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Everything posted by TSori

  1. I agree with most of the ones that have been up here. And ot my surprise someone even mentioned the last starfighter, the main theme of which I really enjoy. but a few that havent been mentioned in the realm of animated musicals Mulan The Prince of Egypt Dont have a lot to say there except that they are both excellent and in the realm of orchetsral scores Star Trek First contact - very dark and eerie with the exception of the main theme which is one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard in a movie And it shocks me that no one has mentioned the Dragonheart soundtrack. Its is an incredibly well written score. It fits the period it is supposed ot be describing very well, and conveys a great deal of emotion. It is also home to what is possibly the most recognizable main theme in any movies. Even if you cant pick out what movie its from I guarauntee you've heard it a dozen times.
  2. I hesitate to make this suggestion just because of it's oddity. It does seem to work, and if you are really desperate for AC it may be a viable option. There are directions for a homemade "AC unit" on http://canada.aol.com/summerguide/article.adp?article=summer_howtomakeahomemadeac Essentially Its a bunch of copper tubing attatched to the front of a fan. Ice water flows through the tubes via a siphon. Its simple. Its dirt cheap and its fairly effective for a decent sized room. Good luck.
  3. I don't have any of the OCR shirts or hoodies myself, but I've seen a couple people wearing them around campus (Virginia Tech). Even met a guy on the forums who was in my major at VT and had three classes with me. Apparently Virginia's a good state for OCR fans.
  4. While I definately understand that the intentions behind the Columbine RPG aren't bad, I do think its an increidbly inappropriate thing to make. First of all, Any game based on a tragedy like that shows an increidble lack of regard for anyone who was close to it, whether they were killed, survived, or knew someone who was killed. This applies not only to this game, but all of those WWII games as well. The WWII games are far more accepted because the events are very distant from the people who make them and play them. I personally am less offended by them than I am by somehting like a columbine game, but I also don't play them, and I've often wondered what WWII Veterans think of them. I'd imagine not all of them are oo happy about it. And as was already mentioned, in that case you are using actual places and events, but not representations of specific individuls involved. To do have specific people in the coclumbine game is sick and takes an already distasteful concept and makes it abhorable. Also it shoudl be noted that in a war game, You are dealing with two, or more, warring sides. They are fighting each other. IN th ecase of a game about a school shooting, there are clear, defenseless innocent victims. In principle, thats like having a genocide mission in a war game. I'm sure the response to that wouldn't be too good. Secondly. I don't care whether the intentions of the maker are good or not. I don't care if he's a random guy, a "freedom fighter", or whatever other title one may give themself, using a tragedy to forward an agenda is despicable. WHether you are using it to forward your newest bit of gun control legislation or trying to show people that video games aren't too blame. Tragedy is not a tool too be used. In many ways that shows even less regard for the victims and their families than even making the game does. Now, someone pointed out earlier that this falls clearly within the realm of freespeech, so in conclusion, Somebody who makes a game liek this has every right too under law. I think though that making a game like this Is sick and and disrespectful to all involved. I think that using a tragedy to advance an agenda in politics or anywhere else, is horrible. I would love to hear that this game has been deleted, and I would love to never hear about games like this being made again. This crosses a line, in my opinion, that should not be crossed. So, while you all decide what you think of this game. here's a what if scenario Imagine your best freind(s). Imagine going to school one morning, now neglecting all the panic and fear that woudl be associared with an actual shooting, imagine what you woudl feel liek if you lost that/those freind(s). Now imagine that a video game shows up on the internet, imagine how you'd feel if you found a game where you could shoot your best freind(s) yourself. It doesn't sound appealing to me, a school shooting survivor.
  5. I'd say actually they had a pretty good amount of room at the end of Lost age. Granted GS 3 would not follow the same plot, it would have to be more of an offshoot, that could potetially tie back into the plot of the first two. As far as the veracity of this image goes. I'm not too sure. I heard about this from my cousin, the virtual console reviewer (or one of them) for IGN. I'm not entirely sure where he got his info from, but I tend to consider him a very trustworthy source. He also said that apparently its almost ready to be shipped. Hopefully this all turns out to be true, and I coudl have my hands on the long awaited golden sun three some time in the relatively near future.
  6. Its been quite a while since I've payed OCR a visit, and I cannot think of a much better remix to find waiting for me. Firstly, Midna is my favorite character from any zelda game, and the themes asociated with her character also hold a very high place among my favorites. This is an excellent arrangement. It flows from one theme to the next very well. As always, the interaction between the instruments is jaw dropping. Thrilled with this remix as I may be though, I do have some comments. I'd say your lead instrument early on (at about 0:51) I think its a high basoon. Is a bit too loud for my tastes. I'd have mad eit a bit more subdued. it tends to overpower everything else, and this portion of the rmeix is definately not about one instrument soaring to the foreround over the others. I would have liked to see midna's main theme take the lead just a bit more. There were several themes included that tended to distract from your focus. I would liek to heav seen midna's desperation and possibly midna's theme get drawn out a bit more. and lastly as someone els ementioned, the brass isnt the greatest quality ever, but it doesnt detract from the mix much. Even still, I would kill to hear this played live. Excellent job Darkesword . keep up the great work!
