a bit and am glad it made it on the site.
  13. So it would seem. I thought about seeing them while they were touring in Houston but decided I didn't really know enough about them to appreciate it fully.
  14. Dhsu


    He seems to be defying the laws of gravity. I hope this isn't going to be like City of Heroes where making characters is the only fun part.
  15. Okay, so the concert was last night. Not bad, definitely worth seeing for the extended tracks and new animation. Murmaider and Thunderhorse were epic, and they had a segment on moshing that was pretty funny even though I couldn't hear most of it. The only thing missing was Dr. Rockso. :[
  16. I'm gonna guess summer + weekend. I skipped out tonight because, well...I kinda burned out after being on about 6 straight hours yesterday. I just don't know how to stop, so I stayed on until all the OCR people were gone, and then some.
  17. Heh, glad to be of service.
  18. Probably because it makes people think you're DarkeSword. Anyway, that's Arcueid from the Tsukihime series. The sprite in particular is from a fan-made fighting game based on the universe called Melty Blood, the same one my avatar is from.
  19. Wow, Joker, I can't believe you figured that out from the description he gave. Mad skillz, son.
  20. I think you might've left your sarcasm detector at home.
  21. Hey, why just the lurkers? I want to explain my avatar too! :[ Actually I'm not sure why I picked Shiki specifically. I do like Melty Blood though, and his character just seems to fit me.
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