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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. That is a some. What does lossless mean for the remixes? Are we talking uncompressed wavs in misposts? Or more like 320kbps mp3s? Just in case that tier is hit, I'm curious to know. TalkBack: thread version
  2. I was referring to the $100 pledge perk "ASK US ANYTHING - Prioritized Q&A responses, including discussion of any topics you’re interested on OCR Talkback!" Could be something more consistent to put for the $100 pledge level. And where's them forums and workshop expansion? The pledge level was met for both of those It's actually been a really long time since that forum pledge level was met for the new forums! Just asking cause i will enjoy the new forums as much as I enjoy if not moreso the current forums.
  3. It might be better to just close it down, and remove it as a perk from the patreon and instead focus on something different that can be done more consistently. It would be pretty easy to make a tutorial series for the youtube channel with different topics being covered by different remixers. I liked OCR talkback a lot but after a while it seemed too self satisfying and wasn't too entertaining
  4. Can I finish my VV2 mix before the release? The one that wasn't posted. Or is it too late to make changes to it? As for the VV3 song, I think I'll just focus on the 1 mix, but make it real epic and wait for more Nicolas Cage movies to come out that I could pull quotes from http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000115/ This shows 1 in post production and 3 filming, so there should be something to pull from eventually... plus there's Outcast but he doesn't have a huge role in that and he uses a weird accent. I could probably find some good quotes from Dying of the Light and that would make a good title too. I guess we'll see.
  5. I've seen it go both ways but usually the panel should consider the following: - original drums - original rhythm guitars - grace notes, pinch harmonics, etc on guitar leads - original solo section (0:50 to 1:00) on Forest Mushrooms - structure of the original has actually been altered, this isn't a cover! - harmonizing guitar leads There's probably a number of other things in the song that make it interpretive but not as conservative as you'd think. He DOES do covers too, but this one is less of a cover. In my non-panel opinion, they'd probably just have to critique the production and such to decide whether this would pass and it'd probably be a DP. But they shouldn't accept it because there's too much competition in the metal remix areas of OCR.
  6. This game is finally coming out on PS4 in like 9 days auuughh so excited, FF15 demo coming too. I thought it was nice of them to include FF Type-0 for free along with the $60 FF15 demo!
  7. I wouldn't hop on this one, but I think you should do it, because it sounds like something you've wanted to do for a while. I'd like to see you run a compo that doesn't cover music from the Mega Man franchise, or Final Fantasy.. or Sonic.. something that is less covered than those would be pretty sweet. Maybe not Zelda either. Though a Zelda compo would be pretty cool.
  8. ZYKO!!!!!!! I was expecting there to be some video to go with this, like a live video. But anyway, DANG! This is awesome duder.
  9. The season was good and I definitely followed along but I thought it was weaker than previous seasons.. it seemed a little like a rehash. Now instead of trying to get the Presidency, he's trying to............. keep the Presidency. And be the President while making a lot of decisions and having events that closely mirror real world. As a result I felt like it seemed more like a documentary than a political thriller and got a little bored. I do like a lot of the implications they made by having Kevin Spacey's administration go through all these motions of the Obama administration, thought it was interesting. Also liked the "You are entitled to nothing" bit, wonder how many people would actually vote for him if he ran with that IRL. All in all pretty uneventful, feels like a parody of Scandal and stuff. Especially at the very end. A lot of the time watching this show I remember thinking "Scandal did it"
  10. The reverb used on the "bassline" cellos seem overbearing and undetailed, I would have pulled that back a bit, but nobody can deny these arrangements are high class and a fresh of breath air. Nice work.
  11. Tuberz has a good track record (no pun intended), having already been on 2 finished song and has claims on 2 other songs -- it is for that reason that I think we should let the toast be buttered a little less with Mr. McGee! On the other hand if you do manage to make a mega collab with a sweet roster and arrangement, it'll be a "for sure" situation You're trying to do to FF3 what XPRTNovice did to FF6! The unclaimed list IS getting bigger, but it WON'T be hard to find coverage for songs like Last Battle and others (I'm actively seeking remixers for some of them, but not Last Battle yet, will wait and see if you do manage to cook up some kind of mega collab concept!)
  12. I'm just here to make cuts so Chimpazilla doesn't have to be the bad guy. You know I'll do it! The project will be saved by remixers, not me.
  13. This seems like an insane amount of dedication. I approve. Here's my channel: http://www.twitch.tv/bstrader I've never had a schedule, just went live when I felt like it. I don't know how to stream music production with my saffire pro 40 firewire, if anyone can give advice on that, I could potentially get that up and running. So for the moment I'd just put it down as GAMING unless I figure out how to do the music stuff. I use OBS on PC. For the gaming it will just be direct stream from PS4 share button. Works like a charm. Destiny Crucible and raids most-likely (at ungoshly hours like 4am on Tuesday) with a spattering of whatever else I have. Maybe Final Fantasy type-0 HD when that comes out. I most-likely won't announce here when I'm going live with it.
  14. I forgot to post it here because this thread kind of flopped a little, but i DID end up making a Final Fantasy XV mix -- while the game didn't come out in 2014, the song did, so I drew from that... http://www.bstrader.net/remixes/panemetcircenses.mp3 If anyone else made a modern remix for OCR's Modern Remix Month, let me know and I'll add it to the first post. Otherwise this'll probably be the end of the concept for OCR's Modern Remix Month, but I appreciate the initial enthusiasm
  15. Glad you are OK and still around!! God bless, man!

  16. Messaged DS about your forum access, let me know when you're able to see it! Or just post a WIP -- I will see your thread pop up!! Thank you!

  17. Bad news folks, we lost a couple of claims today. The remixers in question are unable to continue with their mix at this time. The sources have been moved to the unclaimed list. Life comes first -- if for any reason someone feels they can't finish their song, please let me know. Now the next date is going to be March 31st If progress isn't made on remixes by this date, they will become open for new claims -- moved to the unclaimed list. The "up for grabs" phase is over as the project has moved past its 2 year birthday. Please use the project subforum for posting WIPs and if anyone has questions or concerns, post here or feel free to send me a PM. Thank you!
  18. Wow, I totally missed this! It sounds awesome. I am looking forward to this. You have a strong roster. Best of luck to you all!
  19. No specific ideas, I think it's mainly data entry anyway. DJP will make the rest of the design with the art assets or ones he makes himself. That's how it's been for current projects anyway since they got the new template which gives less control.

  20. Hey I don't remember, did you volunteer to do the site for PvZ or was that me? You can do it :lol:

    If I volunteered for it then auughhh...

  21. Either the forum is broken or I haven't been here enough.. I had to use the "search" function to find this thread because I knew it had existed from waaay back.. Just now starting on season 3 right NOW. I think I remember where season 2 left off. Let's gooooo WOW it has a Season 2 recap when you hit play Season 3
  22. Jeez, this is like "Name That Song" Expert Edition... How is that really part of an assignment? In game sound design... classic sound design? Shouldn't they be focusing on modern sound design like orchestral soundtracks and stuff? Ah well.. I got no clue but props to Gar for figuring out that 1, I thought it sounded like Perfect Dark a little bit.
  23. My grandpa got sick, so I had to work more days at work + someone called off, so now I'm doing about 6 days a week... life has been stressful but the guitars are on my mind.. will do them ASAP

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