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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I never heard of Battle Beast. That's amazing. You rarely see female power vocalists
  2. I bumped my elbow hard on a metal paper towel holder earlier, and it literally hurt worse than childbirth

  3. Why would I need a furnace when I have my mixtape

  4. Kamelot? Underwhelming? No way.... Honestly I haven't heard the albums with the new singer, because at least to me that is not Kamelot. Sorta like how Nightwish without Tarja was not Nightwish... I'm sure it is good stuff but it's just not the same. Kinda like how Opeth became grandpa guitar music, like a completely different band exploiting the name rather than starting a new side project. Anyways here's an album that really blew me away recently, been listening to it so much. I posted in off topic about CDs you bought recently, but I'll double dip it here cause it's REALLY good. Listen to track 4 at 23:17 those vocal harmonies are amazing. They use growls on the album but they're so infrequent that when they finally DO appear, they have so much more power and impact.
  5. So apparently Bungie Bungie'd the release of the patch today. Less information here: https://twitter.com/Bungie/status/598184871962365952 Honestly I'm a little surprised. They've usually been fairly solid about releasing patches when promised. This was a pretty big one. Looks like all they did was add a cutscene icon to the planet map. lame...
  6. Begins at 1PM EST Destiny is increasing the Crucible rewards by double. They're also giving reward packages for completing a daily playlist event in the Crucible. This is a good time for OCR clan members on Destiny (PS4) to show some muscle and get our name out there in the Crucible, as well as earning some new (unknown) rewards while we're at it! If you're not a member of the clan yet, go here. Remember: You have to set it as your Playstation clan, you can't just join the group!
  7. Duude.. tomorrow at 1PM eastern, they're rolling out the new Crucible updates, and probably other things -- patch 1.2.0 You'll get a reward package for your first Crucible game in a playlist per day, as well Crucible rewards have been doubled for each match (marks and rep) FINALLY. Long overdue change
  8. OK look it was a long time ago, it was a different tine back then. I was a different man, more of a boy than a man. Now I am a man, which can be proved by my bills, property, and credit rating. 2013 may not seem that long ago but to some, it is a lifetime. And even yet for others, it is enough time for a life to truly begin. That sounds like the summarization for a made for TV movie. Maybe on the Hallmark channel. Anyway, having just used the mobile version of the forum, I see prior criticisms such as you have to manually hit next to get to the last page. It doesn't share the visual style of the site. But no complaint, I'm just glad it exists. Very nice work
  9. Woah really? That's odd/interesting Now everyone knows I have 1 warning point because I was like yo get rid of it whyfor art thou.
  10. Ha nice.. I got a notification for it but I see that it is no longer liked. That works.
  11. Yes yes, give us mulligans on the warning point thing! Now that they're actually a visible part of the forum and they actually mean something because we can see them etc... the warnings of which they had concerned are now ancient history! Where's the "Dislike" button too?? I thought that was going to be a thing. It's cool to be able to like something, but unless everyone likes stuff, then there's no indication of something being unliked, and meanwhile people may like an unliked thing just to be ironic. It's too early to give an example of what I mean but you'll know it when you see it one day. (killer studio chops etc)
  12. until
    OverClocked ReMix PS4/PS3 clan on Destiny House of Wolves is releasing on May 19th! Let's represent OCR with style during this week as we make groups together and tackle the Prison of Elders and Trials of Osiris for the first time. Side Quest: First person to receive Exotic sidearm " " during this week wins. People to contact if you need help: bestrader, supercoolmike, Dyne2057, r1bozzman (not actual member but close friend to us), audiofidelity All of the new events are 3 player co-op... we have 11 clan members... let's "stick it in"!
