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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I certainly didn't intend to imply that, as that most-likely will not happen, not even close to possible unless all these nice folks finish all of their songs like in a week. ((P.S... remixing Battle Scene A wouldn't end your victory-only streak, if you get what I'm saying. but it's up to you, no biggie!)) Hmm maybe a month or two ago or somethin'. The fella gave a pretty cool WIP. Wants to remain secret for now.
  2. If life prevents you from finishing it within a few months, that's a different story, if it's a current thing then don't worry about it. Quite frankly, I'm more interested in keeping people on claims and keeping them motivated than trying to replace anyone. As it stands now I feel like the potential of people involved could turn out to be a really enjoyable bunch of music and that's more appealing to me than getting something done right fast or reassigning claims because of a wip date. Thanks mane! I am really looking forward to it, you make great stuff. For.... this project? There's no cut-off date yet. For FF2, there's also no cut-off date, but mainly because it's 95% done and we're just waiting for a final few important songs to get done. If you want to try your hand at , that would be epic. I was going to try to shoehorn it into a different track but if you brought your crazy awesome style to it, if that's even possible, it'd be rad.
  3. If you sound it out you can figure out what I said, Santa rangements, fan arrangements, so close. On a related note, I've now seeded 53gb of Balance and Ruin to the OCR downloading community. How much have you guys?
  4. It wasn't spam or irrational. I was using speech to text and there's a few wrong words. I can translate it if needed.
  5. Thanks for the review bruddah! You is goodmens!

  6. THANKS FOR YOUR REVIEW MAN!!! Oh hey you don't have any visitor messages... that's sad.... :cry:

  7. I don't get it what do you mean Stream titles!!!!!

  8. http://kotaku.com/in-japan-nintendo-was-hacked-675798797 Seems like it has happened to all 3 of them now (Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo) I think Sony's was the worst, compromising everyone's personal data and credit cards and rendering the PSN offline for about a month. But this just goes to show, noboddy is safe from de hackers. Not even Mac users! To be even MORE completely fair, Steam store was the only gaming service I use where hackers legitimately got my card info and tried to charge something like $3,000 which was blocked by the bank. Contacted Steam support about it and they played it off like they had no idea it happened, though I think having a $3,000 charge on the Steam store suddenly appear would be suspicious. Then again, maybe Tom Cruise is really into Train Simulator DLC.
  9. happy 2013th birthday america!!!!! yolo!
  10. hi. I'm working overtime and I am trying to get this from my phone but I won't have the time to go back and fix any errors of my mouth of using speech to text. It's too hard using the cell phone because the forms, maybe that's something I can change in the future. I don't know. But it in right, I'm going to try my best. Can see what I'm saying at all. MacBreak lunch break lunch break break. Okay that doesn't work....... The real honor to be involved with this album good I like making mugs for Donna's. I think the people will hate dubstep just because it's dubstep, but I didn't really set out to make dubstep. I actually was just making with the chicken ninety type thing but it came out dubstep because I did the wobble bass. Why not everyone likes wobble bass. As for black Genesis, that was also a ton of fun to make and Ricky made a really wonderful arrangements for that song. I think it to the head Moreland and maybe been a bit more one instead of how crisp it sounds right now, and if we had more time I could have fixed it, but we don't have more time. And its a good song anyway, I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. As for the album itself, I'm a bit disappointed to build how badly is being taken in other communities. I guess I found to happen, everyone is very picky about Santa rangements especially when it comes to Final Fantasy 6. Not much you can really do about that. I'm really happy with how things turned out and things will just be better in the future as we go along. It will be a good process. Everything is a learning experience. Really enjoy the entire experience here, and I thank you for the opportunity. And I hope you're like my songs.
  11. It's true that being a partner enables monetization, but it is still up to the content creator to enable monetization or disable it. You can send it to be disabled by default. Then there's some nice partner features that could probably improve the channel, like the custom thumbnails.
  12. Pshh... FINE... if you want some hardball questions, I'll shoot you the hardest ball I've got. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1hkxo1/we_are_overclocked_remix_creating_free_game/cavvdnn Edit: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1hkxo1/we_are_overclocked_remix_creating_free_game/cavvmk1 !!! Another hard ball! I was tempted to ask for your top 30 (maybe even top 40!) but this seemed easier for anyone wanting to try >:]
  13. You should charge an entry fee and let drunk people crash on the floor after parties. Make a business out of it. Charge by the hour.
  14. I will increase my subs tenfold! Also, when OCR updates the youtube video to 1080p, it would be AWESOME if you made a single uniform custom thumbnail for every OCR upload. You could even go a step farther and put the artist information on the thumbnail, but that would require editing the thumbnail for each sub, which I'm sure would slow the process down even more. Nay, a single custom thumbnail that is nice and presentable would work just fine. It's not a huge deal, but I think it'd be a nice touch. Currently embedding OCR youtubes gives random snapshots that say to buy T-Shirts or something. Very excited to see what you guys come up with for the new youtube video. I hope it's simpler and less cluttered than the current one. Sometimes making something simpler and less cluttered can be just as challenging.
  15. I don't know if I'd say 'finally'... most of the songs were made or finished after the project restarted in October, 2012 There were a few songs from before then that are on, like Nutritious, but I think most of them were updated slightly, even Willrock. I updated mine but it was done for a while. But yar, most of them are new. I'm gonna get CS5 Suite or whatever on my laptop so I can work on the website at work. Lots of time to do stuff when you work security, you just need the software. Chernabogue is working on the trailer, and after seeing his treatment of BadAss 2 I have pretty high hopes for it, it should be great. Pretty excited, the album is really strong, and I think the approach of having all of the artists write director notes for the website is a cool new way of doing things, I hope it catches on in the future with other projects.
  16. I'm too sexy for OCR. That's why I'll be doing this entire compo topless.
  17. 4 discs and a bonus DVD right... disc 5 bonus songs seems to be non-disc, non-DVD bonus songs.. probably because of length, I thought I saw it was something like 84 minutes long - too much for a disc. They probably just didn't want to squeeze everything somehow into 6 audio CDs and the bonus DVD for the physical print. That would have been epic though, but as it already is, it's a lot to take in.... maybe too much... but that's the essence of huge compilation albums. I still haven't had the time to listen to more than the first disc when it came out early, but I need to make a date for it, maybe light some candles (which will be burned to the base by the time it's over), maybe sip some toilet or box wine, whatever I can afford.
  18. I ran out of space in my PM inbox. Don't have time to clean it out. :/

    With guitar rhythms, you want to record 2 individual takes, one to pan left, and one to pan right. That's all you need. They can both be mono tracks panned 100% wide. It sounds like what you are doing would just make unnecessary mud/mess while not actually sounding too good. :/emoticons/default_icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":-D"> Then your stuff might even sound LOTS BETTAR!! Maybe you'd have cleaner tracks and could get a good mix on them guitars.

    You simply can't use a single recording and try to pan it apart for a rhythm. The tracks have to be different or else they'll phase together and sound like poop.

  19. they're gonna get a wip from you, then they're gonna expect a wip from me!! oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
  20. To answer your question, I got recruited to a last minute project that is secret, and was already due to be completed over a month ago. That was the song I wrote and just finished today, and was reamping.. and it's the first heavy guitars I've reamped or recorded in general in about 7 months.

    The tone sounds amazing and I think this will prepare me for Sonic CD. I needed something to warm me up and some nice doom metal did the trick. :-)

    I don't think Sonic CD was gonna be doom metal.

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