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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Reset tonight at 4am... I just need my dang Crux of Crota! And the Titan raid helm, that's it... Then the only exotic I'll have left to get my hands on is 4th Horseman, but I've heard it is crap, and shotguns are getting nerfed again soon. I got Felwinter's Lie, the Iron Banner shotgun, and already maxed it out.. this thing is a beast. Probably the highest range and impact of any shotgun. The Scout Rifle Gheleon's Demise is good too with Firefly and Outlaw.
  2. It's a double post but I contacted support about when the game will be available digitally on PSN and was told March 20th, and we know it comes out on the 17th, so it's unlikely that the digital version will be the Day 1 edition with the FF15 demo in it.. so looks like I'll have to order the physical copy again... Just a heads up to people thinkin the same thing....
  3. Looks good should be able to run most new games at low / medium settings, and on high with severe frame rate drop, but you're probably not getting it for gaming. Price is fair I guess, I got a 2.5ghz on eBay a while back for $415 but it was used. I'm still using it and it's great. Not sure if it's the same model but it has the same specs.
  4. Sorry for the triple post -- I wish more people were active on Destiny from OCR! But............. I GOT THE GJALLARHORN!! Oh joyous day! After playing dedicatedly since the alpha, through the beta, and basically since launch I have at long last got my hands on the best gun in the game.
  5. That's an interesting idea Neblix, and it would stand as a good example of arrangement. You should do it.
  6. This post is gonna mirror heavily with the post I made in Willrock's thread yesterday called "What do you like to hear from remixes?" On the discussion of how faithful I prefer a remix to be, the answer is for regular listening of the music, I really do not mind how faithful a remix is. If I have a personal investment in the song in question, like if someone remixed The Last of Us and it was a trance remix that ruined the solemn mood of the original, and was otherwise overly liberal, I wouldn't like that but I would still enjoy the song for its own artistic merit. The question would be then are you listening to the music to enjoy it because it arranges the existing VGM song, or are you listening to it just as a regular song to enjoy it in that way. Especially on OCR, it can be easy to just "forget" the fact that it's arranging VGM -- in a lot of cases the remixes don't sound overly gamy. So that suspension of disbelief, if you can call it that, is possible for a lot of the very well made remixes that are posted on the site. I enjoy remixes that arrange games I have played, but very often songs are posted from games and sources I have never heard, so I just enjoy them as I would a regular song without checking out the source (because I have no particular need to analyze it as a VGM remix, but instead can just enjoy the song). As for conservative stuff being disliked, I don't understand that and I don't remember having seen that on posted remixes recently. Especially on Youtube it seems like the listening audience gravitates more heavily towards praising stuff that can be recognized. On OCR, the remix needs to have roughly 50% source usage, which means the other half of the song can be original, or original writing including source interpretation. Maybe I've been away too long but I haven't seen a lot of that kind of complaint going on lately, about whether stuff is too conservative or too liberal. Everyone has their own tastes so you could really arrange in whatever way you want, just make sure to have at least 50% source, and don't make a cover because that is not allowed here. There have been cases where judges have lined up the source with the remix and decided that the structure was so close, they matched (I've seen that a couple times in recent judgements) and the song was rejected as a result. The personalization is a big part of what OCR is about but there have also been cases where VERY conservative mixes (and even multi-source linear medleys) have been passed! In the end it's a case-by-case scenario. But to summarize personally I just like music.
  7. Yes.. literally this.. beyond the fact that remixing is based on existing songs (obviously) almost anything you can think of has already been done, and in a LOT of cases you end up subconsciously drawing from melodies or progressions you've heard even since childhood. Like if you make a progression that sounds like "Wheel in the Sky" by Journey, it's because your dad played it on loop over and over when you were a baby. (true story)
  8. Mine needs a LOT of work, amped guitars, different heavier drums, fleshed out with some synths or something to make it more interesting, and the other collab parts that weren't done yet... dunno if it'll be done in time for the bonus pack but we'll see! It's pretty embarrassingly bad right now like an 80s metal band's garage demo recorded on a cassette
  9. I uhhh... vote for Mushroomsword (wow I may as well have just not voted huh?? haha!!!)
  10. TWO ENTRIES!! Y'all cray. Is it because you knew I was entering? Huh? As much as I would have appreciated the competition (especially considering my song is UNFINISHED) I will gladly take your MONEY!!! Thank you!