  7. yeah this song showed up on darkeswords website around 2 years ago i think. May have been onthe WIP forum here too. CAn't remember. I burnt it to a cd at the same itme i burnt stranger int he desert so its at least that old. regardless its a quality mix
  8. Unfortunately,, I don thave near the expertise or experience in remixing to help out (as much as i wish I could) BUt it soudn slike a good concept. I'll be interested to start hearing WIPs oh and will somebdy PLEASE in clude Manbo's Mambo. Its a must have at least somewhere in a remix. even if its only a few second sit needs to be in there. (though if someone coudl do a full track for it alone or it and somehting else, i would be incredibly impressed) good luck to all!
  9. I remember when Darkesword first put up a 2 min version of this in the WIP forum. Listened to it then and Go thooked. I think i asked him about finishing it everytime he put up a topic too (oh well sorry abotu being excessive). So when he finally did finish this and post it I abotu had a heart attack. I was again amazed by this remix. Its just increibdle. It is without a doubt one of if not my favorite remix on this site. Increidble job Darke sword. this is amazing!
  10. This is one of my favorites fromt he game. I personally think it could have been done much better. However not to sell this short it is still a nicely put togetehr and arranged remix. Sadly though not exactly the remix i woudl have wanted of this song. will still make the next cd burn though well done
  11. I started listening to this , not havgin read any of Djpretzels input on the song. Needless to say the italian lyics surprised me. But not as much as the quality of the song. This is amazing work. Everything fits perfectly together. Just beautiful work. And My compliments to N-Joy's wife on her incredible voice.
  12. This is an excellent arrangement. Maybe its just me but i'm hearing bits and peices of several themes in here... I really like the tempo changes, very atypical. The way it flows from one style to another is great though i definately have to say I like the begining best. I oculd go with 4 minutes of just that!. The ending isnt a problem to me. The only criticism i have of htis mix is the trumpet. Its not very far above a midi. It just doesnt do the instrument justice t all.. A shame its already been submitted, I wouldd have enjoyed the chance to record the part. Overall, though, this is a fantastic mix. keep up the good work.
  13. This is excellent. Easily one of the best zelda remixes o nthe site. The feel captured in this remix fits the game perfectly. The Wind Waker music fits perfectly. surprised t ehck out of me when it came in. Wind waker hasd a few good songs in it, nice to see anothe ronf the m getting some attention.
  14. So i didnt even pay attention to what this was from. Heard it and i let out a "HOLY CRAP." haha this is one of my fav. songs form the sonic series. I hadn't hear dit in years though. Good stuff all the way around
  15. Personally, I liek the ice theme best. trumept solo is NICE. I'm really looking forward to hearing part 2. whenever it gets finished
  16. Amen, the womb. good point. I really liek this. not what i had expected but a pleasent surprise to be sure. very well done. One of my favorites of winglesses' stuff. Cant say I know anytrhign about anything else Destiny has done. the music flows very well, chords are awesome, balance is great, just all and all a great song.
  17. saw a new zelda 3 mix up and i was thilled. downloaded it immediately. listened. I really liekd the tak eonthe darkworld them at the begginning. the take on the main theme at the end was great too but that middle segment..the end credits....frankly.. it can only be described as legendary. Its flat out amazing and I love it. I oculd listen to it over and over again. and i have to tell you as i listeend to that part of this song, i felt tears well up in my eyes. It was amazing. things so rarely move me in that way, yet for some reason this one did. and I thank you for it. a permamanet edition to my inventory of favorite music. thanks McVaffe
  18. This is definatelty one of if not the best orchestral remixes i've ever heard. Thres some genious in this piece. It is pu togetehr flawlessly. Everythign fits and flows together. This piece is iuincreidbly full, never lacking. It would fit the game perfectly. Amazing i would so much rather have th etwo wind waker mixes rpelace the originals. this is maginficent. Amazing job.
  19. I liked this one alot. I went on a craze yesterday and ownloaded every wily mix i could find and this one definately ranks in as my favorite, though, from a very different kind of persepective wily's wedding is awesome too. There's definately some great stuff going on in this song. It s another great song for me to jam to in the car.
  20. Hmmmm. where to begin. This is magnificent. Its extremly well done and one of the funniest remixes I've ever heard. The percusiion is excellent. The bass in the intro is nice, though my only problem with this song, a very small one is in the intro. I would have liked to hear a bit more of thr treble. I have to really listen to hear it. But the bass is good so it makes up for that. The lyrics are grerat. I like the technique done with the voices. They're real nostalgic. The make perfect sense. I always liked seeing just how much struff like that a person can work into a song or poem. This does an excellent job of that. And suddenly i'm motivated to do a singing remix (I've done a lot of lyrics thingsa like this. never got around to making the actual music though). Well done star. This is grerat, and i expect to hear well over 100 times this afternoon.
  21. another excellent job by protricity. Very well done. everything fits together perfectly. i'd have to make this one a close second (a very close secnd) to brainsick metal. fascinating. it never ceases to amaze me, how well some of the remixes can be done.
  22. This is one of if not the absolute best remix i have ever heard. He keeps the same feel in the remix that we got I the game. The transitions are perfect, there's never a dull moment. Every time i listen to the song i get flashbacks from the game. The arrangement of all the parts is flawless. The complexity of the parts gives it a somewhat mechancial feel, but it is perfect and given the choice i would rather have an X theme with a mechanical feel than organic. Besides, trying to mimc those parts is going to keep me busy for months. It's got the rush of power that is a necesity in every megaman remix. Overall this is an amzing song. Everything was done right. It doesn't get any better than this. Astounding job by protricity. I look forward to hearing more of his stuff. I found another addition to my highway music. right up there with all the f-zero music.
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