  13. In the forum link hover when we click on User CP... can that be adjusted to forward to "Content I Follow" or similar page that kinda matches the usefulness of the previous version.. rather than going to "My Settings".. should be an easy change
  14. The funny thing is I meant Skullmonkeys by the developer The Neverhood but its funny, I didn't even realize Neverhood the game was a PC game and I just said the Neverhood cause I wasn't 100% sure which game/song I'd pick
  15. I'm ready to go super duper quadruple saiyan. Childhood part 2 coming soon
  16. Since I'm roped into this project anyway (jk lol) I'm kinda interested in claiming something since it's ending so soon (July) but on the other hand, I'm trying to move to a new house right now, so things are a little stressful. Making a song is a little more involved than mere mixing and mastering. So my question is whether you'd be cool with me trying to do a mix for this by July or not. It'd be something from The Neverhood
  17. This is a REALLY good idea, I just wish more OCR people were active on Destiny. Though it's worth mentioning, I was playing with supercoolmike and some friends the other day, and I was doing the sword bearer with hard mode Crota because for whatever reason whenever someone else does it they lag and die all the time. Anyway, I got sloppy and ended up dying after getting 12 sword hits, so Crota just needed 6 more hits... the problem was none of the other people on the team knew how to take the sword, and supercoolmike had no microphone... So I basically said supercoolmike either knows how to do it or we're screwed, and I'm like "If you know how to do it mike, dance" and then he started teabagging and jerking his camera up and down haha.. so I'm like... well he didn't dance... let's see what happens. The long and short of it is, mike ran and grabbed the sword and hopped up on the perch, and I told them when to shoot (cause as a dead guy, I had a good angle on what Mike was doing), then he jumped up, got 3 hits, went back to perch.. Called it out again, Mike jumped up and got the last 3 hits and killed Crota. That was one of the most amazing things I had ever seen in Destiny, a guy with no microphone killing Crota -- the most amazing thing I'd ever seen was when BUTTBLAST3000 finished killing the Templar (from about half health) on his own after the rest of the team got marked and died. Anyway Destiny's starting to get more and more content and there's a lot to talk about, I was hoping more people would come in and share their opinion on the Prison of Elders and Trials of Osiris.. I know Dyne and supercoolmike are active members of the OCR clan and making OCR look good there. I wish we could organize event days but likely it'll just boil down to, everyone be on Tuesday, when the events are done in a more hardcore fashion, or else you'll be doing them more casually the rest of the week whenever someone feels like putting a group together. Reset is every Tuesday at 4AM EST but I'm not sure if the new events will reset at 1PM EST -- we don't know yet, so that'll be something to think about. Prison of Elders is sorta like a mix between a raid and a horde mode -- mostly a horde mode, but with some raid-like mechanics. There's a level 28 version with matchmaking, and the others without matchmaking are level 32, 34, and level 35 which is the biggest challenge. Trials of Osiris is basically Skirmish, but if everyone on your 3-man team dies, you lose the round. Get 9 wins and you can grab the best loot, get 3 losses and you're out. I gotta work Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoon for the foreseeable future so I'm a bit out of luck with the release-day festivities but I hope people will return to posting cool stories and screenshots, share epic loots.. etc.. let's get the interest in the OCR Clan / Destiny community moving again
  18. The timeline looks murky, try again later Kidding, well not really kidding. Just waiting for participation right now. An audition would be sweet! All I know of your music is what I read in that NO thread in the judge decisions forum right now Let me see what you'd consider your best of the best work.
  19. While I agree that competitions should be won based on merit rather than public relations, that's not how the world works and it has never worked like that. Larry is right. So VOTE for Sonic! Or listen to all the entries and vote for his competitor! Mua ha ha ha!
  20. Been a while since anyone's given a gosh-flippin-darn about this thread, but there's been a buttload of news about House of Wolves! Prison of Elders, Trials of Osiris, new PVP maps... ascending weapons and armor to the cap which is being raised to level 34. It's gonna be awesome. I still don't have that dumb Crux of Crota but I might wait until I'm level 34, got all the other things.
  21. The story of his love life, and it's an EP... there's a joke in there somewhere
  22. It's probably safe to say everyone loves Cynic and Death but I'm probably wrong, at least people who know about them and like death metal etc probably like them. I've been listening to Re-Traced a LOT lately, really love the style they went for on this
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