  11. Your mix for FF3 is exactly what I'm into! It even has live accordion!!
  12. I like stuff that goes above and beyond, if it's metal it's gotta either be produced amazingly or have a super substantial expansive arrangement...................... even if that doesn't apply to my own stuff! I'm still allowed to have tastes Apart from that I like stuff you don't usually hear a lot -- acoustic stuff with interesting instrument choices, or just a lot of well-recorded instruments (accordion, flutes, clarinets, other non-common flute types, etc) mandolins, banjos, etc etc. When it comes to electronic stuff I like it to differentiate itself from the stuff you commonly hear, like not auto-pilot stuff. I like it to be substantial and expansive just like I would expect from a metal remix. And in the end if it's loud, heavy, and has good production, I'll probably like it. Or soft and clear with good production for acoustic stuff. I should have just said what Larry said, that would have been less confusing. If the timing is bad or there's bad quality recordings in the mix it kinda turns me off. I don't really listen to remixes for nostalgia or to be reminded of the VGM it's based on, I listen to it just as regular music, at least currently. And the gap between is getting more and more narrow as the years go on.
  13. Man could you imagine if "Revive old game music" was still part of the mission statement I'd be all like noooooo I wanna remix Bloodborne I'm glad that MODERN GAME REMIXES are a part of the site's core focus now! Right? Right?
  14. That's super sad, her songs were great, it's a stern reminder to vocalists that the small tone de-boost you get from smoking isn't worth it (looking at you Adele) ...but it may have just been bad luck too. Cancer is a shitty fiend. RIP
  15. Definitely hear where they're coming from with the lossy sounding acoustic... what was up with that, just too much EQ on the high end? Low pass or something? Lacks the high end vibrance. That's the only area that is kinda unfortunate in an otherwise awesome song -- not hearing any issues with the auto tune. Sounds tasteful and not overbearing. Not even hearing anything that sounds "force tuned", nice humanization on the settings. Avoiding the robot sound. No vibrato, but that's a common vocal style. Overall I dig it, a nice mix! An interesting combination too with the more punky vocals against the more pleasant backing... A nice, roomy acoustic guitar sound really would have put this over the edge in a good way.
  16. I appreciate the extension. I got 95% of mine written today, started around 9am. Then got some bad news, not to mention the blizzard that is hitting the east coast, turned a 25 minute drive into an hour and a half, then on the way back. If it weren't for the extension I'd be trying to sloppy record right now and it'd come out sounding awful, so I am very appreciative, and I hope nobody takes it as an unfairness that we get an extension here, since at least Ghetto Lee Lewis and I seem to have started today. Aaaand I lost all my time and had to submit unfinished because of work and other things. Thanks, Obama.
  17. I never played Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time, and my hopes that they would be remade for next-gen consoles is probably never gonna happen (think Zeldas on PS4, or at least new Zelda quality on Wii U) Tried to play them much later with emulator but they were just too old for me to get into it..
  18. I had to work all week and now I'm super burnt out, but I'm gonna try to make the song tomorrow morning and record it tomorrow evening.. if it doesn't work out I apologize, but I'm going to remix the song anyway.. would you guys be upset if I submitted something that wasn't 100%?
  19. I don't know if you guys have played Destiny, but a Mega Man game like that, where you shoot the ball like Mega Man does, but can get different powers and use them like supers or something, that would be amazing. The "Tower" could be just a screen where you pick which robot master you're gonna fight, and each level could be like the different planets. If nobody has played Destiny you have no idea what I'm talking about but it sounds cool to me. I try to think of what it would take for me to play a modern Mega Man game, and it's something like that... a nice action FPS or even third person. Basically the original Mega Man, but in 3D, with a high level of polish and great combat systems. Doesn't even have to be rated M could be rated E or T.
  20. Yeah I read the posters, seems cool. I don't think you really need to simplify your poster, but it wouldn't hurt. The Zelda one isn't much better than yours, it's still a wall of text, just in unnatural 2-3 word phrases. Anyway, this sounds like a really cool idea and I hope it works out.
  21. Wow, I just FINALLY realized what he meant by milk carton MP3s haha... he meant missing, right? Like when apparently when someone went missing they used to put their picture on a milk carton. I don't think I'm quite old enough to remember that actually being employed but it's an interesting reference. Anything you were interested in here? http://www.doulifee.com/Storage/OC_Removed/
  22. Thanks man! that one's pretty heavy... glad you like it. You say jokes, I say tentacled prophecy. 2016.
  23. OCR is on the fast track to a post-apocalyptic dark world where instead of white and gray, the website colors are black and black. V6? More like Version 666! This will occur when the big man djp gets usurped and becomes the second-most posted remixer on the site. ...or not. As for where to ask, this seems like a fine enough place. I have no idea what you mean by milk carton MP3s but maybe someone else here at the community knows. Welcome back and a dark future to ye.
  24. I have an Akai MPK Mini (old version), it's like 2 octaves, no weighting on the keys. I like it, good quality little thing. Can't really say how the MPK88 will be but I'd buy one if I needed one.
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